Chapter 25

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Rory Pov

I'm so nervous that I could just throw up. My stomach is jittery. I keep bouncing my leg. We're still in the water plane thingy. We've been traveling for hours and Ragnar hasn't said anything else to me. Whenever I try to talk with him he gets violent. The last time I tried to talk with him he told me to shut the hell up and choked me until I fainted. It's like he hates for me to talk.

I grabbed my stomach as it made bubbling noises. I'm so nervous. How much longer can I take this? Why won't he just put a bullet in my head. It's early dawn, so I've been waiting for death for hours. But he doesn't want to kill me. He already said that. He wants to torture me. Degrade me, he said. But why?

He could care less that I ran away. He hates me. So what is this about exactly? Is this about the principle? He said he doesn't care about the money. He doesn't care about me so I'm stooped as to what is going on inside his head.

"Ragnar," I tried again but he glared at me so hard that tears came to my eyes. I shrink away from his stare. I hate when I can read the emotions on his face.

Then I became angry. He was abusing and threatening me and my sister, did he really expect me to not run away.

I glared at him. "You can torture me or kill me all you want but it won't change the fact that you're a monster and I ran away from you. Let's get it over with Ragnar. Just shoot me in the head and throw me out to sea."

He slapped me and choked me against the seat. My arms and legs flail wildly. I started gagging. I hope that he loses control and just kills me.

"Shut the fuck up." He threw me back against the seat. I hit my head so hard that my head started hurting. I rubbed my sore bruised neck. I bet it's purple or blue. He's choked me so many times.

I cry silent tears. My whole life I've been in search of the kind of love that my parents showed me. When they died I was lost. I literally had no one for years until Marcia came along. Only for her mom to tell me to stay away from her. I've been alone for so long. So when Victor came along I didn't question a lot of things that I should have. He made a fool of me. He never wanted me. I should have known. The signs were there. But I ignored them for fear that he would leave me. The only reason that I didn't have sex with him sooner is because of Ragnar's father routine clinic checks.

He was pressuring me but I remained sted fast on the no sex part of our relationship. All I want is to be loved. It is harder to find than most people think. Most people don't long for love because they have family members and parents who show them love everyday.

Those same family members are there for them to make sure they don't make mistakes and if they do, the family is there for them, to pick them back up. Family shows you the ultimate love and I don't have that. I will never have that again.

What would I do when Ragnar gets me back to the house? He's hell bent on torture. I don't want to be tortured, but I have to start taking accountability for my actions.

I left Ragnar when we were on the cups of rebuilding our relationship. All he wanted for me to be honest with him. But at the time I wanted to make Victor happy. But to be fair Ragnar hasn't been that forthcoming either.


He turned to me with his eyes blazed. "W-who are you? How did Victor know you? Just tell me please."

He stares at me for a while, debating. "My family and I are arms dealers. We deal arms and drugs from Norway all the way down through different parts of American territories. But we manufacture in Norway by the shipment. We sell it on a distribution scale. Your boyfriend's family is one of the families that we manufacture through. They make some of the products for us. They are very low on the dealer totem pole. Barley a blimp. But now that I've killed him we will have to kill his entire family because of you."

I gasped. I managed to marry a global arms dealer. One that is violent and talks about killing someone's entire family like it's nothing.

"Are you the mafia?"

"No, we sell to the mafia."

"Ragnar please, give me another chance. You won't regret it. I'll be devoted to you. I'll be the perfect wife."

"In my line of work if you can't trust someone you kill them. I can't trust you, but I won't kill you yet either. Because you need to know that I'm not to be fucked with."

"I know that Ragnar, that's why I ran. I was scared."

"Shut the fuck up. You're a pussy. You can't handle this life. You're supposed to fucking fight. If no one is going to fight for you then you fight for yourself. You're too fucking spoiled and selfish."

I remained silent. What does he mean, fight? I can't fight. I don't know how. I certainly can't fight him. He is stronger and obviously a great fighter. He wants to torture me so I have to wrap my head around it. I will be tortured. I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. I tried to stop but the tears won't stop.

"Sniffle again."

I sucked in a breath. "Ragnar please." I shrink back against the seat when it looks like he wants to hit me again.

I think about what he said about fighting. There's no way he means to fight him one on one. I need to find out what Blae did to turn Thayer into her cute little lamb. Otherwise I won't survive. How do you figuratively fight someone?


"Ahhhh!!!." I scream as he makes another cut on me. I screamed again when he rubbed salt into the cut. I long ago stopped grabbing for the knife. When I do he slaps me. He refused to tie me up. He said I will restrain myself all on my own.

"Ragnaaaarrrr please." He grabbed my chin. "Shut up bitch. This marriage is forever, you don't run away. You stay and deal with the shit. Instead, you made a fool of me. You took my money and fucking ran."

"Eeeahhh!!" I screamed as he jammed the knife in my leg and left. He slammed and locked the door.

He has me in the basement. It's several bright lights hanging on the ceiling, blinding me. He threw me on the table and started torturing me right away.

The cuts aren't deep at all but the salt inside them is stinging and biting. I can barely move. I have over fifty cuts at least. I stop counting after thirty. I grabbed the knife implanted in my leg and tried to remove it.

The pain is blinding so I leave it there for now. I look around the room for water or food but I don't see any. He's been torturing me all day so it's been almost two days since I've had food or water.

I get down off the bed only to fall to the floor when my legs wouldn't support me. "Aahh." The knife jolting in my leg. I once again tried to pull it out. I remember reading a book. I can't remember the name but in it the guy wrote about torture. He said human beings can not harm or torture themselves. It's psychological. That's why if you want to commit suicide you have to use objects like guns or knives instead of biting your wrist clean through to your vein. If you're able to harm yourself you're psychology fucked up in the head basically.

I see that it's true now. I am unable to harm myself or cause myself pain by snatching this knife out. Did Ragnar know this? Is that why he jammed it so far into my leg?

I shake the thoughts off. Of course not. I'm delirious. Since I can't stand, I slide my body towards the door. I banged on it. "Give me water please, Ragnar!. Ragnar!. Ragnar, answer me."

After minutes of no answer I slumped against the door. Or fainted. I can't tell which.

Do you all think this the end of her torture.??

Im updating on my bday because you guys are soooo special to me😂.

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