Chapter 17

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Rory Pov

I cringed as I heard the phone conversation between Marcia and her girlfriend. Her girlfriend doesn't seem to be friendly. She has threatened her with violence many times. Apparently they are taking some time apart because her girlfriend cheated on her.

Marcia should leave her, damn taking a break. No one should be cheated on.

That's why I asked Ragnar if he'll still have his dalliances. I won't put up with cheating at all. That is a deal breaker for me. The abuse is too but one thing at a time.

"Lela, that is the third time you've threatened me. You're the one cheated so cut the shit. Not to mention, it sounds like you're at a party right now. You're always partying, drinking and cheating. You tell me where I fit into all that."

"That's because I want to graduate at the top of my class. I need to study. I can't party all night like you and keeping up with you to make sure you stay faithful to me is becoming exhausting, like a full-time job."

"Hello, hello. Lela."

She turns to me. "She hung on me. You better get me back there. Her family is associated with the latino mob. You don't want to mess with them. She considers me her property. I'm not allowed to leave her. She'll come for me soon and it won't be pretty."

"Trust me, they don't want to mess with these people. Don't worry, we'll think of something. But Marcia, do you even want to go back? We can transfer all your college courses somewhere else. Like I said, I might be leaving soon. You can't be anywhere that Ragnar could get to you and use you against me. You just saw how crazy he is."

She sighs. "I don't know, maybe. Having a big sister is cool. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this. All the lies my mother told me."

"She did that to protect you. The same reason I didn't tell you."

"Thank you for taking care of me and for paying my tuition and stuff."

"It's the least I could do. I didn't have anything else to offer you and don't have much now. But I can promise you that we can figure it out together." I grabbed her hand and smiled. I told her about Victor and our plan to leave soon. We will go somewhere tropical and live out the rest of our days on an island.

"That's great. I hope it's an old island with artifacts. I'm studying to be an anthropologist. I would love to dig on an island and intern at one of their museums."

"Sounds like a plan."

"But what about Lela? I still love her."

"Then you need to ask yourself how bad do you want it. Either way, you would have had to leave eventually, right."

She sighs again. "I guess. That's another thing we always argued about."

I patted her hand. "I'm going to take a shower. This place is loaded with food and clothes I'm sure, so help yourself to anything."

I walked into the room and removed my clothes and got into the shower. This place is big and luxurious. Big tubs, separate showers. I miss the shower at Ragnar's house. It had jets all over the shower. One of the jets shoots out soap. I sigh. That's done and over with. I can't wait to see Victor, make love to him for the first time and live out the rest of our lives together.

I took a long shower. A lot is on my mind. I don't understand why Victor wants Ragnar's money. I still don't know what he does for a living. That's what scares me. Ragnar told me over and over to know who I'm dealing with before fucking with them. What if I go to Victor with no check. What then? But how will we run to the far ends of the earth to an island with no money? I still have my credit card but I'm sure he can find a way to track me through it.

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