Chapter 3

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Ragnar Pov

I'm mad as hell. "You better figure out how an alarm was tripped and a lock was almost cut at my warehouse and fast," I told the guard.

"Yes sir."

Somebody is trying me. I have 5 warehouses and this has never happened. I've been in a foul mood all week. Then I came home to learn that my wife had taken a joy ride. I wasn't too bothered though. I have GPS on that vehicle so I knew where she was.

I walked into the house and saw her coming down the stairs. "Don't you cook or something. What did they teach you at that school besides how to spend money."

She gets into my face and says something but I don't know what because I'm forced to flinch and step back because of the smells that's coming from her mouth.

Did she eat a damn skunk while she was out? That shit got my head hurting.

She says, " are you hungry?"

I shake my head frantically. Hell no I'm not hungry. I was until she turned my stomach with her breath.

I say, " I'm going to my brother's house to eat."

She says, "that's wonderful I'll come to," she turns around and goes back upstairs. I dry heave from the smell. The smell is lingering. I wanted to call her back here to come get this shit and take it with her.

Have her breath been smelling like old garbage with a dead skunk in it. Hell no. I would have remembered that shit. She must have had a tic tac in her mouth the first day or some.

She comes back down the stairs with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. Why the hell is she smiling? She must can't smell her foul ass breath.

We hopped in the Range Rover and headed to Thayer's house. I rolled the window down because Rory stanky breath ass decided she wanted to sing along with the radio.

I reached into the glove box and pulled out some big red gum and offered her a piece and she had the nerve to say "no thank you." Then she starts back singing.

I'm about to throw up. I didn't know I had a weak stomach but I guess I do. We made it to Thayer's house and I hurried up and got out of the truck. Once out I took a deep breath. The whole drive I've been taking short breaths not wanting to take in too much shit.

Thayer is there on the steps.

"Hey big bro, who you got here?" He turns to Rory and introduces himself. "Hi I'm Thayer," he says and holds out his hand for her to shake.

She grabs his hand and says, " Hi I'm Rory."

Thayer instantly releases her hand and dry heave while holding his stomach. He turned to me and glared and walked off. I walked in behind Thayer and made my way into the kitchen where Blae and Neveah are cooking and setting the table.

Blae saw me and smiled and came to give me a hug. "Hey bro. How was Norway."

"It was hell. Your father-in-law married me off."

She says, " That doesn't surprise me at all, but Ragnar I'm kind of happy for you. Now you can settle down and give us some nieces and nephews."

"Yeah, well, hold that thought. Meet my wife Rory."

Rory comes up and introduces herself. Blae and Neveah both heave and turn they lip up to their noses. Neveah asks, " What the hell is that smell? It smells like a dead animal."

Blae elbowed Neveah in the side and cut her eyes at Rory.

Neveah says, " Ragnar, get the hell out of my kitchen with that shit."

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