Chapter 49

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She hung up the phone and smiled then frowned. That bitch has more lives than a cat. How will she make this death stick? She went to the kitchen and grabbed a big knife. She walked back to her room and stabbed the man that's lying there. "Bastard, how hard is it to run a person over in the middle of the fucking street."

She stabbed him over and over until his body seized then became still all together.

Vera grabbed the man's gun from the floor and got dressed. Today, this bitch die. If anybody else is there with her they will die also. Vera dislike Blae also. She will kill that bitch just on principle. After she was dressed she left. On the ride there Vera was thinking. She has done a lot to prove her love to Ragnar, but he remains blind. He called her fake. She had to equip her body with the necessary tools if she wanted to get ahead. He's the only man Vera ever known to have a problem with fake ass and tities.

He will get over it once they get married.

Vera had to play this smart. She had to make sure the death stick this time around. So she decided to sneak up on her. She pulled the back door key from her pocket. She molded it to a piece of clay when Rory wasn't looking and later got a copy made.

It's time for her to become Vera Haugen.


Rory Pov

I paced and paced. What do I want to achieve here? Can I really kill her? I don't want to kill her. I just want her to confess so I can hand the recording over to the police or Ian. I told Ragnar that bitch hated me. Now it seems she wants me dead. I heard a noise and jumped. It sounds like shuffling but more quietly. I walked towards the sound. I held my breath as I tiptoed towards the back. I'm sure it's nothing. I'm the only one that has a key to the back door so it must be noise from the cooling system.

Blinding pain takes over my vision as I'm hit in the back of my head with something. For several seconds I couldn't see. I fell to my knees. I screamed as a booted foot kicked me in the face. I tried to fill around for something but I couldn't find anything.

My hand lands on some then gone the next when I'm kicked again. I grabbed the foot and threw it away from me. I thank my lucky stars when my visions start to come back. I saw a blurry figure and threw my leg at it. They fell to the ground when I tripped them.

"Ugh, you bitch." I heard Vera's voice.

I stood up but paused in my actions when I heard a gun cocked.

"Vera, why are you doing all this."

"Because I want your man. Duh bitch and you are in the way, and to add gas to fire, you attacked me hoe."

"I saw the video of you putting something in my glass. If you kill me the cops and Ragnar will see it." I need to keep her talking until I can come up with a plan. I'm still disoriented and I can barely see. Plus my shoulder wound is still hurting.

"You lie."

I blinked more. She comes into focus the more I blink.

"Why would I lie? Why do you think I'm here this early in the morning? I know that I wasn't drunk and so does Ragnar."

I look over to my right and see a champagne bottle that was left over from my party. I quickly jumped to the side and picked it and threw it at her face. She was so lost in thought that she didn't see it until the last minute.

She dropped the gun to grab the gushing wound on her head.

I ran up to her and started beating her ass.

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