Chapter 9

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Ragnar Pov

The next morning I'm walking down the stairs and I see Rory is waking up from her stupor. She sees me and cringes and withdraws into the couch.

"Go get dressed and get back down here and cook."

She stared at me for a while before she nodded and walked past me to get to the stairs. I snatched her arm. " What is that look for? Do we have a problem, just because I'm not on your ass doesn't mean we're good."

"No Ragnar. I don't have a problem."

I nodded and let her go. "Hurry up." Her face is fucked up. If I didn't know her I wouldn't recognize her.

She's gone for maybe 15 minutes before I start to get mad. I don't trust her. She might be up there whipping up another prank.

I was thinking about strangling her ass when she came down in the kitchen freshly showered and dressed.

"Make me breakfast and if you put any ingredients in there that don't belong I'm going to kill you slowly, understand."

She nods, "Ragnar, I apologized about that. I won't do something so stupid again."

"Mmm. I'm wondering about the reasons behind it all. My father's money sure paid for your clothes and lifestyle. That's a 125 dollar shirt you have on. His money went to that so you could be wooed by another motherfucker and damn near poisoned me to death because you want to get back to him. Is that the right assumption."

I see her tense. She turned to me with tears in her eyes. Her face is fucked up. It's swollen and discolored, but I don't regret shit. She started it. I was going to leave her alone and only fuck her and make her pregnant, but she had to go and fuck that up, so now her ass will suffer.

"No, Ragnar."

I stand and go to her and use my body to push her against the fridge.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she choked on that answer a little bit.

"Then what is this?" I held up her locked cell phone.

"It's for communication, that's all."

"Communication with who, you don't know no fucking body." I crowd her space more.

"I..I.. bought it my first day here, just.. just in case."

"Mmmm, unlock it," I say, handing it to her. 

She sniffles and cries. "Ragnar please, just give me another chance. Let's start over. We don't have to be like this with each other."  

I grab her by the neck and slam her against the fridge. "Open this fucking phone bitch, before I gut you." 

She gurgles. Mumbles out an ok then opens the phone.

I snatched the phone from her and went through it. I clenched my jaw tight. She has been texting Victor. Even has his name boldly saved in her phone.

I turned to her and slapped her. She falls back on the fridge. "Ragnar please don't hurt me anymore. That was before all this. It didn't seem like you had planned on having a traditional marriage. I won't talk to him anymore, please. Didn't you go visit another woman the other night? I could smell her on you."

She kind of has a point. I was planning to just tuck her away here at the house and forget about her until she was needed.

"Get undressed, now!!"

"Ragnar, please stop. I can't take it anymore."

I grabbed her by her short hair and got in her face. "Do what I say. You fucking heard me didn't you. Or should I speak it in Norse like your man Victor."

The Viking Devil (Devil Series Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now