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"You know we really need to get you two a whole new villa" Dec stated and pointed his fork towards Harley and Phil.

"I fully agree with you mate" Jack stated shaking his head.

"I'll third that" Ben added. Amelia nodding along with him.

"Shut up you lot we go home tomorrow night anyways" Phil shook his head laughing.

"Yeah and we all want a good nights sleep before we board the plane" Dec argued.

"We're going out for the day anyways so enjoy the peace" Phil smirked.

"Nice of you to let us know" Jack stated sarcastically.

"Sorry Jack, did the 'please confirm whether or not i'm allowed to go leave the villa with Phil' text not come through" Harley stated causing everyone to laugh except Jack who just rolled his eyes.

"Anyways if yous will exuse me I need to go take a shower" Harley stood from the table.

Phil quickly standing up too. "Yeah me too. We need a shower" he said laughing sending a wink towards Dec who just rolled his eyes.

Once showered and dressed the pair said their goodbyes and left the villa. They were now just walking towards the harbour where they had planned a chilled boat trip.

"It's nice to get out away from everyone innit" Phil said.

"Yeah. Although i think they're more pleased than us" they both laughed.

"I'm actually quite upset we're leaving tomorrow" Phil stuck his pet lip out.

"Me too"

They arrived at the yacht and it was beautiful. Harley eyes lit up the moment she saw it and she stepped onto it stroking the railing like she was in a movie scene. Phil slipped out his phone and took a candid photo of the moment. He couldn't help himself.

There was a little picnic basket set up for them on the front of the boat filled with appetisers and a bottle of champagne.

"So much for a chilled day" they both laughed Phil holding up the bottle.

They laid out in the sun, Harley feeding Phil grapes once again looking like a scene from a movie.

"Do you know what I was thinking last night" Harley stated and Phil swivelled so he could listen.


"How much had happened in the past few months. Like I was so lucky to be able to join you lot in camp. The whole euros was an unforgettable experience. And the one thing Jack told me was forbidden I went and did it anyways" she shrugged.

"Well you did me if that's what you mean" Phil wiggled his eyebrows causing the pair to laugh. "But yeah it's mad"

"I'm really enjoying this. Us" The pair smiled brightly at one another.

"Well come on then you softie let's crack open this bottle shall we" Phil said and they laughed together and he popped the cork.

The nibbles went down nicely with the glasses of champagne that turned into three bottles for the pair. They were too lot in the moment to realise how much they had drank. They were watching the sun set with Phils arm draped over Harleys shoulder the other pouring the liquid into their mouths in turns.

"I'm gutted we leave tomorrow Harls" Phil slurs.

"Me too but i'm ready to have the boys out of our business" she giggles. Harley is also drunk just not as much as Phil.

"Babe. They are never gonna be out of our business" he pulls her in and they laugh. It is true, with that group there is no way anyone can keep anything private. Although the pair had done very well up until now.

The boat arrived back at shore and and Phil could hear the music blaring out from the strip. He was currently begging Harley if they could just go straight in to which she objected because she wanted to get changed and it was their last night so she wanted to spend it with everyone else too.

After going back and forth Harley settled on letting the boys know where they were and to meet them as soon as possible.

Phil and Harley were another three rounds in when the boys arrived. They had saved a booth which was being guarded by bouncers as more and more people started to recognise the two earlier. They had ice buckets filled with all kinds of spirits and mixers and as the rest of the boys reached the booth Harley's and Phil were up on the seat dancing and giggling at each others drunken state.

Usually Jack would just laugh and shake his head at them and Dec would pass them more and more drinks because it was funny. However this time they got two drinks each and joined the pair upon the seats all dancing away together.

Phil and Ben were now sat together on one side of the booth talking about Harley and Amelia.

"I really love her you know bro" Phil told him.

"I can tell Phil. She is so so happy" Ben replied.

"What's the crack with you and Amelia then?"

"Well she actually lives in Pourtsmouth so she's not too far away from me. We're gonna meet up when we're back see what it's like outside of a holiday environment and if all's well i'm gonna make it official" Ben shrugged.

"What? Your going to make her your girlfriend?" Phil almost spat his drink out.

"Keep it down. And well yeah not exactly the day we get back but i'm not dragging it out"

"Do you think i've waited too long?" Phil asked more quietly. He was doubting himself now. They loved each other and they had said that. They obviously weren't looking for anyone else. Why hadn't he already asked her

"Nah mate. But I do think your scared"

"Scared of what. I'm not scared of commitment if that's what you mean" Phil seemed to be offended by the statement.

"Nah mate. Your scared you'll fuck it up. Like you'll ask her at the wrong time or won't say everything you want to" Ben put a reassuring arm over Phils shoulder.

They sat in silence as Phil thought about what Ben had said. Maybe he was scared to fuck it up, he could have asked her today in the boat. No they were drunk and Harley doesn't like things to be a big deal. He could have asked her at any point on this holiday but it's never felt the right time.

Without realising Phil was now staring at Harley, not a cold stare, a stare that feels like if you do take your eyes off of them they will disappear.

A very upbeat r n b remix came blaring through the speakers. Harley had dragged Amelia up onto the chairs and they began to dance very seductively together. Ben and Phil shared a look and Ben spoke up.

"Is this really happening?" he just about managed without drooling.

"Bro" is all Phil could manage. He didn't take his eyes off her.

The girls noticed the pair staring at them and shared a look as they started to slowly walk over. As if the dj knew what was about to happen he put on another track with the same vibe and the girls began to dance for their men.

It became a bit of a messy show for Harley and Phil. His hands were grabbing and exploring all over her body as she swayed her hips and grinded over him. He was getting a little too worked up and forgetting where they were. Just before the song finished Harley nibbled on his earlobe and began to kiss him. It wasn't intended to be a long kiss but Phil kept it going as he moved her over his length gripping onto her hips.

She felt how hard he was. But she wanted to tease him that was the whole point in the little dance. She pulled away from the kiss holding Phils lip between her teeth. She was about to get off as he stood up keeping hold of her and headed for the toilets. As they left the booth they heard and array of cheers from the rest of the group.

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