Chapter 4

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A/N: This chapter contains graphic scenes. Read at your own risk.

Ragnar Pov

I sniffled while walking down the stairs the next morning. I cough a little. It's like I'm coming down with something. The repairman came and said there was nothing wrong with my unit. He came in and hit a few buttons and everything was back to normal. Except for that high ass bill he left. I'm in the wrong business. He came in here and pressed two buttons and charged me 700 hundred dollars.

I heard Rory in the kitchen humming. I sniffed again but for a different reason. I don't smell horse shit so I guessed she got her breath under control. That was the worst shit I've ever smelled in my life.

"Morning, would you like some breakfast?"

I walked slowly into the kitchen. If I get hit with breath this morning; I will be upset. After seconds of not smelling anything; I nodded and took a seat.

She turns and grabs my plate. I get a good view of her ass in the robe. It's a silk robe. I don't see that damn chastity belt so she must only have it on at night.

She turned back facing me and sat the plate in front of me. I get a front view of her breast in the nightgown. The nightgown is low and it dips in the front. Her tits are nice and round.

My dick starts to ache. I shake my head. I've been fucking all night, how is this possible.

I start to eat.

She says, " Did you enjoy your night?" She asked this with a glare.

"Why the fuck do you want to know." I'm getting pissed thinking about that fucking chastity belt.

She remains silent, only glares harder.

She brings her plate to the table and starts eating.

I got ready to take another bite from my biscuit but my stomach gave a helluva lurch. In the same second I had to clinch my ass cheeks to keep the diarrhea in.

I got up from the table and ran up to my bathroom and let it rip. It went on for minutes. My stomach cramped up. I held my stomach as the bubbling and cramps worsened. After a couple of hours my ass was on fire.

I was on the toilet the rest of the day and all night. My thighs are numb and I can only lay my head against the back of the toilet.

Soon after I got off and got into the shower. I started thinking. How the hell did this happen to me? I only ate breakfast. Then I remember who fed me breakfast. Would she really do something to my food? I think back to this morning. Actually, when the first bubblegut hit me I saw her smirking into her hand. Have she been fucking with me. Especially with that breath shit. Her breath wasn't smelling this morning or last night when I went into her room for that matter.

Why would she do that? She said she was in love with someone. Maybe she was hoping I would divorce her so she could be with him.

I saw red. This bitch don't know who she's fucking with. When I get angry nothing stops me but the sight of blood and sometimes not even then.

I feel it come over me. All the doors in my mind closed. The little feelings I did have are gone. I moved robotically as I stepped from the shower. Ass still throbbing a little. I got dressed and walked across the hall. I peek in to see that she's asleep. I walked to her bed and lifted the covers. She has on that fucking chastity belt. I turned to go get my hand saw.

Rory Pov    

I hear him come into my room and stand over me. When he walks out I laugh into my hands. I have been tickled pink today. The expression on his face when his stomach started bubbling was priceless and I will always remember it. He's been in the bathroom all day. He will surely send me back to Victor. But Victor and I need to talk. I want to move to the US. I miss my home country and would like to come back. With that thought in mine I closed my eyes. Only to snap them open minutes later when I heard the cranking of a power tool.

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