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Ruby Flint. An average sized mousey blonde girl with a fiery attitude. Someone who's bad side you didn't want to cross. A girl who held her own yet went about it in the wrong way. A 'fame hungry whore' as she was known as by many. Most unfortunately, Phil's ex girlfriend.

The pair met at a family friends wedding and the initial attraction sparked between them. It was fair to say Ruby was easy on the eye however her attitude stunk. They exchanged phone numbers and hit it off at first. Phil started to take her out on dates when he had free time. The start of their relationship was around the same time as the start of Phil's career for the first team at Man City.

Her true colours started to show when Ruby wanted only to be seen with Phil when he had played in a big game or if his name had came up in articles online. It was very clear she was with him for the fame it would bring to her. They were only officially together for three months until Phil decided to cut her out. Every now and then she still tried to claim fame from him announcing that they were once together and constantly posting 'right person wrong time' across social media. Luckily, she was never given the time of day by any fans at all.

Since Phil had became successful and signed his contract with the first team he'd never heard of or from her. Unluckily for him she just happened to appear during his morning exercise. Phil finished off his jog and switched his treadmill off ready to move on. That's when she took her headphones out and turned her full attention towards him signalling for him to remove his own. Reluctantly he did.

"Fancy seeing you here" she smiled. The kind of expression you can only describe with one word. Fake.

"Yep" He tried to smile. Phil wasn't a rude person he wasn't brought up that way. However she had became an acceptation.

"Thought you'd have your own private gym nowadays Phillip" she was just so patronising it was a joke.

"Plans are underway" Only half lying. He had planned it but hadn't sent them off as of yet.

"How's life nowadays then?"

"Good yeah" Blunt.

"Yeah mines pretty good too thanks for asking" she rolled her eyes at him. Could he make it any obvious he didn't want ti speak to her.

Phil just nodded and left to get in with the rest of his exercises. She was the last person he wanted to conversate with this early on a Tuesday morning. In fact, she was the last person he wanted to conversate with ever.

Phil spent another hour in the gym and felt eyes on him the whole time. He was uncomfortable. Not that he felt nervous around her or even intimated. This girl just brought the worst energy everywhere she went and it reminded Phil of why he left her to begin with. He was on checking out and took a quick glance behind him to see her speeding towards the exit. Phil swiped his card and ran out of the doors as fast as he could into the car park before speeding straight out the exit. Lucky escape.

He drove home hoping that was a one off and he wouldn't be bumping into her again any time soon. And planned to get that hun sorted the minute he reached home.

Harleys POV

Harley had a lovely lie in that morning obviously exhausted from her shopping trip the day before. Today was going to be pretty chilled for her she had the last few bits of packing to do and a long shower to shave and exfoliate prepping her skin for the week ahead and the sun.

She thought about asking Phil if he wanted to call over for bit that afternoon. Her mind flashing back to him packing for her and complaining she wasn't doing it right when they went on Phil's little physio trip. She was more than excited to spend the week away with all of the boys however she had a slight worry of being caught out with Phil. The heat plus the foreign drink measures was a dangerous mix and she was sure she would end up in some kind of paralytic state at least once. Guess we will just have to find out.

She had gotten dressed and had a nice breakfast date with her father before Phil had messaged her.


Heyyy Harlsssss


What you doing x

Just had breakfast with my dad😍

Anyways are you home?

I am x

Perfect can I come over xx

Of course xx

Seen you soon gorgeous😘

End of text

Once Phil arrived they were just chilling out in Harleys room fighting over the fan as it was a very warm Tuesday in Manchester.

"Harls the worst thing happened today" Phil basically grunted as they were sprawled out across the bed not even daring to touch one another because if the heat.

"And what was that?" she questioned. Both still having their eyes closed taking in the air from the fan.

"I woke up early and decided to go to the gym yeah"

"How early are we talking?"

"Well i woke up at six" Harley replied with a grunt.

"Anyways I was just listening to some absolute tunes having a jog on the treadmill"

"Hmm tunes. Ok" she replied sarcastically.

"Will you let me get to the point?" Phil joked.

"Sorry carry on"

"Out of all the people to hop on to the treadmill next to me it was Ruby Flint. My ex from ages ago who is just an absolute nightmare" he huffed.

"Sooo basically you were having a romantic gym date with your ex and decided you had to tell me right away?" Harley joked.

"Trust me when I say I would rather go on a date with Trump himself then that girl. She is honestly a bain to life"

"Hold up I think there's a juicy story in in for right now" Harley sat up and rubbed her palms together. She loved a bit of gossip and weirdly she wasn't jealous one bit about Phil half spending his morning with an ex.

"There is a juicy story babe. Are you ready?" Phil had now sat up. The pair were childish in their own way and gossip seemed to be just as enduring to Phil as it was Harley.

"Ready as i'll ever be. babe" she mocked him earning a poke to the side.

After a small play fight full of laughter and Harley trying to act stern while being tickled Phil began to enlighten Harley on the 'fame hungry whore' also known and Ruby.

"She sounds delightful" Harley had laughed her tone laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways you packed yet?" Phil questioned cocking his head to the side.

"Yep. All done" She clapped her hands and opened up her suitcase ready for Phil's judgement. He simply rolled his eyes and gestured for permission to which Harley playfully rolled her eyes and let him get on.

"First of all. I see folding isn't your strong point"

Harley replied by throwing a pillow at him giggling away at herself and Phil went on re packing her whole suitcase throwing in a couple of whistles and furrowed brows at her underwear and outfit choices.

So guys apologies for the slightly boring filler chapters. Mykonos '2021' is finally about to start. I can't wait for the group to be back together again and to see real character development. Also more Harley and Phil time. Anyways thanks for reading everyone make sure to leave comments!

Ruby Flint. Remember the name👀

That Manchester girlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora