Chapter 2

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Rory Pov  

How dare he sit over there and sleep when he has come in and snatched my world from me. I knew that my dad had a marriage contract, he told me. My dad always wanted what was best for me. He wanted me to have every opportunity other people had. So he married me off to a rich family and when my dad died someone came to my house and collected my stuff and moved me to Norway.

I have been there ever since. It took some getting used to, because I know it's not how people marry. Then when I turned 18 no one came for me. I got depressed. I thought that they didn't want me only to realize they had forgotten about me.

Since no one came for me I started living my best life. No one really bothered me because they knew Gunner was my guardian. I got whatever I wanted. Some girls called me a brat behind my back but I didn't  care.

When I met Victor they really got jealous. Victor lived on the all boys side and after he graduated he would still sneak and come see me.We had a date  3 days from now and I was going to give him my virginity. Now he doesn't even know that I'm gone.

He will not come in and ruin my life. I will make his life a living hell. One good thing about having a degree in botany is that you can whip up all types of concoctions.

I will give Ragnar hell until he gets fed up and  sends me back to my love. It will be awhile until the plane lands. I missed America but I missed Victor more. I lay my head back and close my eyes as I plot ways to make him pay. Since this is technically our wedding night I know he will want to consummate our union, well that definitely will not happen. After minutes of racking my brain I came up with a plan. I smiled and fell asleep.

Ragnar Pov

I've woken up and fallen back to sleep three times and we're just now landing. But that nap was much needed. I've been drinking and fucking for days and I'm still tired.

When we land Ian is there to pick us up. Ian is from Thayer's crew. To me he is the most devoted one in the crew.

"Ragnar, I'm glad to see that you're back. We've missed your silence and brooding presence." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Good to be back. How you been Ian. Have you found the woman of your dreams yet."

"Not yet, but I won't give up, how's your dad's business over there."

I say," that shit can fall and sink for all I care. Damn him and his business. He has married me off because he's a lousy poker player who obviously doesn't know when to hold them and when to fold them." 

"Uh,"  was his reply.

I nod my head toward the plan entrance and see Rory debark.

Ian says, " damn where did you find her."

"In an orphanage, did you not just hear me? Look, I'm tired and want to go home. Are you ready to do some work?"

"Yea sure. Sorry for staring but she's gorgeous."

"And with an attitude to boot," I say and load the trunk with our bags. Where in the hell did all these bags come from? She packed the whole country it seems. I thought she had one little suitcase.

She walks past us and gets into the car. Ian says, " she's a little snooty isn't she."  

I nod my head. "Apparently she was spoiled and used to getting her way. I got her file from the orphanage and read it."

"You plan on addressing that," he asks.

"Not right now. I'm tired and just want to go home and unwind."

We all get in and Ian drives me home.

Ian wished me luck and drove off.

When we make it inside Rory says, " wow look at this place, it's huge."

It is nice. I decided to move close to my brother in the rural area but they didn't have any houses that I liked so I bought some land and had one built. It's an open floor plan. You can see everything from the foyer. I did that because when I get paranoid I need to be able to see everything. If I'm in the kitchen I want to be able to see the front of my house. When you're in the business I'm in every move has to be precise and thought out.

"Make yourself at home. I'm going upstairs to take a shower and a nap. You can walk around outside, but do not leave out the gates. You are to sleep in the room with me, so when you're done come in and sort your clothes in the closet and in the drawers."

"Wait, we're sleeping together."

"Yes, this is a marriage after all, sham as it may be, we will have a traditional marriage."


"No buts. When I say something I don't want to go back and forth with you and most importantly keep all the talking down to a minimum." After I say this I walk off.

Rory Pov

I watched him walk away. Just who the hell does he think he is, talking to me like that. I can't wait to start ruining his life. I definitely can't wait until I can see Victor again.

But I don't get the chance. When he wakes up from his nap he leaves and stays gone for days. While he's gone I think of more ways to hurt him. I don't put my clothes with his. 

I find my own room and stay there. It's directly across the hall from his room. I also walk outside a lot. He has a pool that I swim in often. I started to get bored and starve for human contact. I debate on whether to call Victor and decide against it. I will get a cellphone then I will call him.

Speaking of, I'm tired of sitting in this house. I looked around for money and car keys and found both in the key bowl by the kitchen. I walked through the garage doors and got in the Range Rover he has there. I backed out and made my way towards the gates. I nodded to the guard there and he let me out. I looked up points of interest on the GPS since I don't know anything about where I am. The GPS pulls up restaurants and bingo! I head to the mall.

When I make it to the mall 20 minutes later I get out and make my way to the cell store. 45 minutes later I am connected and have a good long distance cell plan.

I walked around the mall for a while until I'm bored, then I got into the truck and drove home.

When I made it back I saw that Ragnar was here. He's talking to a guard. I drive past them and rush into the house to put my first plan in motion. I grab some of my botany leaves that I packed and start chewing fast. I coat my tongue and mouth with it. Let's see how he likes being made a fool of.

How do yall think Ragnar will handle this.

I will try to put up warnings when I put up a graphic chapter. But you are warned. There will be some tough ones.

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