Chapter 18

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Rory Pov

The next morning when I woke up Ragnar was gone. As I got dressed, I couldn't help but to reminisce about last night. He had sex with me so many times. He left me feeling so complete and satiated, that is until my thoughts drown me back in sorrow. I don't know what to do. Maricia is also ready and dressed. I smiled and grabbed her hand and made our way through this maze they call the West wing. I was starting to think we wouldn't make it out. Then Casper came out of nowhere with that smirk. "Would you ladies like for me to take you to the dining room?" 

I glared at him and was prepared to tell him to take a hike. Marica's soft voice stopped me. "Sure, we would like that. We are lost. It's Casper right. I'm Marcia."
She held her hand out. He grabbed it with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm Casper."

"Is that your real name?" she asked.

He nodded.
She smiled. "I like it. Casper is one of my girlfriend's favorite movies." 

I giggled at the look in his eyes. These men are so arrogant that they think that they can control a lady's sexual preference.

He grabs Marcia's hand and pulls her towards the stairs. "I hear Ragnar say that you're in college little one. What are you studying?"


"Mmm, you know our family is from Norway. We have excellent museums and digging sites for you to explore. Maybe I can take you on the family's plane sometime."

I quickly run up to them and separate their hands. I say, " she can't, she'll be busy." I grabbed her hand in mine and glared at Casper.

Marcia says, "Rory, are you alright."

"I'm fine. Casper lead the way please."

When we make it to the kitchen everyone is there already, except Ian and Dawn. I was told that they are having breakfast at a restaurant in the city. Casper tries to sit next to Marcia but I sit there instead. He has to go all the way around the table and sit across from us. He gives me a deadly look but I ignore it. I'm already in too deep. I will not let my innocent sister get caught up as well. I will protect her with my dying breath. I look at who sits next to Casper and catch my breath. I want to cry, like really cry. Why is my body betraying me? I hate it. I don't want this fucking brute. I want my sweet sensitive Victor.

So why did my whole body light up in excitement when he walked in and sat down. I want to go to him and kiss him good morning and tell him I wish that he would have stayed with me last night. For once I want to sleep on his big wide chest. Ragnar and I haven't slept in the same bed. Ever. I've always slept across the hall and he never came in and said otherwise.

The look he's giving me is so raw and primitive that I clench my thighs. But is that all we have? That primitive make-up in our DNA that tells us to mate. He won't talk to me. He talks at me. There's a difference. I won't live with his barbaric ways. But to be fair I think I messed this up too. Ragnar was willing to start over and help me work out my business plan for my business start up.

I turn my head away before he sees the battle in my eyes. What would my father think? This isn't what he wanted for me. He didn't want me to leave my husband and cuckold him. He wanted me to be in this family for a reason. I just don't know the reason. I snapped from my thoughts when Marcia bursted out laughing. Casper is smiling at her. I glared at him but he ignored me and kept looking at my sister with that lascivious look in his eyes. I raised my foot up and kicked him under the table.
But it wasn't his leg that I kicked. Ragnar let out a hmfp and leaned down to rub his leg. I blushed and became a little fearful. I know what a psycho Ragnar can be, how abusive.

"Sorry," I said softly, which was more than I ever got from him.  I find Blae's eyes and gesture for her to get Casper. I plead with my eyes. I know her hospitality can only go so far. But I hope she can help me with this one last thing. I'm sure everyone knows the rundown on Marcia. That she's in college and probably who her girlfriend is. This family is like a fucking cult. They're close knit and wary of outsiders. They don't just let anyone in without caution.

Blae says, "Casper, I need a favor. Since Ragnar has so carelessly left Gunnar's finance in shambles. I need you to go back to Norway and make sure he still has his fortune when he gets back."

He tore his eyes away from Marcia to look at Blae. "Hell no Blae, I'm busy."  He looked over at Thayer. "Thayer, you're gonna let your wife send me away. Why can't Arkan do it?"

Blae says, "Arkan doesn't have a degree in finance, you do. Do you seriously want the government to come down on Gunner for something as small as taxes."  

"Thayer." Casper turned back to Thayer, not liking Blae's answer.

"I won't make you go, but you know in this family we stick together and help out where we can," said Thayer.

When Casper smiled I cursed. He looked at me with a dangerous look. I shrink back.
He looked at Maricia and smiled then smirked.

He got up from the chair. "I'll call the pilot and tell him to prepare the jet. Blae, I know why you did this and I will pay you back."

He walked from the room. I became a little nervous. That look didn't bode well for somebody. I don't know who.

We all started to eat. I only eat a couple of bites before I feel an intense stare. I ignore it. My mind ignores it but my body can't. I clench my thighs. I'm downright offended at my body. If I could, I would teach it a lesson in self-respect.

We're all interrupted by Thayer's phone ringing. It was a loud ring like an emergency ring. 

Thayer was already on alert when he picked it up.

After listening, his face contoured into pain.
"Thayer baby, what is it? Talk to me." Blae got up and grabbed his shoulders.

He dropped the phone on the table. He took several deep breaths. "Kids, go to your rooms. All of you."

The kids looked like they wanted to ask questions, especially Thayer's oldest daughter.

"Now!" They all jumped and got up from the table and ran out the room.

Thayer eyes are red.

He looked at us all. His throat was clogged with emotions when he said, "Gear up. Ian's been shot and Dawn has been kidnapped."

Outrage was heard from everyone as they geared up to leave. Soon it was just me and Marica left alone. I turned to her. "Marica, this is the perfect time to leave. I want you to leave and meet me at the docks. Pier 9, ok. I will meet you there soon. We need to leave separately so that no one suspects anything. If I'm not at the pier in an hour leave without me. Just go and live your life. Transfer all your college credits somewhere and be happy. Don't live your life being miserable and afraid."

Tears came to her eyes. She nods. "But Rory, what if we are caught. What will they do to us?"

"Nothing good. That's why you have to follow my instructions. I have to run home and grab something then I'll meet you there soon. I promise. Here." I took some cash from my pockets and handed it to her. I called her a cab. After 10 minutes she was off.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I took another deep breath of determination. Ignoring every fiber in my being not to take Ragnar's money and leave. Especially since his friend has been shot down. And poor Dawn has been kidnapped. But I can't worry about that now.

I get into Ragnar's car and drive to his house. I grab what I'm looking for. I got to the door and looked around the house. My breath hitched. I don't want to leave but I know I need to. I turned off the light and slowly closed the door.

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