Chapter 15

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Rory Pov

I moan as she works a knot from my shoulders. I decided to let it all go for now. I mean, what can I do about it? As far as I know, I've never been followed and I covered my tracks with Marcia.

"Right, it feels good." I nod to Blae but she probably didn't see me. We're in the massage room. It's five benches in here that we're laying on. There are ten masseuses here. Two for each of us. No men masseuse, of course.

Suddenly Neveah gets up and eases from the room. Blae quickly gets up behind her and grabs her arm before she walks out the door. She angrily whispers. "Neveah, stop this. You know what's going to happen when Calder finds out. Do you want to lose your life?"

I tried pretending that I'm not listening but I am.

"Blae, you want this life, not me ok."

"But what about your family? What about your kids?"

"They'll be fine. He won't do anything as long as I have his kids."

"What the hell has gotten into you, Neveah."

"Blae, if you want to be Thayer's puppet for the rest of your life then go ahead but I'm going to live my life."  Neveah snatched her arm from Blae and walked out.

Blae has true worry in her face. She looks over at me but I turn my head back. Is Neveah going through the same shit I am with Ragnar. The abuse. Afraid all the time. I hope she leaves.

After the massage we went to the relaxation room. But it was unnecessary because that massage was relaxing enough.

For some reason, no one asked where Neveah had gone. Does she do this frequently? I let it go for now. We all sat in chairs. Cucumbers were placed on our eyes while relaxing music played. Our chairs were propped up then we were left alone.  "So Rory, how are you and Ragnar?" Asked Blae.

Why does she keep asking me that? Does she really expect me to tell her the truth? That's her brother for Christ sakes.

I looked over at her. Blae has a sweet personality but since being around her husband I'm sure she has learned how to make her stare intimidating.

I smiled. "Blae, I'm getting a feeling that you invited me on this little trip to interrogate me. I feel it's only me since you haven't asked Dawn a single question about her and Ian."   

"Can I be honest Rory?"

I nodded my head.

"I genuinely like you. But I feel that something is off with you. I worry for you because whatever it is won't sit right with Ragnar. He will hurt you and punish you to the brink of death if he finds out anything is amiss. Especially if it jeopardizes his family. He will become deadly. So yeah. I want to learn as much as I can about you because I have a feeling I'll need to plead your case soon. Because Ragnar will kill you."

I'm glad she can't see my eyes because they are watering. Her, Elaine and Dawn make small talk while I sit quietly and question my life choices. After a while Neveah comes back in and sits in the chair like she hasn't been gone for an hour and a half. But no one says anything.

Blae words still have me shaken up. Ragnar is going to fucking kill me. I'm going to be a  ghost, a spirit and then I'm going straight to hell for my devious ways.

Ragnar has given me several warnings but I don't know about what. Is it about Marcia or about Victor? I need to abandon it all. I'm not dying over this shit. I'm so scared. I know Blae good enough to know she wasn't threatening but trying to warn and help me.

"Blae, how do you woo a man. I-i-i mean, like, in the bedroom."  I never had to seduce a man before. I need to do this. I need to wave the proverbial white flag in solidarity.

She smiled. "Oh Rory. You don't need to do much. You're very beautiful, just wear something very sexy and walk around the room and pretend to straighten things up. Make sure he gets a good look at your ass. It's big and it jiggles a lot."

Everyone burst out laughing. I blushed.

Blae phone's ring. Her smile drops and she looks at the name. "Yes sweetheart."

After listening she said, "I lost track of time bae."

"No Thayer. I don't think that at all. Why w-would." He cut her off with more words.

"I didn't say that. You know that's not true honey."

Blae starts rubbing her neck. Her eyes get misty. That pisses me off. She's too good for that bastard.

"I'm not talking back, baby."

"Ragnar, what drama." She cut her eyes to me. The cucumbers are off and everyone is listening.

What about Ragnar? I'm too nervous to ask.

"Okay Thayer." 

She cut the call and looked up at us. She smiled. "Do you ladies mind cutting this short? The kids are driving Thayer nuts. He's in a bad mood. He needs me to come home."

Everyone else nodded. But I remain angry. How could she let him treat her like a fucking possession, like he owns her every waking moment. I know she could be tough. I've seen her put him in his place many times.

If Ragnar wants me like that then he has another thing coming. I won't bow to his ass. I lose that train of thought. What is with me?

I'm hot and cold and all over the place. One minute I want to leave with Victor and the next minute I don't. If Ragnar wasn't such a fucking sociopath this could work. To be fair he and his family kept their word to my father so I know they are good people. Good providers at least. For years I had an unlimited credit card. They paid for my lavish lifestyle. So If I leave and steal their money. What does that make me?

We all pile in the vehicle and leave. When we make it to Blae's house, Thayer is standing on the step with his hands in his pockets. His stare is intense on the vehicle. He's not giving anything away as far as his feelings go. Blae says' he used to hit her. Will he hit her for going to a fucking spa. I got her back. We'll jump him together, he will not beat up on this woman. But who am I kidding. If he fights anything like Ragnar we don't stand a chance. Ragnar hit me multiple times while quickly removing my clothes before I even knew what happened.

Thayer looks like he is starting to grow twitchy. Like he can't wait for the car to stop. Before we make it around the long driveway Blae is out of the car and running to him. She jumps into his arms. He grabs her under her ass and holds her up. He closed his eyes and hid his face inside her neck and breath deep.

As we walked up she unlocked her leg from around his waist. "Thayer, I was gone for only two hours."

"I know babe, but you know I can't stand being away from you for too long. It makes my chest hurt."

I melt at that. I don't ever foresee Ragnar's chest hurting because of the distance between us. He barely tolerates me.

Blae head is on his chest. He's holding her tight. I can't believe our spa day got cut short because of her needy ass husband.

"What's going on with Ragnar Thayer. What's wrong with my brother? Where is he?" Blae asked frantically.

"Calm down baby, he's pulling in now."

We all turn to see his gray Range Rover pull up. He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger door and opened it.

When I saw who stepped out I gasped and stepped back.

"No, no! What have you done!."

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Ok, ya'll buckle up, it's about to go down.

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