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"How do you feel now?" I said still sympathy in my tone.

"So much better now Harls. I want to help her get through this you know. I do care about her and I do love her I'm just not in love with her" he said he clearly felt bad for the way he was treating her but he thought it was best. He couldn't still be with her pretending they had something romantic when they just didn't.

"That's good then Jack and that baby is gonna be lucky enough to have their parents as such good friends" I smiled at him returning one back.

"Wanna go get some food I'm starving now" Jack said rubbing his belly I agreed and we went down to the canteen where all of the other boys were.

We joined our usual table and I had totally forgotten about earlier with Mason until now. And by the looks of things Phil had only just remembered too as he kept sending death stares towards Mason. It was obvious the whole time we ate Phil was biting his tongue. I knew he was jealous but he seems to be a lot more than I had thought.

After we all ate I wanted to talk to him so I stood up and asked him to come outside with me. Surprisingly no one questioned it not even Jack. We walked out to the benches next to the training pitches and the whole way there Phil was being so blunt. I knew he wasn't angry at me but I wish he wouldn't be like this. For some reason it was actually annoying me. I hadn't done anything wrong.

"What is up with you?"I said quite sternly.

"Nothing" he said looking at the floor.

"Are you gonna tell me whats wrong Phil or not" I was getting stressed out now.

"Harley nothing is wrong" he said still not looking up at me.

"Ok well I'm going back inside then" I said and stood up form the bench. Why was he being like this. For one there was clearly something wrong and two it couldn't have been me because I hadn't done anything.

"Wait please don't go" he said finally looking up at me. "Sit back down please Harls" he said and I joined him in the bench.

"Are you gonna actually tell me what's wrong this time Phil?"

"Well Harls" he looked scared.

"Well what?" I said confused.

"I have feelings for you Harls. Madly already. I know I have only known you for a week but I know that I like you. That's why it hurts so much seeing Mason flirt with you and I can't even say anything" he said now looking at me into the eyes.

For some reason I couldn't say anything back to him. Instead I just grabbed his face and kissed him. I can't begin to explain how happy I am with what Phil just said. And I had also caught feelings for him. The kiss lasted for around five minutes until I pulled away. Phil had a huge grin on his face and this put a smile on mine too.

"Incase you didn't take the hint I have feelings for you too Phil" I said smiling.

We traded smiles and headed back inside I joined the boys and Gareth pulled Phil away for a chat.

Phils POV

I was sat in Gareth's office waiting for him to speak.

"So Phil physio have spoken to me today and they believe your ankle has almost fully healed. With that being said we have booked you to go get some tests form some proper specialists which hopefully comes back to say you can play again." He said to me with a smile.

"That's amazing thanks so much Gareth hopefully I can get back to training as soon as." I said with a smile beaming.

"Yeah hopefully Phil. The only bad part is that you would have to to be there for 3 days for them to run the tests meaning you would be away from everyone" he said.

I really didn't want to leave Harls for 3 days but if I do this then I can get back to my game.

"Actually Phil I wouldn't want you to be alone so maybe I could arrange for Harley to come with you as long as she doesn't mind. I see you guys are good friends and she can keep you company" he smiled again. 3 days away with just me and Harley!!! That would be absolutely amazing.

"Are you sure Gareth wouldn't you have to pay for extra accommodation and stuff" I tried to play it cool but I was over the moon for our little trip away together even if it was for my ankle.

"Don't worry about that Phil as long as Harley is ok with it" he said.

"Yeah are you gonna ask her?" I hoped it would be Gareth and it also meant that Jack wouldn't actually be able to object against it.

"Yes of course Phil" Gareth said.

"Ok thanks Gareth" I smiled and we left the office.

Harleys POV

Phil and Gareth walked back into the canteen and Phil had a beaming smile on his face.

"Harley can I speak to you please" Gareth asked and I followed him to just outside the doors.

"So Harley we have received good news on Phils injury and he has to go see a specialist for a few days to make sure he can get back to training early. He has to stay at a hotel for 3 days meaning he would be alone. Would you mind staying with him with all accommodation paid for?" Gareth asked. I was able to go stay in a hotel alone with PHIL! I had to hide how exited I was and act chill about the situation and I guess that the fact Gareth asked me meant Jack couldn't really say no.

"Are you sure Gareth. Of course I will go with him but I don't want you to put you through all that trouble" I said.

"You two are both the same. Don't worry about it Harley I need my star player back so thank you and don't worry I will be the one to break it to Jack" he laughed and we joined the lads back in the canteen.

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