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I woke up from a long nap and heard snoring but not from behind me but in front. I slowly opened my eyes revealing I was face to face with Declan and soon realised everyone else had already left. I was a little disappointed it was Dec i was left with and not Phil but I just sat up and grabbed my phone revealing it was 3:45pm meaning i still had a lot of time considering dinner wasn't till 6. I took a video of Dec snoring away trying so hard not to wake him with my laughter.


~video of Dec snoring~
how did i end up being left with him😂🙄

lovely video Harls want me to come save you?

yes plssss x

end of text

Shortly after there was a knock at the door which I opened revealing Phil and Jack. I looked at Phil and he mouthed 'he insisted' I just smiled and Phil followed Jack into the room. Jack woke Declan up without scaring the living day lights out of him for once "come on your boyfriend will be waiting for you" he said as he escorted Declan out of the room laughing at his own comment but surprisingly leaving Phil and Harley alone shutting the door behind him.

Phil looked just as confused as I did for a second before he picked me up and twirled me around in some sort of romantic way before squeezing my cheeks and smashing his lips onto mine. The kiss was slow and i felt him smile into it as did I. It was one of them moments where a couple of minutes felt like hours.

We sat down on the edge of the bed as I rested my head on Phils shoulder taking in his scent reminiscing the moment we just shared. "Harley" Phil stated breaking the comfortable silence.

"yes Phil?" i said looking up at him.

"I feel like we should know more about eachother, like backgrounds and favourite things because i feel like i know you so well already but can't help but think about all the stuff i don't"

"Ok well I was born in Birmingham on the 7th of august 2002 I lived with my mam dad and Jack until our parents split up and Dad took me with him to Manchester when i was 5 and Jack was 13. We were really close despite the age gap from what my father has told me, he says he adored me and always wanted to take me to the local park to play football with him" I giggled at the last part knowing that I now have no clue when it comes to football.

"So that's why we didn't really know much about you then? Do you still stay in contact with your mum? How come Jack stayed with your mum and you moved to Manny?" Phil was full of questions. Questions no one cared to ask her and she wasn't sure how ti take it. But she trusted him and it's time she spoke to someone about the truth. I sat up to face him ready to unfold a lot of built up sadness/anger.

"Well i've never spoken to this about anyone but i trust you and think it's time". I smiled knowing this would be a lot for him to take in. "The truth is my mam loved Jack a lot more than she did me, she always used to say openly how she knew Jack was going somewhere with his life and she believed he had it all together which meant she spent little to no time on me. It always happened when Jack wasn't around to hear or see it. He was and still is oblivious to it all. When our parents split up she knew she wanted to keep Jack around but had no intention of keeping me. My dad moved to manchester as that was where his job was based so it would have been much easier for him. He knew what my mam was like towards me so he agreed I should go with him which broke Jacks heart but he knew he couldn't do anything about it being a 13 year old boy. From then we were separated only contacting over facetime and eventually text as i got older and had my own phone. Once Jack joined aston villa he started coming down to Manchester to see us when he wasn't busy with football and training so it was very rare" I let out a big sigh eventually and Phil just stared at me with a sympathetic tear in his eyes.

"Oh Harls" he said pulling me into a huge bear hug obviously speechless taking in every word I just said.

We sat there for a while in a silence every so often Phil wiping a tear away from his face before he held his hand to my chin forcing me to look at him. Obviously expecting to see a broken face yet i never shed a single tear. He looked confused.

"I've learned to live with it. I don't cry over it anymore I am over it, i've never contacted her since my father told me the whole story and I am not planning on ever speaking to her again" I explained as the twinkle came back in Phil's eye.

"The fact you can sit here and explain that to someone without shedding a tear shows a lot about you as a person Harls, you've grown so much and you are stronger than ever without her" he smiled still taken a back by the story.

"It was a long time ago and I don't need that negativity in my life i'm happy with my dad and even happier to be here spending time with Jack. Thank you for listening to that it felt good to get it all out"

He pulled me into another hug resting is chin on the top of my head "I will always listen to you" he exclaimed and we just sat there for a while in silence.

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