Chapter 46

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Rory Pov

The next morning I bounced down the stairs with vigor and a smile. I start on breakfast for 25 people. I love having all of them here but when Blae said their house is almost ready I was happy. I want some alone time with Ragnar other than in our room. We finally talked. I can't wait to start our lives together. But I will be patient. Ragnar's family is loving and sweet. Well as sweet as killers can be.

I took everything to the dining room once everyone started to come in.

I made omelettes, which was a stupid idea. It took me forever. But I'm buttering everyone up. I have big news. I smiled.

"Breakfast is readddyyyy," I sing out. I flounced around the table pouring everyone orange juice. Once I was seated I kissed Ragnar and smiled.

"So, as you all know, my business will be up and running soon. I've had my plants and everything moved in. I've set up online accounts for marketing and business and the feedback is outstanding. Soooo, I was thinking about having a ribbon cutting ceremony."

All the men stopped eating. Their forks clashed down on their plates. "You mean a party where we'll have to dress up and stuff," asked Thayer.

"Well yeah; the women will be in gowns and the men will be in tux."

Hell nawls echoed throughout the room.

"I think it would be great." I turned to Ragnar and smiled.

"Really, Ragnar, will you go then?"

"We're all going to support my wife. Plus after the last couple of weeks we've had, we need this. And if we have to dress up in a monkey suit to make my wife's special day even more special then we'll do it."

I heard grumbling but ignored it. I grabbed his hand, smiled and leaned over and kissed him. We were all laughing and joking until Parlon came in with a young girl with curly hair. He had a leash around her neck.

"Sit," he says. She sat on the floor next to his chair. She held her head down. She has a head full of curly hair, given away her African roots. We can barely see her face.

Neveah says, "kids, you all go upstairs and finish your breakfast."

After the kids left we all looked at Parlon. "What. I was hungry."

Blae says, "Parlon."

"Don't Blae, ok. I love you like a sister but I'm not in the mood for your talks. I'm angry and I want to stay angry for right now. So either deal with it or leave."

Blae got up and ran from the room.

"Parlon, I know you're angry but watch how you talk to my wife." Thayer got up and followed Blae.

Ragnar turned to Ian. "Since you're well I need a favor. Someone shot up Rory's car at the supermarket. I want to find out as much as I can. Don also said that someone named April wants her dead. She's Victor's girlfriend. Find out everything you can. If this bitch wants my wife dead then I need to find her first, asap."

Dawn said, "is Rory in danger."

"Hopefully not, but I just want to eliminate any threats to her safety since she will be at her shop in the upcoming months."

"You'll protect her Rags. Ian and I will help. Don't worry." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Thanks for that, Dawn."

"Of course. Let's go Ian. We have to find this April person."

Ian shakes his head. "When did you become so pushy? I'm still eating, bae." She glared at him until he moved.

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