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Phil woke up to an empty bed. He leaned over to the bedside table for his phone to reveal it was 12pm. To say his head was pounding would be an understatement. He had definitely drank too much the night before.

He dragged himself out of bed and found Harley laid out on a sunlounger next to Mase and Bukayo. Harley giggled at him as he plopped himself on top of her placing his head on her chest and letting out a loud groan.

"Has it all caught up with you bro?" Mase laughed at him to which Phil just sent him a thumbs up.

Phil wrapped his arms around Harley and snuggled himself in.

"You do know your blocking all of my sun here" Harley said.

"Yeah. I don't care" Phil laughed.

"I think we all need a night in tonight like boys" Bukayo spoke up.

"I agree. Also never leave him again please Harley" Mase laughed and shook his head.

"Why" she laughed and Phil looked up.

"He was like a lost puppy last night" Everyone laughed including Phil who also shook his head.

"Where's Ben?" Harley asked.

"He went back with Amelia last night" Mase shrugged.

The rest of the boys returned from the shopping trip they had took themselves on. Phil was absolutely flat out asleep on Harley causing Jack to shake his head as he sat on the seat next to her.

"He finally rose from the dead yet?" Jack asked.

"He did for about 20 minutes" Harley laughed.

"We're gonna stay in tonight bro" Mase joined in.

"Good idea we've got a boat party tomorrow" Jack grinned pleased with himself.

"Anyways Harls fancy going for some brunch instead of breakfast?" Jack asked her.

"Yeah of course. Need to wake him up tho" they all laughed.

After waking Phil up Harley went to throw some clothes on for her little lunch date with her brother. Phil obviously followed Harley upstairs and he was currently in the shower.

She put on a two piece with a cross strap top and a skirt with a slit up the side. She felt really pretty and a lot better than the night before. She couldn't help but notice how her skin was glowing after being under the sun for a couple of days and how her skin was completely clear. Everything was going right and she hoped nothing would ruin it.

Phil walked back into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Harley turned to look at him and couldn't help but stare down at his toned body. When she returned her gaze to his face he was smirking over at her making her feel a little weak.

"Stop staring darling. It's all yours" he almost groaned as he walked towards her.

"You feeling more alive now babe?" she giggled at him ignoring the tension in the room.

"Yeah i'm gonna try catch a better tan than you and Jack while your gone" he nudged her playfully before wrapping his hands around her waist from behind as she rubbed in some moisturiser. Phil had also noticed how good of a tan she was getting while they were away.

They both stared at each other in the mirror for a second too long before phil swivelled her around and placed his lips onto hers. It wasn't a greedy kiss but it was powerful and Harley needed to break away before she left Jack waiting any longer.

She pulled away gave him another kiss to say her goodbyes and her and Jack were now at a little cafe having 'brunch'.

"I rang dad you know" Jack said.

"Oh really. What did he say?"

"I told him I knew about you and Phil and he tried to act shocked like he had no idea" they both laughed.

"He's never been a good liar" Harley giggled again.

"Nah I actually think you've got competition for Phil. As soon as he give up the acting it's all he spoke about"

"You should see them Jack. We wouldn't get a word in" they laughed again but there seemed to be an awkward silence.

The waitress came over and the pair decided to order one alcoholic drink. Harley started to play with her food and something again felt very odd. The siblings couldn't normally go even seconds without saying a word to each other. Jack broke the silence eventually.

"So Harls what was up last night. Has he upset you?"

"No no. I wasn't upset at all I was more relieved that you weren't mad at us because I don't know what i'd do" she looked down.

"I could never be angry at you for long Harls your my little sister. If your happy then i'm happy too even if you are shagging my bestfriend" Jack laughed.

"What a way to put it Jacky" she laughed too.

"Yeah I just made myself feel sick" Jack laughed again. They were fine. Everything was fine. Why was there still an awkward tension.



"What's up with you?"

"I have some news that i'm not supposed to tell anyone but I can't hold it in" he looked down.

"You can tell me Jack"

"Well i'm leaving Aston villa" he looked down he looked upset but excited at the same time. It was weird.

"Wait really, Jack you love that club you've done so much for them"

"I know and I will always love that club but my career hasn't got as long as i'd like and i want to win trophies and medals. Silverware Harls. That's why I made my decision"

"Yeah I kind of get it they were lucky to have you. You done alot for them Jack. But where are you moving too?"

"Well this is the good part but I wanted it to be a surprise" he paused and looked up at her "Manchester City Harls. I'm coming to Manchester" he smiled.

Harley jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around him. All she has ever wanted is for her brother to be living close to her again. He wasn't only now going ti be in the same city as her but also finally far away from their mother. If you could even call her that. Whenever Harley even slightly thought about their mother she felt a twang in her heart, a pain, that Jack knew nothing about the way she had made Harley felt. She would have told him but she never wanted to break his heart, he loved their mother and to him she was a good mam it's just a shame Harley never got the same treatment.

After Harley had taken her seat again they chatted for a little while longer Jack throwing in the odd dig at Harley about Phil and they laughed and joked together before heading off back to the villa.

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