Chapter 40

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Rory Pov

When he turned and walked away I deflated. I wanted him to come back and fight for us. Say something damn it. Ragnar is changing whether he knows it or not. When I first met him he was a down right maniac. Now he's just a little bit psycho. I know most women wouldn't but I'm going to call that progress. I'm falling so hard for him. Especially this little bit of a psycho version of Ragnar. The maniac Ragnar, I couldn't deal with at all. When I first got here I wouldn't have ever thought to slap Ragnar. He's too damn big, mean and intimidating. When I first met him his eyes were emotionless, now they are blazed up with emotions. Like I said, progress.

I get myself together and go downstairs. I've been watching youtube videos on how to grill meat and how to make coleslaw. My mom was a caterer before she died. I always helped her cook and prepare food. So being in the kitchen takes me back to those days and I feel closer to her.

I saw one of the guards. "Excuse me, could you go get the barbecue grill and bring it to the side deck. Please."

He nodded and I walked off. I don't like being on the other deck. There's too much sun on that side. The sun is about to go down but still.

I take out all the meat and start to season it. I heard the children playing in the background. Then I heard a patter of feet in the kitchen. "Thanks for our snacks and ice cream Rory."

I turned to see one of Blae's children. I smiled at him. "You're very welcome, Yuki."

His eyes grew big with surprise. "You know which twin I am."

I smiled again. "Of course."

"How?," he asked while licking on his ice cream.

I bent down to his eye level and stared him in the eyes. I rub his face. "Your eyes. You have your mothers eyes. Even though they are not the same color as hers, they are soft, kind and patient. Whereas Nero has your father's eyes." I smiled. "All knowing and strong. But I can tell he takes his job as a big brother seriously."

He smiles. "Now run a long while I do a terrible job at grilling this meat."

"If you mess it up I'll still eat it so I won't hurt your feelings."

I giggled, "well aren't you sweet." He ran out of the kitchen then his father entered.

"Need any help." I stiffened. I really don't like when Thayer focuses on me. It makes me nervous. Like I can't be myself.

"Sure, you can wash that meat off over there; then put it in this pan so that I can season it."

He nods. After minutes of washing he said, "I'm all knowing huh." He smiled.

"You were listening."

He nods. "Rory, I wasn't sure about you at first. But now I know you're exactly what my brother needs. Men like us have to be taught how to love. I mean sure we love our family but that's DNA. That's hardwired already. We've been hard our entire life. So when a woman comes along that's meant for us we lose our minds because we don't understand the emotions that our psyche is trying to tell us.

It's hard for us to soften our ways, especially if violence is the way we've dealt with it in the past. Such as betrayal, lies, secret holding. It makes it very hard for the relationship for a while; especially in the beginning. I remember when Blae left me.

After I found her she couldn't leave the room, or the house for a long time. Because I felt like she was trying to leave me. Her every move was questioned and scrutinized by me. I didn't know I was taking it too far until she was bloody on the floor crying. But now I trust her. She is a strong woman. You have to be strong to deal with men like us."

"So if Blae is out and you happen to come up on her talking to another man. What would you do?"

He stiffened. His face became angry at the thought. He breathed out. "I trust my wife but under no circumstances are she allowed to talk to men that's not family for more than 5 or 6 seconds. But I would at least hear her out if that ever happens. Now the old me would have blown off the hinge and murdered the man then locked her up in my basement for months. Blae also knows not to test me. She wouldn't be talking to a man unless it was an urgent need. Especially a man that's not in this family.

That's my whole point about trust. Once we trust you, your life is much easier. It's a hard road to get there though."

"I'm trying Thayer, I really am."

"I know. Just keep at it." He washed his hands and patted my shoulder and walked out.

Once the guard let me know the grill was moved I went out back to the grill and got to work. I put the charcoal in it then lit them. After the grill was hot I put the meat on then added the vegetables and corn up top. I flipped and rotated the meat several times.

Soon everything was done. I wanted everyone to come out back to the picnic tables to eat. Everyone was here except for Parlon and Ian. Arkan is moving around now. He's burnt really bad; he has bandages everywhere so no one can see them. He and Parlon are undergoing skin graphs next week.

"Wow, this is good Rory, is this your first time grilling? This coleslaw is the bomb."

I smiled. "It is. My mother was a caterer so being in the kitchen takes me back to our days when we would cook. We always wanted to try grilling but never got the chance."

Blae says, "well it's fantastic. Your mother would be proud." I nodded. "Thank you Blae."

Before Ragnar could grab me I walked off.

I walked back to the kitchen to grab more kool-aid.

But I froze when I heard. "Well, well, look at who we have here. Everybody that I need to kill in one area."

Everyone pulled out their guns quickly but stopped when a gray haired man pulled Amil to his side and put the gun to her head.

"Nobody fucking move."

"Daddy!" she screamed.

"What the fuck do you want Olsen." Asked Thayer. He's trying to be calmed but I see the almost desperate need in his eyes to get to his daughter.

I froze when he mentioned the name Olsen. That name has been said around here a lot lately.

"I want my fucking son back. I want you to bring him out to me and I want you to watch as he kills your entire family before your eyes, Thayer."

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