Chapter 45

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Ragnar Pov

When the men brought Miles in and threw him on the floor. I wanted to leave. I've never liked Ian's brand of torture. I mean why do all that if no one will see or know it was you that did it. Which leads me to believe that Ian is sick and do it because he wants to. I totally understand this one though. This little bitch deserves everything Ian dotes out. He's a pussy and played at being tough.

He definitely should have let this one go. He was lucky to be alive after the first time Ian got on his stupid ass.

"Please man, please. Let me go. I'll pay you." We all rolled our eyes. We might not look it but we're all billionaires. It's insulting when someone asks to pay us off. We choose to wear out hair long like a BG and wear plaid shirts, boots and jeans. Every once and a while we'll wear slacks and loafers but that's if we have a business meeting or have to go into the office. That's why Victor was so mad at Rory for taking only four measly million dollars from me. His family knew us well. That's another reason why they were all silenced.

When Ian stepped into the room Miles' eyes grew wide. He now understands why he's been kept alive this whole time. He never saw Ian until this moment. Ian wanted it like that and I see why now. It produces more fear. We can all see and smell the pee that has left his body.

"Nasty motherfucker. I see you remember me. I also see that you're dumb as fuck. If our first meeting was anything to go by, then you should have known that I wasn't no one to be fucked with. But I get it. Your pride was bruised. You wanted to teach me a lesson by kidnapping Dawn. But you didn't count on me being a black belt and whooping your cousin's asses. So you pulled out a gun and you FUCKING SHOT ME!!"

Ian hauls off and starts beating his ass. He stops soon after and grabs his chest. I tried to go to him but he held his hand up. "I'm good Rags." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. I told Dawn over and over to stop calling me Rags. Now she got everybody doing that shit.

Miles' hands are cuffed in front of him. Ian pulled him over to hook in the lower part of the wall and hook him up to it. We all stare in confusion as to why Ian has the man face down and his ass up.

Ian said, "you know Miles. I talked to Dawn and what she told me you did to her in that basement even made me shiver. From my understanding you cummed in her mouth several times. And when she tried to stop you, you punched her in the face; am I right."

Miles is crying so hard that his shoulders are shaking. "N-noo, that's not what happened. She's lying."

Ian kicked him in the side. "My baby doesn't lie. And even if she did. I choose to believe her. You're just a punk bitch that's trying to save yourself. I'll make a deal with you; I won't shoot you like you did me."

"Thank you, thank you."

"But, I will make you bleed like you did me. I got to hand it to Miles, you got the drop on me. Not many people can say that."

We all smirked as Miles cried harder.

Ian brought out a pool stick. I took a relieved breath. I thought Ian was going to bring out some shit that made my stomach turn in knots.

"Ok, let's get this started," Ian said while putting on gloves. He went behind him and cut his pants off. We all cursed. Now we see why he wanted his ass in the air.

"You tried to fuck Dawn in her ass am I right, well let's see how you like it." He put oil on the big end of the stick and shoved it in the man's ass. "Ehhhawooooo!." Miles howled like a wolf does at the moon. We all turned our heads as a smell permeated the air.

"Man, Ian, we finna go. Why do you always have to get sick with shit," said Thayer.

I said, "I agree, damn Ian."

"Y'all can't handle a little torture. This motherfucker tortured Dawn."

"Alright, alright, just hurry up. We all have been away from our women for weeks," said Thayer.

"Fine," said Ian then snatched the stick out of Miles' ass. Ian prop the stick up on the wall then brought his foot down on it, breaking it in half. He took the jagged part with splinted wood pieces and shoved it back up Miles' ass. His ass burst as blood shot out. Diti and Conner turned to the side and heaved.

I stood there emotionless with my arms folded. This bastard deserves all this and more. As I said, Dawn has become near and dear to me and I hate to see that haunted look in her eyes. She tries to hide it with a smile and cheer but when she thinks no one is watching her eyes become haunted.

Miles squeaks pulled me from my thoughts. His ass is gushing blood. He's also lost color to his skin, it's sweaty and clammy. He will be dead soon. Nobody survives something like that. Ian picked up the other end of the stick and walked around to the front of Miles.

"You tainted my baby mouth. Because of you, she has nightmares."

Miles wasn't listening. He was too busy screaming. If he was coherent he would have shut his mouth.

Ian turned the stick to the jagged end and shoved it down Miles' throat. Miles gurgled and seized. His eyes rolled in the back of his head.

I nodded to everyone. "The incinerator is on and hot. Load em up." I turned and walked from the basement. I walked past the kitchen and up the stairs.

"Rags." I stopped and turned on the steps at Dawn's voice. She had worry in her eyes. So much uncertainty.

I walked back down the steps to her. I smiled, which was hard to do after the day I've had. "Miles."

"It's done. Never think of it again." She nodded. I kissed her forehead and walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed some pain pills and water and took them to bed. I handed Rory the pills and water. I then laid down and spooned her. I engulfed her body with mine. I finally have her in my arms. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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