Chapter 30

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Rory Pov

I move around the kitchen robotically. What he said upstairs really scared me. How will I be the best wife I can be? He wants me to lose myself, to make everything about me special disappear. Is that what Blae did? stowed all her feelings to become a stepford wife. I know since they are arm dealers they have to be careful with every decision they make but I just want to be me. And what is that exactly, who am I. For years I have had to put on a hard and tough facade. It was the only way to protect my heart and feelings. Now he wants me to let all that go and do what? trust him. Put my all into him and this marriage. WHAT!!, GODDAMNIT. I want to throw something across this kitchen.

I fixed his two taco bowls and brought them to him. For some reason he wants to eat in the big dining room, now I have to clean that huge room when he's done. I sat his food down then turned to go get my food.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm going to get my food."

"No, I want you here." He points to the floor, to another damn cushion. I thought about screaming at him and telling him I'm hungry and I don't have time for his mess. But my bruises start to throb at that notion.

I walked over to the cushion next to him on the floor. I sat and stared straight ahead. I won't say anything. No matter how much I want to.

He starts eating. "Hmm, this is good." My stomach clenched at that. I'm so hungry and the smells coming from the food are making it worse. My stomach is doing flip flops. When he breaks off a piece of the toca bowl and scoops up the food and brings it towards my mouth, I don't hesitate to lean forward and take the food from his hand. I moaned. It's so good. He repeated this. I think he likes feeding me. He repeated this action until both bowls were gone. I'm so full. I just want to lay down on this cushion and fall asleep.

My eyes were heavy until I heard heels click on my newly mopped floor. I snapped to alertness then. How can someone just walk in here? Doesn't he have security? So that means whoever it is must be approved already.

"Ragnar." I hear a soft voice.

"In here Vera."

When she stepped in I had to hold back a gasp. She looked American/ Chinese. But you only could tell she's Chinese by her eyes. The rest of her looks American. Her hair is a platinum silver color. She's tall. She has pouty lips that's covered in pink expensive lipstick. Her eyes are slanted with long lashes attached to them. She has on some career gaucho pants that stopped below her knees with some red heels and red dressy top.

"Sir, if I can get some clarifications on some things, I'll be out of your hair." She ignores me on the floor like she's used to seeing it. But it makes me feel so much lower than I already feel.

I get up to leave. I make one small move and Ragnar has my chin in his tight grip. I wanted to cry out that it hurt but I didn't.

"Did I say you could leave?"

I can't believe he wants me to sit here while he degrades me in front of her. This is the reason why I don't think I will pass whatever test he's testing me with. I will be loyal to him but I won't be made a fool of.

"Ragnar, this see- -" he cut me off with a tighter grip on my chin. This time I couldn't hold in the cry.

"What the fuck I ask you."

I look at him with tears stinging my eyes. "No Ragnar, you didn't say I could leave."

"Then park that ass here on this cushion and don't move again. You won't like what happens."

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