Chapter 13

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Ragnar Pov

By the time I go get Rory she's lit off her ass. She stands and says, " oh look, it's the big ol hulking mean man. You never know when he'll get all big and say HULK WILL BEAT YOU." She then giggles and makes the gesture of a big muscle macho man.

I look at Blae and shake my head. 

"Urrrggg hulk smash," she continues on and giggles.

I say, "that's enough drunk monkey. Let's go."

She walks up to me and lightly punches me in the arm, " no, come on, you want to fight. I'll fight you." She stood back and put up her fist in a fighting stance.

I turn to Blae, " you better come get her ass before I leave her here with you."

Blae, Dawn and Neveah are laughing and giggling.

"No," says Rory again and polks my face with her finger. I'm about to knock her drunk ass out.

"Do you know what your problem is Ragnar? No?, well I'll tell you. You don't know how to woo a woman. Ever heard of the song called, can you woo woo woo, that's you Ragnar. You can't woo woo woo me. And if you hit me again, I'll kick your ass."

"Ok, that's enough." I pick her up and throw her over my shoulders.

"Hey, stop it. I know how to walk, ohhhh Ragnar. Have I ever told you your ass looks nice in these jeans? Hey ladies, y'all want to hear me play the booty drums." 

I feel her slapping my ass. Now I'm regretting throwing her over my shoulder.

"Doom, doom, wack. Boom, boom wack," she continues to slap my ass and make terrible drum noises.

Now everyone is here and laughing their asses off. I turn towards the door. "Ya'll real fucking childish, you know that."

Thayer says, "sorry bro, get your lady home and make sure you woo woo woo." He bursted out laughing.

Rory giggles. I squeeze her hips. "Hey, you be quiet before I drop your ass."

She giggles again and says," oohhh hulk is mad."

I put her in the truck then got in and drove her home. Before I'm down the road she's knocked out. I looked over at her and smiled. Then realize what I'm doing and stop it.

I don't trust her yet. I let her keep her phone so that she can fuck up. She's an uppity spoiled brat. But I've seen a different side to her. Like when she was trying to protect Dawn. She would have done anything to protect her.

I think it's about time I got more info on my wife. She's a puzzle. I don't like puzzles. Like for instance. I know she can't do anything to me for beating her ass. But who just up and forgives someone. Now she wants to be nice and start over. I'm not buying it.

When we made it home I took her to my room and laid her down. I walked down to my office and called the orphanage. I'm not sure what time it is over there but they better pick up.

"Hello." Someone answered. This sounds like the ass kisser. I'm glad she answered.

"Hello, this is Ragnar, Rory's husband. I want a detailed file on her. I have one with the basic stuff. I want her credit card statements. I want her daily log. I want everything that is personal. If you get me this I'll pay the school's expenses for this year."

"Oh course sir. I will work on it right away sir, yes sir."

I hung up the phone. "Ass kisser."

I walked back to my room. I undressed and got into bed. I watched Rory's breathing for a while. I should have known when I met her that she wasn't the kind of woman to be stored away. But what else could I do? I will talk and indulge her once in a while but when I get into my paranoid phase I don't  want to talk. I only want peace so that I can listen and see every threat that comes for me and my family. Even my little brother stays out of my way. I'm a mess when in that state. I don't know why it happens either. One month I'm good. And the next, no visitors and if one stupid enough to show up they get treated like an enemy. I don't trust anyone while I'm in that state. I can't explain it. I take multiple scenarios of the enemy's attack and plan out multiple defenses. I'm also very helpful. I look over money transactions and find out if someone is stealing. I'll look through cameras over and over until I find something, that's why my family welcomes that part of me and stays out of my way. I don't let up until the paranoia fades out. My family accepts it but will she accept it? She's already afraid of me and with good reason. I have beaten her ass. And when I'm at my paranoid stage, anybody that's near me gets attacked or worse. Thayer and the rest can fend for themselves. They can fight me back. But what about Rory? On second thought she has no choice. She's not going anywhere.

The Viking Devil (Devil Series Book 2) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora