Chapter 33

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Rory Pov

I woke up and groaned from all the pain. I stood on wobble legs. I walk to the bathroom slowly, so slowly that it takes me a while to get there. My body is wracked with pain. Why does Ragnar have to get so angry so fast? I said I wanted to leave and get a divorce because that's what I thought he wanted. But Thayer did say that they don't do divorce so maybe I said the wrong thing. Have I learned nothing? If Ragnar wanted me gone he wouldn't have come after me the first time I ran away.

I walked to the mirror and looked. Hot fresh tears come to my eyes. There's no way out. This is my life. I raised my shirt up. More tears come. Ragnar got very creative with his knife. I mentioned divorce and he went crazy on me. He beat me with the belt then carved his name into my chest. He went deep so there was blood. I screamed until I passed out.

I limped back out to the room. I see the bags that I packed are here in the corner. More tears come from my eyes. He left here to go be with another woman and when I tried to leave I got attacked.

I balled up in bed and cried. I stared out the window. I can't help but wonder when is my deadline to prove to him that I can be the woman he needs. But I don't want to be. I want to leave. But I know it's out of the question. Why should I try to prove myself to him?

Yes, I was wrong when I left with Victor. But I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. How long will he stay mad at me? He treats me like a child and when I voice my opinion I get attacked. But I swear if he cheated on me I will leave.

I stood up in bed. I winced at the pain but I'm on a mission. I walked slowly through the house. I want to know what's going on here. He can beat me if he wants to. But I want some answers. But I really hope he has calmed down a little. I found him in his office.

"Ragnar." I said softly.

"What the fuck do you want Rory? I don't have time for your spoiled ass antics."

I walked into his office and winced as I sat down in a chair across from his desk.

I stood back up with determination. "I would like to know what is going on. I know you feel like I have no right to ask but are you cheating on me? I won't stand for it, Ragnar. If I can't leave you then I want you to be faithful.

When I mentioned something about another man, you abused me and carved your name on my skin. How much of this do I have to take Ragnar. You won't tell me what you want me to do. When I ask questions you get upset with me. It's like you want to stay mad and punish me."

I sob. I slammed my hand on his desk. "Tell me GOTDAMN IT!!!" He stood up fast. He grabbed my chin. He stared down into my enraged face.

"Tell me. Just please tell me."

"I won't cheat on you Rory. If I wanted to fuck Vera I would have done it before I met you."

I let out a relieved breath. I know he would tell me if he did. I know he wouldn't lie to me. Why would he? It's not like I can leave him.

I sniffed. I walked over to his desk. I rummaged around until I found what I'm looking for. I walked back over to him. This is way less than what he did to me. But it's all the leverage I have. He stood silently while I raised his shirt.

After I'm done, I walked slowly from the room. I smiled. He could have stopped me but he didn't. He just sat there and let me write RORY on his chest with a permanent marker. It's not a knife but it'll do for now.


Ragnar Pov

I watch her walk away. I raised my shirt and looked at her name on me. I smiled a little smile. My wife doesn't know it yet but she loves me. She is jealous and angry and her feelings are all over the place.

Then my smile dropped. That's exactly how I've been acting. At the mention of a divorce I went crazy and carved my name in her chest. But now watching her walk away. I have some regrets. I see now that she is trying. She's trying in  her own way. The only way she knows how.
I walked behind her. I wanted to apologize to her. I'm still angry at her for  running off and leaving me. But I need to at least try.

But I stopped when a guard ran up to me.

"Ragnar, Ragnar!! Thayer's place is under attack."

I ran from my kitchen and out the door. "Load up everything. The heat seeker. The grenade launcher. I want it all. Put it in the fucking truck!"

My chest started hurting. It's pounding so bad that I can feel it in my ears. Everyone I care about is at that fucking compound.

I was there in minutes. My security team pulled up behind me. I entered the code then drove on through. The closer I got I saw the attack. Multiple houses are on fire if you go by the smoke in the distance. Thayer has over 60 acres so his crew houses are out of sight. They are working on Thayer's house. A helicopter is dropping bombs. I set my grenade launcher on my shoulder and fire. The helicopter is blown to bits.

"Go!,go!." I point and my security team head in to search and rescue. I'm so afraid for my brother. I don't want to go in. I'm afraid of what I might see. Thayer's house is dismantled. Half of it is missing. If they were on the top floor when the bombs landed. They're gone. All of them.

I hear gunshots and run that way. A bunch of gunmen have Thayer pinned down while they rain bullets after bullets at his hiding spot. I'm so happy to see him. I throw the grenade launcher on my shoulder and fire. Those sons so bitches exploded. Pieces went everywhere. Thayer turned to me. He smiled.
"Where's Blae and the kids. I want them out first," I asked. My chest won't stop pounding. Where the fuck is everybody. Did they blow up everybody's house?

I called the hospital. "Doctor Jennings please." When he got on I rambled fast. "Doc. This is Ragnar Haugen. We need a doctor to come to my house ASAP. Whoever will be paid double and tell them to bring medicine, machine, everything they can think of."  I rattled off my address then hung up.

"Blae and the kids are safe. They're underground in the bunker. But I don't know about everyone else. Smoke is coming from everywhere. It looks like everyone's house was hit. Get the truck, we'll drive to them."

We all get into the truck and drive towards all the smoke. We went past Ian's house because we already know he's not in there but it's still on fire so it did get hit.

Then we make it to Ivan and Vlad's house. They are in the grass laid out while men stand over them shooting into the trees.

Thayer says, "who the fuck are they? This is not my first time seeing them."

"They are the security team that dad hired to protect you."


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