Chapter 29

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Ragnar Pov

"War?" I'm confused. How the hell we're going to war. Why?

Thayer turned to me. "You killed Victor and his family. Apparently, you missed one. His crazy ass girlfriend or wife or whatever. She's been caught on several cameras blowing up the Olsen's warehouses." At the mention of the Olsen's, I stiffened and looked at him. They were Thayer's Norway connection until we stepped in. So losing Thayer was always a sore spot for them. They are our biggest competition. They have their territories, and we have ours and we tend to stay out of each other's way.

"She told them that she was following our orders to blow up their warehouses. Since they have been looking for a reason to go to war with us, they have it and won't listen to our side of the story. Not that I offered them much of one. We don't answer to those motherfuckers. I told them we gave no such order and they chose not to believe me because Victor's family worked for us."

I say. "So what, you want to go to war. You have a family. You can't be a hot head over every fucking decision. You should have let me or someone with some fucking sense talk to them. While we shooting them and they shooting us, no money is being fucking made."

I've told him time and time again. He's always ready to kill with guns blazing. I'm always ready for war but I still try to implement peace.

He said, "oh yea, we'll guess what the new system Ian built caught. They somehow have been scrambling our camera system." He turned the laptop around. It was a video of our warehouses. It's dated back a couple of months ago. We see a crew of men try and fail to break several locks. At this point the video usually gets scrambled for me and I can't see anything else. Ian said he was working on a software to fix scrambling. Ian is now even helping us from the hospital bed.

Several of our guards started coming towards them. They run. Thayer hit more buttons then the camera focuses on them getting in a car they parked miles away. They take their mask off and we see their faces.

"Son of a bitch."

"You see. Those motherfuckers have already crossed the line. For months we were trying to find out who was trying to break our locks. If those were regular locks our shit would have been gone. I know you try to make peace brother. I would love for us to have peace until the day we die. You think I want my kids in this shit. I don't want them in this life. I know I have to make smart decisions for their sake. I will wipe out any threats to their well-being so they won't have to look over their shoulders after we're gone. So you're in or what."

"You know you don't have to ask that. They aren't a small family like the others. They will come with it all. As a safety measure we need to pull Ian from the hospital. He can recuperate at my house. They will try to kill us off one by one. Then when that doesn't work they are going to hit us hard."

"How do you know all that?"

"Because it's what I would do to a family this size. We are many, so they won't just come at us. We have to hit first and we have to hit hard. Someone needs to go to the warehouse. Bring all the good shit. Our heat seekers. Grenade launchers.

They all nodded and left.

I turn to Thayer. "Be safe and be careful. Watch everything. Your surroundings. Your trips to the warehouse, everything."

He said, "you know I survived a long time before you came along. Besides, you watch everybody enough. How many angles of my house are up on your camera feed."

"That's not the point."

"I know what your point is Ragnar. Now get the hell out." Before I can lecture him about the importance of being vigilant he grabs me into a hug.

When he let me go he said, "be careful. I already have one family member in the hospital. If anything happens to you. There will definitely be guns blazing."

I gave him a small smile. He's always the hot head. "I know, trust me, I know."

My phone rings when I leave his office. "Hello."

"R-ragnar." I heard her nervous voice. It's trembling like she's scared.

"C-can you c-come home p-please."

I hang up and run to my truck. I make it to my house within minutes. I called her name as I ran through the house.

"Ragnar," she's in the bedroom. When I make it she's in the corner with her head resting on her knees. She's holding her phone in her hand. Her hand is trembling.

"What is it?" I say it in a passive voice but my insides are jittery. My breathing was so loud from running that I could barely hear myself talk.

She raised her head. "Ragnar, someone called and threatened me. They called from Victor's cell. How's that even possible? She said that she was going to kill me. That I'm dead."

She's upset over a threat. That's it? Does she have any idea how many threats we get a week. I was about to say something like, get the hell up and stop acting like a pussy. But I can't say that to her. Females are prone to this sort of emotion. If Blae was in this situation I would say something mushy to her. Just to be honest though, my wife has rubbed me the wrong way in many different ways and I don't feel the need to make her feel better or assure her of her safety. I don't forgive easily. I want to use every opportunity I can to scare her.

It's not lost on me how fast I moved when I thought she was in danger. Our relationship gets confusing by the day and for some reason I can't bring myself to kill her and be done with her. That would be so much easier.

I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me. I walked over to the bed and sat down. I looked down into her scared face. Her eyes are red from crying.

"You have no faith in me, wife. You think I'll let something happen to you."

She smiled. "Really."

"Really, how would that make me look? I have to protect you on principle. I can't have it going around that my wife died on me."

Her smile dropped. I see that was the wrong thing to say. I lift her face up. I kissed her pouting lips. "No one will kill you but me and I obviously can't kill you. I tried and wanted to but couldn't."

She smiles. "So does that mean we're good? You and I."

I glared. "Hell no. You're still in wife training. You need to make sure you do everything right. Because after that time and I still feel like I can't trust you then I will have to kill you. Maybe not me, but I know a lot of killers that will do the job for me. I'm not doing this just for you. It's for the family. Wives in this family can't be regular wives. You're restricted most times and can't go whenever and wherever you please and if you're a wild card that's how you end up dead. It sucks but that's our life. It's just worse for you because of all the other shit you pulled around here."

"I understand Ragnar." I squeeze her thigh. She winces. I forgot about all the bruises, lashes and knife wounds. I walk to the bathroom. Her legs still firmly wrapped around me. I sat her on the counter and pulled out two pills from the cabinet. I hand them to her with some water. She takes them. I picked her back up. She wrapped her legs around me. We walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"What's for dinner?"

"Taco salad."

"That's a little easy." I said and put her down.

She smiles. "Not the way I make it. It's my favorite thing to eat so I perfected it over the years. It's fully loaded with tomatoes, beef, chicken sour cream, and Mexican corn. It's all stuff into the tortilla bowl and lots of shredded cheese."

"In that case, fix me two. I'm starving." I walked to the table and she walked toward the kitchen. Instead of going to the table in the kitchen I decided to go to the huge table in the dining room. I sat and waited for her. I wonder if she would like my surprise.

Read on. This is a two chapter update. Thank for your patience. No excuses, just life getting in the way. But i will try to do better and update twice a week.

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