Chapter 39

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Rory Pov

When I made it there I grabbed all kinds of meats, vegetables and snacks for the kids. Thayer and Blae's children are little devils like their father but they are also sweet like their mother. I grab some ice cream then more meat because I want to throw some meat on the grill for dinner. I then head towards the cash register. She asked me for ID for all the beer I had bought. After I pay for everything I walk out and load up the trunk. Suddenly a shot rang out. I dropped to the concrete as the bullet hit the car.

"Aaah," I cried out as I scraped my hands and knees when I dropped down. I crawled to the driver side of the car still on my hands and knees. It's so painful.

I open the door then slide in. I started the car up and sped out of the parking lot.

My heart is pounding in my chest. I started to hyperventilate. Was that person shooting at me or was I caught up in a drive by or something. Tears come to my eyes. Is this what Ragnar meant when he said their wives can't go anywhere they want. Is it because stuff like this happened?

I was almost positive that bullet was meant for me. It hit my trunk where my head was. If I wasn't bending over putting up groceries I would probably be dead by now. I wince as I felt the small rocks in my palm. They are biting into my hand as I clench the steering wheel. I parked under the garage when I made it home. I would send someone to get the bags. I need to clean my hands and knees of rocks.

I was going up the backstairs when I heard yelling. "Who the fuck last saw her. How the fuck did she leave here!!."

I walk around the stairs to the living room. Ragnar is yelling and pacing with a gun in his hand.

"What's going on?" I look at everyone looking mad.

He turned to me and rushed me. He grabbed my throat and slammed me against the wall. He put the gun to my head. His grip was so tight that my vision became hazy. My feet were off the ground. I was making gagging and choking noises.

"Where the fuck were you!" I was on the verge of passing out right before he loosening his grip. I saw Thayer and everyone else trying to pry him off but I know first hand how freakishly strong Ragnar is when he's angry.

I held my hands up in surrender. "Grocery store." I manage to gurgle out. He cut his eyes to my hands. He released me. I fell to the floor then cried out when my knees and hands hit. I looked around at everybody, embarrassed. I got up and ran from the room and locked the door. I laid on the bed and cried.

Ragnar Pov

I blinked and blinked again. "Ragnar, why do you have to be such a huge dick. I'm tempted to help her escape your stupid ass." Blae is angry.

"Blae,I told you to stay out of my marriage."

"Fuck that. I know she made you angry, but did you have to treat like that in front of everyone. This is your fucking fault. You haven't taught her our ways or the ends and out. You just expect her to know them. If you can't keep your wife safe then maybe you don't need one."

"Blae, who the hell are you talking to like that? Whose side are you on?"

"Hers Ragnar. I'm on her side. Because I've been there. I've been where she is and it's not a happy place. It's a confusing ass place."

I turned my head to see the guards bringing grocery bags in. One came and said, "Boss, Mrs. Haugen's car has bullet holes in the back of her car sir. You might want to take a look." My mine snapped back to when I saw abrasions and rocks on her hands and knees.

"Find out what happened at that supermarket."

"Oh really, now you want to find out what happened. You should have done that first instead of almost choking her to death and embarrassing her in front of everyone."

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