Chapter 10

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Rory Pov

As he leaves the kitchen I shiver. I finally dropped the facade and let my anger show.

How dare he do all of this to me. I'm mad as hell. I picked my phone up from the counter. The idiot didn't even bother taking it.

I called Victor back. He picks up and asks, "did he buy it."

"I guess so Victor, but I'm scared. What if he finds out. Why can't you just come get me and we move away."

"Because baby, we need money to move away and those people are loaded."

"How are they loaded? What do they do for a living? Shouldn't you find this out before we try to rob them and set sail into the sun set."

Victor came up with this plan a couple days ago when I showed him this house and land on face-time. He already knew I had a rich benefactor. And at the time I was angry so I agreed. I just want to be with him and he wants money. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

"Baby, that's why you are there. Find out everything. His account information, who they are, everything."

"Victor, do you think I will live that long? Look at my face. The man is a lunatic and a crazed maniac."

"You're smart Rory. If anybody can do this, it's you. Come on baby. If you do this we'll never have to work again."

"Ok Victor, I will do it for us."

"Ok, I love you Rory, remember that."

I smiled. "I love you too Victor."

After we hung up I took a deep breath and started snooping. Ragnar is never really in his office so where is all his banking information? Where does he hide it?

After two hours of snooping I gave up. For the thousandth time I'm wondering if this is a good idea. Victor didn't see the rage on Ragnar's face. I did and it's scary.

"What's for dinner?." I jumped like a guilty person.

I turned to see Ragnar standing there looking big and fine. This morning I got a taste of sex without the pain. I must admit it felt heavenly. He felt heavenly.

"I didn't get a chance to cook anything."

He says, " Do you want to go out?"

I'm surprised by this. " What about my face?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Let's do a drive thru."

I turned my nose up at that. "Do I look like a drive thru chick to you?"

He looks me up and down. With a smirk he says, "looking at your face, kind of yeah. Don't be such a spoiled princess, nobody likes that."

I nodded. "Sorry, I'm just used to things being a certain way."

He nods, "get your shoes and let's go."

We drove to the city in silence. We pulled up at Raising Canes drive thru. We then parked by a local dock and ate by the water.

"Mmm, this is so good. This sauce is amazing." I say this after taking a bite of the chicken strip dipped in their famous sauce.

I said, "so do you have any degrees or went to college, or what."

"Why are you so nosy and want to talk all of a sudden?"

"Ragnar, we're married. We agreed to start over. This is how we get to know one another."

"I'm an English major."

I choked on my drink. "What!  You mean like an English teacher."

"No, I mean like a professor. I received my doctorate years ago. I helped write several English and history textbooks before I got bored and quit."

"Wow, I bet you were a hot professor. I bet all the girls wanted to stay after class."

"They did, but I never went there with them. I was passionate about the subject and no amount of fucking and sucking was going to get them a good grade."

He says, "what about you? What did you receive your degree in? You better have a degree with that high ass tuition."

"I have a degree in botany."


"Yes plants. Plants are vas and they provide so much of everything. You can kill a person with the right plant. The hunters and gatherers used plants to season their meat and to take care of them. Plants and herbs should be in everyone's apothecary."

He snorts, "you don't have to tell me how a plant will fuck you up. I've seen and felt it first hand. What do you plan to do with your degree." 

"I wanted to open an apothecary shop. I grow plants for everything. To relax, to smooth wrinkles, aromatherapy, everything." 

"Mmm." he said that with some doubt.

"You don't think I can do it,  right? You think I'm a spoiled pampered miss that can't fend for herself."

"Where the hell did all that come from? You got that from a mmm, because that's all I said."

"Everyone used to talk about me at school and it made me feel bad sometimes. It wasn't even my fault. I have no family. My parents are dead. I have no one."

"Well I'll help you with your shop, but you have to build one around here. The city is too far for you to be alone. You'll just have to offer shipping."

"Are you serious Ragnar? You'll do that for me.?"

"I said it didn't I?  But you'll have to come to me with a proposal like they do at the bank when you want a business loan. I want you to build a portfolio. I need to know you are serious about this. I don't like wasting money."

"How much money do you have.? Isn't some of it mine? We are married, what happened to what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours."

"Ok, you go first. You give me something of yours and I'll give you something of mine."

"But, I don't have anything."

"Exactly, build trust and money, then we'll revisit this conversation later."

I nodded liking him a bit more, but also getting an understanding of who he is. He doesn't play about his money  and he's a no nonsense kind of person. I still can't get over the fact about how violent he can get. I want to know his profession now more than ever. Maybe Blae will tell me.

"Ragnar, when are we going back over Blae's house."

"Why do you want to know, so you can ruin everyone's appetite with that breath of yours."

"Ragnar!.I thought we were over that."

"I'm still traumatized."

I giggled then gasped. "Ragnar, did you just make a joke?"

"No," he growled and said, "we're going to Blae's and Thayer for our weekly dinner tomorrow."

I nod. "Perfect." I'll play nice for now. I want to bring Ragnar to his knees. It's not about the money to me. The money is just a plus.

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Oh Rory, sweet, sweet Rory.

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