Chapter 7

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Ian Pov

As I drive back to my place inside the compound I think about the 21 year old that is sniffing next to me. Blae insisted that Thayer's crew build their own place on his land. He has over 60 acres so I agreed. I still have my privacy.

I'm 31, what the hell am I doing. But when I saw her I couldn't breath. She literally took my breath away. But damn it, she's young. I like women my age and experienced. For years I wanted what Thayer and Blae has. And I can see why Thayer goes crazy at the slightest provocation from Blae. I just met her and already I want to possess her and having all kinds of crazy thoughts if she rejects me. I won't let her. She will be with me from now on. I don't even give a fuck if she has a life or a job. That shit will not matter to me. 

"Can you stop crying and hold your head up. Do you want me to take you back to Ragnar's house?" I growled loudly. I'm done being patient with her.

She jumps, "no sir."

"Don't call me sir. My name is Ian. I'm going to be your man."

"Please sir. I already have a boyfriend and my father will be upset if I don't come straight home from the library."

I slammed on the brakes and turned to her. "Is that where you work, the library?"

She nods.

"You know those have been rendered useless because of the internet."

"Yes, but I have peace there."

"You must like books."

She nods.

"What does your boyfriend do?"

"He works there sometimes too."

"Your boyfriend is a fucking nerd."

She nods, "and so am I and he's also black like me."

I tensed up. "Are you sassing me.?"

"N-no, of course not. I just want to go home and you're making that difficult. I'm scared. I don't know you."

"I want to be with you. I don't care about your race or age. Are you attracted to me at all?"


I smirked because I know she's lying. She has been scared tonight. She's nervous but I can still see the attraction in her eyes. She won't let herself trust it right now.

"Well since that sounded like a lie, I will go ahead with my original plan to kidnap you."

"Sir, no, you can't, please." 

"It's done," I say as I put the car back in gear.

"And don't bring up that man of yours again unless you want him to die. Give me your phone."

"I don't have it. It was in my car."

"Mmmm. You will be thoroughly searched anyways."

"Ian, please."

"You just made my dick ache when you said my name."

I speed up to make it to the compound. I have to have her. My whole body is drummed tight with anticipation. She is very curvy. I want to feel her curves in my hands and mouth. Her brown skin being caressed by my tongue.

When we made it to my house on the compound she tried to stay in the truck. I had to pull her out kicking and screaming.

I never thought I would be like this with a woman. I've never been this possessive. She has a man. I'll be damned if I let her go back to him. Tomorrow I'll do a little research on her and see who her people are.

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