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Phil and Harley were just lay next to one another staring at the ceiling in a comfortable silence. The pairs breathing slowly returning back to a normal pattern. Phil rolled over to face her before speaking up.

"You know when the lads find out about us i'm gonna get rinsed?" he laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"They'll have my life Harls" he laughed vain.

"Ohh like take the mic?"

"Yeah. And they'll defo rinse Jack too" they both laughed. "Especially Dec he will defo say something like- 'so Jack, how does it feel that Phils shagging your sister?" Phil mocked Declan's London accent causing them both to burst out into laughter.

"Well we know he won't find that funny at all" Harley said once they stopped laughing.

"I wonder if him and Sasha have spoke much recently" Phil thought out loud.

"Oh my god. Phil I completely forgot about that. I'm gonna have to message her"


Hey Sash, how's the pregnancy going? x

Heyy Harls. Honestly it's going great Jack has payed for me to get it all done privately which was lovely of him xx

Aww that is nice. Have you heard the little heart beat yet? xx

Yes and honestly it's just one of the best things you can experience xx

That's lush Sash. How many weeks are you now? xx

14 tomorrow. Me and Jack have been talking and we want to do a proper gender reveal because our families still get along obviously xx

Great I can't wait to find out. I still can't believe i'm gonna be an aunty!! xx
Anyways how you feeling obviously speaking to Jack again?

Honestly it was hard at first but i'm just so pleased we can actually be friends rather for it just being for the sake of the baby xx

Yeah it's nice that you two are getting along. Well i'll speak to you soon keep me updated pleaseee xx

I will darling. Speak to you soon<3

End of text

"Do you think they will get back together?" Phil asked as he had his head rested on Harleys chest watching them text.

"Honestly Phil you never know. When the baby comes along they may just slowly work things out. He just needs to grow up a bit but i believe she is the right person for him" harley smiled.

"I think he loves her. She seems really nice too. I've never met her but since the baby he's spoke highly of her to the lads"

"That's good then. He's always cared about her Phil but he just couldn't get his act together" she shrugged her shoulders. She really did love Sasha even thought they'd only met a handful of times they had clicked straight away and Harley would always try to comfort her as much as she could over the phone when Jack had done something wrong. He wasn't bad to her he just couldn't keep it in his pants. When they finally called it quits Harley was relived because it wasn't good for either of them however Jack still went back every now and then to use her as a one night stand. She will always believe that he only did it to keep Sasha in his life. Because they are the literal definition right person wrong time.

"I'm still buzzing for him to become a dad you know. I can't wait to have my own one day" Phil said. Harley smiled to herself at how genuine he was. He was so straight up however never failed to say the right things.

"I'm happy too. I get to be the fun aunty and eventually give it a cousin or two" she giggled. She definitely wanted kids in the future. But right now. No way.

Harley put a film on and let's just say this was a bad decision. Phil never shut up. He would constantly ask questions to the point Harley replied with 'Phil watch it and find out' or 'watch the film Phil'. He managed to stay quite for all of five minutes before he then decided the fate of each character in the film and Harley just rolled her eyes and laughed at him.

"Remind me to never take you to a cinema. Ever" she stared rolling her eyes for the millionth time.

"I don't talk in the cinema because this old lady shouted at me once and i've never been so scared. She was evil" he shivered remembering her face. Harley burst out laughing at him.

"Your such a child"

After they eventually finished the film Phil had started a debate about the main couple.

"Your not listening to what i'm saying Harley. How can they act like they are in love that well if they don't actually like eachother?"

"That's the beauty of acting Phil" emphasising the word acting. "She probably has a husband and three kids waiting for her. This is her job"

"Just saying if you were an actor and kissed a boy like that then i would be fuming" she crossed his arms like a child.

"Well lucky for you I have no desire for a career in acting" she giggled at him.

"Good" he said with a smug expression.

The pair joined Harley's dad for the rest of the day who embarrassed the girl as much as he could. Phil already fit perfectly into their little family it was so strange. It was like he'd always been there. They looked through old photos which is just standard when a girl takes a boy to meet their dad. They had a debate once again about actors always being in love in real life which ended in Dave starting to understand Phil's point the more they talked.

They then got onto the subject of Harley's mother. Which Dave and Harley between them hold a lot of hate within them for. Phil listened along and even chuckled as the pair bitched about Emma. 'A stuck up, ignorant, self centred bitch' as she was referred as multiple times.

The more times Phil heard Emma being spoken of the more he grew to join the hate club. He'd never even met the woman and could name several points as to why he disliked her. The one thing he couldn't get his head round was how Jack failed to notice. Everyone who knew Jack knew he may have had his head screwed on and become highly successful on his career path but that man was clueless. He presented himself well yet still looked gormless. He was polite and well spoken but you also can't make out a sentence with the stuff he comes out with. He really was one of a kind. Yet still how didn't he notice his mothers behaviour towards Harley. To Phil it seemed as though it was obvious.

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