Chapter 22

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Rory Pov

I smiled at Victor. He said, "we did it baby, we did it." He grabbed the money and tossed it in the air. "Woohoo!!"

"Victor, we still need to find out what happened to Marcia." Marcia didn't make it to the pier. I was so nervous and on edge that by the time Victor got there I was a nervous wreck. He talked me into leaving her. He said we had money now. That we would hire a private investigator to find her. We took a boat from the pier and made our way to this Island. We have been on the water for hours. I'm still a nervous wreck. From the time I walked into the bank and filled out the withdrawal slip. My ID has my name as Ragnar's last name. I've had Ragnar's last name since I was eighteen. And it's not uncommon for a rich man's wife to withdraw money. When she said that a text alert would go to Ragnar's cell by the end of the business day I could've shitted myself. That didn't leave us with much of a head start.

"We will find her baby." He grabbed me by my waist and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him. He looked so happy. I smiled in return. "Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" 

"Yes." He held my head down to him and kissed me. I waited for the passion, the deep, deep sensation. I waited on the juicy hot lips part. But Nothing. It was dry, clumsy and just wrong. I thought the passionate and spellbinding kisses I received with Rangar would be a part of my relationship with Victor. My loins aren't aching. What the hell is going on here.

I break the kiss and start putting the money back in the suitcase. "What's wrong baby." He came behind me and wrapped his arm around me. "Nothing, I'm just missing Marcia. Plus, we need to keep moving."

I suddenly felt wrong. I wanted to go back and find out what happened to Marcia. What kind of sister am I? I told myself that once I got settled I would find her. I want to know what happened with Dawn and Ian. They seemed really happy and didn't deserve what happened to them.

"Ok, let's keep moving."

Ragnar Pov

I walked to the guard house. "Pull up the camera feed from when my wife left. I want to know which way she went." What she doesn't know is it's only two ways out of here. Left would be the city and the airport. Right would be the docks. The water. If she stole from me she would be looking to leave the country most likely. She doesn't know what I do for a living but she knows I'm nobody to be fucked with so, yeah. I bet she's trying to leave the country.

"There, she went right, sir."  He pointed to the screen like I can't see that she's clearly going right. Why the hell would she be headed that way. Unless.

I left the house and headed towards the docks. Did she leave by water. It's still hideouts between my house and the docks. Maybe she's not trying to leave town. Maybe she's trying to hide in plain sight.

When I make it to the docks. I go to our warehouse and pull up the camera feed. We own most if not all of the warehouses. We use some for our needs and rent out the rest. I search for any activity on the piers. I'm wondering why she wasn't stopped by a guard. But it's probably the same scenario at the bank. Only thing she had to do was flash her fucking license and tell poeple she's my wife.

I stopped when I got to the time that she would have left. I see her on camera looking around nervously. She's pacing and checking her phone. One of the guards came up to her. But as I suspected, she flashed her license and a smile and he turned and left. I clenched my jaw. Oh the talk my WIFE! and I are going to have. It's time I introduce myself. The real me. She thought she got a taste when I beat her ass but that wasn't half of it. I grind my teeth harder when I see a boat pull up. A tall blonde guy got out. He tether the boat. She runs to him and jumps into his arms. My blood boils. It's hot. It's fucking supernova.

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