Chapter 26

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Rory Pov

When I came to I blinked then grimaced. My mouth feels disgusting. I tried to yell out for Ragnar but my throat was closed from all the strangulations.

"Ragnar," I tried again but it came out as a hoarse whisper. I tried to move but I couldn't. My leg is more sore than it was earlier. My skin has swollen around the knife. The blood has dried into crust.

I grab the knife handle with both hands. I take several deep breaths. I pulled upward. "Aaahh." The searing hot pain is unimaginable. I started crying. I can't do it. I fell back against the door. It hurts so much.

I decided to try again. But this time I decided to use a tactic. I thought about even greater pain than this. When my parents died. Ragnar abusing me. Getting my sister and then losing her to that monster. Victor's betrayal. With a scream I snatched the knife out.

I hold the knife in my hand as I use the wall to help me stand. I knocked on the door with the knife handle. "Let me out you son of a bitch!" I'm going to stab his ass when he comes in here. What am I saying? Ragnar has turned me into a bloodthirsty monster like him. I can't stab him. Thayer said Ragnar better not even get gas from my cooking. Thayer will hunt me down and kill me. He probably will kill Marcia too. What if I kill myself? I look down at my vein. It would be so easy. But I'm not there yet. I'm too selfish to take my own life. If Ragnar left that knife in here for that purpose then he's sadly mistaken. If he wants me dead he'll have to do it himself.


I don't know how many days I've been in here with no food and water. On the plus side I haven't had to pee. That's because I'm severely dehydrated. My lips are cracked. At this point I'll be glad to see anybody. I'm so lonely and scared. Thank god none of my wounds have gotten infected. I hear the door lock engage. I climb from the corner to see who it is. Ragnar walks in carrying a hose. He turned it on me and blasted it. I screamed at the searing pain on my cuts and the stab wound on my leg. But I was partially relieved when the water got into my mouth. I held my arms up to ward off the hard blast.

The worst part of it all is the apathetic look in his eyes. Through all the torture and stabbing he remained impassaive. I tried begging, pleading. Nothing worked. So when he turned off the hose and pulled out a whip I didn't beg. I didn't cry. I just looked at him. He wet me up, so the whip could sting more.

I stared at him in the eyes as he stood tall over me. I screamed out as he started whipping me. He didn't care where he hit me. He just swung wildly. "Ahh, ahhahh! Ragnar please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I screamed over and over. My throat is so raw that I'm afraid my voice box is ruined. I'll never talk the same again. I tried to plead again.

"Ragnar, I'm sorry." He suddenly stopped. He walked out and closed the door. I fell on the floor crying. My whole body is thumping in mind numbing pain. My leg is throbbing so bad.

Minutes later he was back. He rolled a stand in and placed a laptop on it. He pulled up footage on the laptop. When he hit play I was confused at the video until everything cleared. It was of the orphanage. Victor was dropping me off from one of our dates. This footage was from two months prior to Ragnar picking me up.

He was kissing me goodnight and I was pulling back. Victor's kiss never felt good to me. It was always forced, dry and just wrong like he was forcing himself, therefore it was no passion or wanting, just nothing. The only time I could put up with it was when I was drinking. So I was drunk on a lot of our dates.

The next footage was outside in his car. This was three months ago. We were sitting in his car. He was kissing me on the neck and fingering my clit. That night I cum for the first time. But it was a small blimp on the passion that I felt with Ragnar. I barely gasped when my orgasm came with Victor.

"Why were you recoiling from his touch? I thought you loved him," asked Ragnar. How did he even get this footage? I know the orphanage had cameras around but I didn't think they worked. The sisters in the orphanage never discipline me because of who my benefactor was. I did whatever I wanted, when I wanted so the fact that they had cameras didn't scare me.

"I don't know." I know the answer but why should I tell him. So he can say what an idiot I am. Torture me with more videos.

"Look at the videos closely this time and tell me what you see. Look at your surroundings." He rewound the first and replayed it.

I saw Victor and I waking up the cobble steps. As he was kissing me goodnight I saw a blonde head sticking over the bushes that surrounded the building. I can't see a face though. The next video when we were in his car. After I orgasm and got out April came from around the bushes and got in his car. He smiled at her and kissed her. Then they drove off together.

I turned my head away from the scene. April was a mean bitch that always picked on me. Her and her crew. Victor used to get on her and make her stop. As it turned out it was all a ruse. I thought everyone at the orphanage was exactly that, an orphan but that's not true because Victor has family so that means he came there for me.

I cleared my hoarse throat. "Why are you making me watch this? I knew Victor didn't really love me. He told me so when he tried to kill me."

"I don't give a fuck about this actions. I want to know why you recoiled from his touch. I want an explanation on the whole relationship."

"Because, because, I just don't know." I stuttered and lied.

"You think this is the worst torture I can put you through. I told you I need to be able to trust you. I swear I will lock you in here until doomsday. Tell me now."

"Ragnar please."


"I was afraid of being lonely, okay, there, are you happy now. You have a family. You have no idea what it's like for no one, not a single soul to give a shit about you. And the people that did, died. I had no one. I even covered up my pain and loneliness by being a bitch to others. Even you, my own husband, didn't want me. You left me there for years. How much rejection was I supposed to take? So yes, when someone came alone and told me he wanted to make me happy. I sucked it all in. I thought, finally, someone gave a shit about me and my wellbeing. Of course I saw the signs. I'm not an idiot. I just thought it would get better. I couldn't stand his touch because it felt wrong. That was the biggest sign of all. His touch. He couldn't fake everything. I hated his kiss. I had to be drunk just to get through the night. Is that what you want to hear? At the time I thought it was a small price to pay for the attention and happiness I was getting. At least he was there."

I sat on the floor defeated. "Just kill me and get it over with."

He walked from the room. He even left the door open. But I didn't care. He has rung me dry. I have nothing else to give, not a single emotion.

He came back in, threw some clothes at me. "Change." Is all he said. It took me forever to use the wall to climb up. It took me even longer to take my clothes off and change into new ones.

He sat there patiently waiting. He watched me the whole time.

"Follow me," he said when I was done.

I followed him down the hall to his office. He sat behind his desk and stared at me. After several minutes, he said, " I want you to go to the kitchen and fix my breakfast and bring it to me. I want four eggs, six pieces of bacon, three pieces of buttered toast and a large glass of orange juice. Nothing for yourself. I don't want you to even taste a sample. Do exactly as I say or you will be locked up again."

I nodded with pain in my eyes. I'm so hungry and thirsty. This will be torture.

I turned and limped from the basement.

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