Chapter 5

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Rory Pov

Blae grabs my hand and we run up the stairs. I lead her to the room I'm in and she slams the door closed.

Seconds later we heard the door rattling. "Rory. I'm not done with you bitch. I'm going to fuck you to death then gut you. I'm going to toss your entrails out to the wildlife. And won't anybody care because you're a fucking orphan. Oh but I forgot, you got a man right. He will be heartbroken when your ass is dead. If he wants you so bad he can take your head back with him."

I jumped and cried.

Blae says, "Thayer, get him away from here."

She turned to me and said, "I'm going to ask you something and I don't want you to take it the wrong way. What the hell did you do to him? I've never seen my brother so enraged."

I got nervous. I don't want to tell her the truth. She might get upset and leave. I walked to my dresser and put on some clothes. My body is sore and so is my vagina. My face hurts and throbs.

"I..i..i played some pranks on him. I'm a botany major so I know a lot about plants. I used some to make my breath smell bad and I put some in his breakfast and it gave him diarrhea in the worst way. I messed with the thermostat so that he would catch a cold. "

She burst out laughing. A straight out belly laugh with shaking shoulders.

"Boy, I wished I would have thought to do something like that, Thayer would have beat my ass for sure, but it would have been worth it."

I gasped. "He abused you too."

"Yes, he used to."

"How did you get him to stop?"

"I gained his trust and I won't lie, it was a painful journey. Also, I started fighting back. But the most important part was that I showered him with love. A lot of love. These men. They don't trust easily. You are an enemy to them until then. And they will treat you like one."

"But I love someone else. I was forced into this. I didn't want this."

"Thayer forced me also, he came in like a world wind and shoved a relationship down my throat. But their intuition is dead on. Thayer knew I was meant for him even when I didn't. So, if they keep you around, they're giving you a chance. I'm not telling you to accept the abuse, but you are pretty much stuck so find a way to get along with him."

"But you heard him. He's going to kill me."

"Non-sense. He's really pissed, but he'll calm down. Here let's go talk to him."

She grabs my hand and leads me from the room.

She led me downstairs. I see Thayer is standing in front of a pacing Ragnar. Ragnar has on jeans with no shirt or shoes. His huge wide chest is on display.

When he turned and looked at me, my bruises started to throb. I got scared and nervous.

He growls and comes towards me but Thayer and Ian, I think that's his name, are blocking his advances.

"Ragnar please. I'm sorry. I didn't know you would have diarrhea all day and night. I'm sorry about the breath thing. I was just so upset. I'm sorry for all the pranks."

My words start slurring because my lip is swelling.

I wiped my tears. I looked up into his face. It's scrunched up into a mean and angry scowl.

"You think apologizing to me will erase all the shit you did. My ass is on fire. Your breath ran me off. Out of my own damn house. Did you fuck with my cooling unit that I had to pay 700 for."

The Viking Devil (Devil Series Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now