Chapter 32

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Ragnar Pov

For days we went on like this. I can't help but to feel she keeps getting her way and I come out looking like a softy. Anything I try to accomplish gets shattered. I tried to sleep next to her and not touch her but that's impossible. She had my dick in her by the middle of the night. She came screaming my name. But when we were done, I was back angry again. To be honest, I think my pride is still bruised from when she ran away. I know I hurt her when I turned my back on her after sex. I see every time I hurt her, but I just don't know what to do with it. My anger at her betrayal won't let me see or feel anything else right now.

The next day I came downstairs. She was on the couch laughing with Dawn.

Dawn got up and came to hug me. "Hey Rags, how are you?" I hugged her and kissed her forehead. "I'm fine Dawn. Did you sleep well last night?"

She smiled. "I sure did. Guess who opened their eyes and spoke to me."

"That's great news. I'll have to go see him. I'm very happy that he's doing better.

I'll let everyone know when I go to Thayer's house. Elaine and Parlon just made it back. I'll let them know of his progress. Elaine will come shortly after and check on Ian."

She smiled. "Thanks Ragnar, you are taking such good care of us." She snuggles into my chest and squeezes me. I dare say that I care deeply for Dawn. I find myself treating her like I do Blae. I look over at Rory. She smiles and stands. I ignore her. I let go of Dawn and walked towards the kitchen.

I'm looking in the fridge when I hear Rory come up behind me. "Ragnar, could we please talk. I know you're frustrated with me, but how will we ever move past this if we don't communicate."

I don't want to move past it right now. I don't want to talk or communicate. I want to be angry. I warned her time and time again. But she still ran away with her man. She chose him over me. It pisses me off knowing that I'm her second choice.

"I don't want to talk right now Rory. If I talk about it now. I will probably become violent. Is that what you want?"

"No, I don't want you to become violent Ragnar. But I feel the distance between us and it's growing. I'm trying to prevent that."

My phone peeps. I take it out of my pocket and look down at it. A message goes across the bar. It's Vera, she wants to know if I could meet her at the office. I texted her back that I could meet her in 20 minutes.

I walk towards the door. "Are you just going to ignore me?"

"For now, yeah."

"Where are you going? I saw that message. You're going to meet that bitch that wants to fuck you."

I froze at her tone. I turned around. "Watch it Rory. I'm almost fed up with you. I let you out the closet. Don't make me beat your ass and throw you back in there. Shut the fuck up and watch the tone you used when you speak to me."

"So I'm supposed to wait here while you cheat on me."

"Rory, come on." Dawn came up behind her and grabbed her arm. She led her away.

I walk out the house and get into my vehicle. I make my way to the office. She was very vague about why she wanted to meet.

When I make it there she's sitting in her office. Then she stands when I enter. She sashay towards me in a tight ass dress. She is sexy no doubt.

"Sir, we got your answers on where to send the interns and the new recruits, but you never said anything about who to send to your university. She handed me some papers. I walk to my office to look over the papers. From the sound of her heels she's following me.

I get to my desk and look over the new recruits' qualifications. This new university is a thorn in my side. It was a bitch of a project. So I want the best of the best there. I narrowed it down to two recruits. A man and woman. I can't make a decision so I decided to take the paperwork home and look it over more carefully.

I feel body heat. I look to the left only to see her cleavage in my face. I raised a brow. "Sir, forgive my forwardness but I would love to go down on my needs and submit to you. I see you come to the office looking so incomplete and unfulfilled sir. Let me serve you."

She goes down to her knees.

For some reason her submissiveness bothers me. I don't want her submission. I want my wife's submission. But lately I've been liking her spunk. Her feistiness. Rory's smart mouth and uppity attitude is what I've grown to like. She stands up for what she believes in. I won't tell her that because I don't want her defiance to get out of hand. Rory is right though. I have to look at us disagreeing as that, a disagreement. But I just don't know how. Where I come from if you disrespect or talk crazy to someone you get hurt. But Rory is my wife. She's not a part of this life.

I looked down on Vera. I was tempted to put my dick in her mouth. But like I said earlier I don't want to go there with her.

"You know I'm married, don't you Vera."

"Yes sir. I saw how she treated you. A man of your brilliance needs a refined and classy woman. Not a thug that attacks you and your guess. Sir I can be that for you. I've wanted you for so long."

She rubs her hands down her body, tempting me.

"I will let you know about my choices." I grabbed the paperwork and left.

When I make it back home. I hear raised voices. "No Dawn. I'm leaving. He won't be cheating on me. I won't have it. That's a deal breaker for me."

"Rory please. Ragnar wouldn't cheat on you. Please, wait until he comes to talk to him."

"No, he can go fuck Asian Barbie for all I care. I'm going to find Marcia and run for the hills."

That pisses me off. She wants to run again because she has to work for my forgiveness instead of it coming easy to her. Her spoiledness is pissing me off. Just because something isn't going the way she wants it to.

I look at the bottom of the stairs and see suitcases stacked up. I walked to the back of the house. I walked up to see Dawn and Rory talking.

Rory has fire in her eyes. She looks upset.

I walked over to her and snatched her by the hair and dragged her upstairs. When we made it to my room I threw her on the bed.

"Stop it Ragnar. I'm leaving. I won't sit here while you cheat on me with that fake titie heffa. I want a divorce. You go do you and I'll do me."

I saw red. I slapped her down to the floor. I took my belt off and started beating her ass with it. I hit her everywhere except her ass because she likes that. With each hit I become more and more pissed. She's going to watch her fucking mouth. I'm not the sisters at that fucking orphanage.

"Aaaahhh, ok Ragnar. I'm sorry."

"You want a divorce. You want to find another motherfucker for me to kill." I dropped the belt and pulled out my knife.

"Please Ragnar, Please!!."

I pushed her down on the ground. I used one hand to hold her down then I went to work with the knife."

She screamed and screamed but after a while her screams went silent.

I got up, went to the bathroom and washed all the blood from my knife. I left the room.

Telling yall right now. Ragnar is crazy.

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