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We were all eating and chatting about mine and Jacks parents when Gareth tells the boys they have a meeting.

"Oh hi Harley I'm Gareth nice to meet you"

I shook his hand "nice to meet you" I smiled.

"Phil would you mind staying with Harley as you don't need to be in the meeting anyways"

"Yeah sure"


All the boys get up to go for their meeting and Jack waits behind. "Phil show her around please. I'm trusting you with her"

"Yeah no problem bro. You can trust me"

Jack goes and Phil starts walking towards the door and then turns back.

"You coming or not?"

"Sorry yes coming"

I followed behind him. He really was so hot I know I shouldn't think this because he is jacks best friend but he really was. We walked into the gym first then the movie room then the shower room and we finally got to my room. I was too busy staring I didn't realised we had stopped.

"Harley? Are you there"

"Yeah sorry I zoned out, how come you weren't in the meeting Phil?"

"I'm injured and I can't train for another couple of weeks." "Well this is your room oh and" he fiddles around and pulls a card out of his pocket "this is your key. Here go check it out"

He hands me the key and I open the door. "That's a shame.You coming in?"

"Well if your offering" he winked and followed me in. It gave me major butterflies. No stop I can't feel like this about my brothers best friend. Ugh why did he have to be so fit.

"Wow your room is better than any of ours might have to bunk with you" he laughed.

"I don't think my brother would allow that"
I laughed.

"Who said he had to know?" He smirked.
I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but the butterflies all came back. I can't believe what this man is doing to me. Already.

"So what do you wanna do now" he said.

"Oh you can go if you want. Thank you for showing me around" I smiled really not wanting him to actually go.

"I'm not just gonna leave you here all alone Harley. Come on we can go put a movie on until the others are back" he put his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the movie room. He smelled so good.

We got into the movie room and he sat on the couch so I sat on the opposite end. He looked at me and moved up so we were sat next to eachother.

"We aren't gonna get wrong for sitting next to each other are we?" He laughed.

"You know what Jack is like" I laughed.

"That's a good point let's make him more mad. It will be a laugh" he put his arm out gesturing for me to cuddle in. I did. Of course I did he was so hot but god knows what Jack is gonna do.

"See I'm not that and am I?" He looked down at me.

I looked up to answer him and our lips were centimetres apart. He stared into my eyes and smirked.  "Hmm I don't know Phil, kinda uncomfortable" I laughed.

"My lap isn't" he winked I just laughed and turned back around. I was gonna pass out how was this man so god damn hot.

We were sat cuddled up for at least half an hour before the boys all burst in. I was so comfortable with Phil I was hoping they would be longer.

"Yooo mate Jack ain't gonna be happy" Mason said.

"I won't be happy about wha" Jacks face dropped. "What the fuck Phil?"

"Chill out Jack there's nothing in it" Phil said.

"Doesn't look like nothing to me Phil. Get up then Harley snuggle session is over"

I awkwardly sat up and moved away from Phil. All the boys joined us and for the rest of the film and Phil stared at the floor for most of it but I also caught him staring at me. I mouthed 'what you staring at?' He mouthed back 'you' and winked. Oh here they are again. The butterflies. This man was doing mad things to me.

"Okay boys I'm gonna head to bed. See you all tomorrow it was nice meeting you guys" I smiled getting up and waving.

Phils POV

I heard that Jacks sister was fit but I didn't think she was that fit. Her staying here is gonna cause me problems. I'm not gonna be able to stay away from her she is so gorgeous.

"I'm gonna head to the toilet lads" I lied.

I quickly caught up with her.

"Harley wait"

"Yes Phil?"

"Could I please get your number?"

"Yeah sure pass me your phone" she looked so good stood there putting her number into my phone.

Harleys POV

I was putting my phone number into PHIL FODENS phone omg. I gave him it back and smiled and started walking away.

"Oh and don't tell your brother" he shouted behind and winked.

I mouthed 'I won't' because I wasn't gonna shout like he just did.

I get to my room and change into some pyjamas and flop onto the bed and see I already have a message.

Unknown contact

Hey pretty:)
It's Phil btw x

Hey you, I guessed that x

Wyd xx

Just about to go to sleep x

Ok sleep well, see you tomorrow gorgeous 😍

See you tomorrow Phil :)

End of text

I quickly changed his name to 'Phil💙' and went to sleep.

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