Chapter 11

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Dawn Pov

I bite my lip as Ian drives me to my house to tell my dad that I'm in a relationship with him. I really do like Ian. He took me shopping because he hated my big frumpy dress. He made me realize that just because I'm a little chunky, curvy as he puts it, doesn't mean that I'm fat. He kisses and makes love to my curves at every turn. He likes my soft belly. He said he will make it way bigger with our children one day. I smiled at that. I was a little scared because Ian and I are moving so fast, but he says I'm the one for him and I feel the same way.

I feel really good about this if the last couple of days are any indication how it will be with us from now on. I was a little worried about the fact that he's so in your face. He seems possessive and something in him is a little dark. I can tell. I made him honor his deal to me. I let him kiss me anywhere. He tried to bow out but I reminded him that men keep their words to their women.

I directed him to my house. When we pulled up I turned to him and said," let me go in and talk with him first Ian. He doesn't really like strangers all that well."

"You have 3 minutes before I come in there." I shivered. When he's like this I'm so nervous. I don't know what he will do. We are just getting to know one another so I'm not sure about all his limits right now. I just know he has some. He has lots of limits. Especially when it comes to me. 

I nodded and got out of the truck.

I made it to the door and went inside. Right away my dad starts in on me when he sees me. "Where the hell have your fat ass been? You couldn't pick up the phone and call me."

Those old embarrassing feelings come back. I hope Ian doesn't hear him. I've never understood his need to hurt me. His own child.

"Dad, calm down. I'm here now. I just came to tell you that I won't be coming back home. I've met someone. Someone that makes me happy and doesn't make fun of me. He uplifts me and tells me how valuable I am to him."


I turn to see Miles coming from the kitchen. Now, he's fat. I only recently had sex with him and he didn't satisfy me with his little penis. He's been begging me to have sex with him again but I wouldn't do it so he threaten to dump me.

"Miles, we're done. I found someone who makes me happy." I don't know where this new found courage is coming from but I'm glad I have it. I wanted to do this sooner. I just knew my father would have kicked me out. I didn't have no one until Ian. That's why I dragged my feet giving myself to him. I wanted to know his plans for me. He's all I have now. I wanted to make sure it's genuine. It seems to be. But I've been wrong before.

He came up to me and grabbed me and pulled me to him. He says, "what do you mean we're done."

This is what Ian walks in on. He quickly snatched me from Miles and started punching him in the face. I screamed  for him to stop. I told him nothing was going on. When my father goes to help Miles he receives a fist to the eye. When Miles is no longer moving Ian pulls out a gun and points it at his face.

"Ian please, what are you doing? Please put the gun down."

Ian says," this must be your boyfriend. Are taking his side. You want to save this motherfucker."

"Get out of my house you white cracker motherfucker. Dawn you brought this man in here to beat up on us hard working black men."

I couldn't help but snort at that. My dad doesn't work. He receives a disability check. And the only reason I got the job at the library is because he's screwing Miles' mother behind her husband's back.

He turns to me. "Get out of my house Dawn and don't come back."

"Shut the fuck up old man. You don't deserve her in your life anyway. And the only reason that you're still alive is because I know it will hurt her if I shoot you in the face. And the only reason this motherfucker on the floor is still alive is because I don't like to leave witnesses around."

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