Chapter 6

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Graphic scene ahead!!!

Rory Pov

After second of hearing Dawn and my sniffles Ragnar yells, "shut the fuck up, before I kill both of you."

Dawn says, " please sir, you have to let me go. My father will kill me if I don't come home."

"I will kill you now if you don't shut up."

When we made it back to the house I grabbed Dawn's hand and walked her inside. I'm terrified for her. I'll do whatever to keep her safe. She's in this mess because of me.

I turned to see Ragnar and Ian staring at us.

"Ragnar, please let her go. She didn't know what she was getting into when she helped me. I'll do whatever you want, please."

After seconds of Ragnar just staring at me like he wants to just kill me and end it all I then turn to Ian. "Ian please, help me. She doesn't deserve this. Tell him to let her go."

Ian isn't listening either. He's staring at Dawn with a predatory lust. He walks up to Dawn and lifts her chin. "What's your name, beautiful."

"Dawn, sir please. I just want to go home. I won't tell anyone what I saw. Please don't kill me." She dropped her head again and cried.

"Look at me. I won't let anything happen to you. How old are you.?"

"I'm 21 sir."

"Mmmm," Ian says while taking a deep breath.

Ragnar says, "Ian what are you doing, that's my leverage."

"Your leverage is coming with me. Isn't that right Dawn."

"Sir, please."

Ian growled. "Right Dawn."

She jumped, dropped her head and mumbled a soft, " yes sir."

Ian takes her by the hand and leaves.

"Ian, wait a minute. You can't just can't leave with her, she doesn't know you."

I didn't say much else because Ragnar grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the couch and slapped me. He pulled out some kind of device and hit the button. Doors and windows start to lock and other things make noise all around me. Basically it sounds like a lock-down is happening.

I crawled up the couch as he advanced on me. "Ragnar, no, please.!! Please don't. I can't take it."

I will die of head trauma if he continues to hit me with his meaty fist in the face or brutalize me with his big penis. Ragnar looks like he was born in the wrong century. He looks like a Viking raider lord. The only thing he is missing is a loincloth and a metal hat with horns. 

Thayer looks huge too, but Thayer's face also looks soft, which will fool a lot of people. He fooled me. I thought he was a good man until I saw that fire in his eyes when he got fed up with Blae's antics. He brought her to tears within minutes.

I snapped from my thoughts with a neck shake from Ragnar. He says, "one thing you need to know about me is that I don't forgive easily. I hold a grudge and you fucked up big time. Then you tried to leave and run away to your boyfriend. Do you think he can save you?"

He punched me in the face.

I cried out and held my hands up to protect my face. I gurgled blood and spit it out before I choked on it.

"No Ragnar!. I wasn't trying to go to him please! I was scared."

"No, you were trying to punish me for taking you away from him." I tried to run but he snatched me back on the couch.

He snatched my neck with his meaty hand and shook it hard. My head and neck  lopped from side to side.

"Ragnar, please!."

"Fuck you. When you first came here. I told you to be seen and not heard. Instead you came in this motherfucker like a hurricane and made up all kinds of noise. Now you want calm."

I nodded. "I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry."

"No, you haven't learned it yet, but you will. And you better not ever think of your boyfriend again or I will find him and kill him."

I try not to let my emotions show on that last part. His grip has finally loosen on my neck. I nodded. He removed his hands only to rip at my clothes.

"No, stop it. It hurts and I'm sore and bleeding."

"Shut the fuck up Rory, before I beat your ass again."

"Okay, okay."  I only whimpered and softly cried as he finished ripping my clothes roughly.

"Ahhh, look at that red pussy. I bet I can make it swell and bleed more."

"Why Ragnar, I said I was sorry, please stop this, I'm afraid you'll kill me if you keep this up."

"You think just because you apologized everything is forgiven. No, I will literally fuck and beat you until I'm not angry anymore and if you die I'll throw you out back in the incinerator."

I didn't say anything because I believed him. He's enraged. His face is in a permanent mean scowl. Nothing like the devil may care man that picked me up from school. So this is all my fault with those damn pranks.

I screamed as he shoves his monster dick inside me. It feels like nails are scraping me in there. So much pain. I push at his shoulders. I don't have much room on the couch to maneuver or move away. And when I do he only gets violent with me. My body is under too much stress. Before I knew it I blacked out.

Are you curious as to what happens with Ian and Dawn. Read on to find out what happens next.

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