Chapter 35

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Rory Pov

I walked out on the back porch in search of Ragnar. I know he and his family have taken a major hit. Ian is finally awake and no one has the heart to tell him what's going on. Dawn is avoiding him because he wants to know what happened when Miles kidnapped her. No one is speaking to me. Not even Blae. I haven't seen them since I ran away. I see the contempt in everyone 's eyes. I just don't know how to make everything right other than to show them that I won't leave again. My husband still hasn't forgiven me and he reminds me everyday that I abandoned our marriage for someone who was using me and wanted to kill me.

"Ragnar." He was sitting in the rocking chair with his back to me. "You're still here. Isn't this the part where you haul ass, when it gets tough."

It's like he stuck a dagger in my heart when he says things like this. It makes me feel hopeless. "Why would I leave? These are my people too."

He snorted. "Did you think about them when you ran off into the fucking sunset. Did you give a fuck when Ian was shot and Dawn was kidnapped. No. What did you do, wife. I'll tell you. Knowing all of this you still went inside that bank, withdrew 4 million dollars of my money and left me. All because you couldn't finish the shit you started with your pranks."

"Ragnar please." More knives felt like they were going through my heart.

"Then on top of that. You were so desperate for any form of attention that you went against your better judgment and fell in love. Isn't that what you said when I came and picked you up? That you were in love."

I just stood there as he ripped my heart out over and over. I stood there and I took it. I let him get it all out.

"Nothing to say."

I dropped my head and shook it.

"I didn't think so. Now take your ass in the kitchen and start cooking. Get the fuck outta my face before I hurt you Rory."

I sniffled and wiped my nose. I turned and went into the kitchen and started cooking. I boiled some huge pasta rolls then stuffed them with meat, cheese and poured spaghetti meat sauce on top of it. I baked some garlic bread. I make a lot of food. The doctors are staying to monitor everyone. Everyone will be here for a while so I need to make a food run soon.

Soon the smell brought everyone to the kitchen. One good thing about being a botany major is that I know how to season food with just about every plant that I have. They let out a good smelling aroma too.

I brought two pans of stuff pasta to the large dining room table. Three large salad bowls and a large pan of cut up garlic bread.

"Smell good Rory," says Dawn.
I smiled. "Thank you." She's the only one that's talking to me.

"I will fix a plate and take it to Ian then I will be back to help you finish setting up."
I nod.

When Thayer and Blae walked in. I held my head down. It's so hard to look them in the face after my betrayal. "Did you put some diarrhea shit in this food?" Thayer growls out.

I looked at him and gasped. "Of course not."

"Don't act so offended. We know you're not above poisoning people for your own selfishness."

I remained quiet as Ragnar, Calder and Neveah came in and sat down. Even Ivan is here. He was shot twice but it didn't hit anything vital.

When Dawn and the rest of the kids come in I'm prepared to sit next to Ragnar but he stops me with a growl. "You know where you're supposed to sit, wife."

My heart thump with hurt and pain. He wants to humiliate me in front of his family.

I stood there for so long looking at him. I was contemplating running from the kitchen when he stood up. My heart sped up with fear thinking that he was about to hit me. I walked over to the cushion and sat down. I sat on my folded knees and held my head down.

Ragnar then sat down. "Serve me." I got back up and served Ragnar his food. I feel the atmosphere. It's thick with quietness. Once I'm done serving him I sit back on the cushion and hold my head down.

After everyone starts eating I sit there and remain silent. What must they think of me? What has Ragnar told them? Knowing him he hasn't told them much. I decided to clear the air.

I stood up.

"Did I tell you to get up?"

"I have something to say, please. I'll only be a moment."

He just only stared so I turned my attention to the table. "You all know I was an orphan. I have been an orphan since I was 12 years-old. And even then I never had a big family. Only me, my mom and dad. For so long I was lonely. I had no one. I got even lonelier when Gunner came and got me and whisked me off to a whole new country. They hated me at the orphanage. They used to call me horrible names. So I had to grow a thick skin if I wasn't going to let their words hurt me.

When Victor came along he gave me what I thought I was missing at the time. He gave me attention. I wasn't lonely anymore. I was so happy about this that I ignored my basic instincts. I knew something was off with Victor. I just decided to ignore it because I thought that If I told him how I felt he would leave me and I didn't want that. It was pathetic, I know.

I thought I loved him. So when Ragnar came and got me from the orphanage I vowed to get back to Victor even if it meant playing childish pranks on Ragnar. I thought that he would get tired of my pranks and send me back to Victor. Of course, I had no idea who Ragnar was at the time. He flipped out on me and with good reason. But I became fearful of Ragnar and wanted to get away from him. I wanted to punish him by robbing him and taking his money. I thought it would be the ultimate slap to the face.
Victor wanted me to do all this and since I was angry at Ragnar I agreed. But Victor wasn't who I thought he was.

He tried to kill me and Raganr had to save me. Now Ragnar is angry and having a hard time forgiving me. I know I have no right to ask for your forgiveness. I just want to finally belong some place and have a family to call my own. I'll prove myself to you all. I'll show you that I can be worthy to be a part of your lives. All I ask for is a chance. I made a stupid mistake that I'll probably have to spend the rest of my life fixing. But I'll fix it.
So I just want to say that I'm sorry." I turn to Dawn. "I'm really sorry." I know it hurt her that I left while she was being kidnapped. The family was in the middle of a crisis and I made it worse.
I sat back on the cushion and quietly cried. I sniffled and held my head down.

Blae stood up. "Ragnar, please."

"Blae, stay out of my marriage."

Thayer says, "sit down baby. Let them work it out like we had to. She realized her mistake, now she just has to fix it."

Blae sat back down but I'm happy that she stood up for me because she wasn't talking to me earlier.

It got back quiet. Right when my stomach started to cramp from hunger a stuff pasta was brought towards my mouth. I looked up at him to gauge his feelings but his face was blank. I open my mouth and take the pasta from his hand. He broke off a piece of bread and brought it towards my mouth.
He fed me until I was full. He said. "Go to the room and get ready for bed."

I got up. I avoided everyone's eyes as I left the dining room and went upstairs. I took a shower and got into bed. I wanted to cry as I think about sex between us now. The sex is great as always but afterwards he turns away from me. How long will he be mad at me? I know he's upset because his family is injured and hurt so he's lashing out. Ragnar also acted like he had no part in me running. He was abusing me every chance he got. Did he really expect me to sit around and take it?

I just don't understand. I cut the lamp off and closed my eyes.

After this book I will work on the Outlands series. For those of you who don't know the Outland will be a spin off to elven kings mistress. It will be Aresume and Aeson twins story. I'm so excited. Mickey will be a fucking beast and Makay will be a fucking deviant. I have so many ideas for that story that I had to start on it. I will also be updating another book with it. Just not sure which one. This book is almost done. I've actually finished writing the end. So the update will be a little faster. I kidnapped the mob boss isn't finished. I still don't know where I want to go with that but I do know it will be be bloody and deadly. So don't get used to any of the characters.

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