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There was a loud knock at the door and Harley was startled awake.

"Harls" she smiled at his voice.

"Come in"

"Hey you" he smirked walking towards the bed.

"I didn't even know i was asleep Phil" Harley laughed as Phil crawled on top of her. He kissed her slowly stroking her hair.

"You must have been tired babe" he shrugged climbing in the bed next to her.

"I can't believe Dec knows" she face palmed. "It feels more real now you get me?"

Phil giggled at her.


"You talk so much like Jack without the brummie"

"shut up" she shoved him playfully.

"Anyways, sneaking around was fun while it lasted though wasn't it?"

"I guess. I feel like we need to tell Jack before the holidays over" she sighed.

"Harls I don't think we need to tell him anything. I swear he's onto us"

"Yeah your right" she nuzzled her head into his chest. "I can't wait for a drink" she giggled.

"Well I can" he laughed down to her.

Downstairs Jack, Dec and Mase were sat on the edge of the pool dangling their feet.

"What time are we heading out?" Mase asked.

"I dunno bro best give Harley a three hour warning" Jack laughed.

"Can't lie i'm ready for a night out lads" Dec grinned.

"Yeah bro think I need to slow don't tonight though" Jack laughed rubbing his temples.

"Jack you seriously can't be caving already" Dec basically shouted.

"Yeah. Is something up with you?" Mase was gentler.

"To be honest lads. I feel bad for not inviting sasha but I also don't want her to get the wrong idea you know?" The truth is Jack does love Sasha but he also loves partying in his spare time.

"Jack bro you know she wouldn't have came anyways. She's pregnant" Dec said.

"I know but I could have still asked her to
come you get me?"

"Yeah. Don't worry too much i'm sure she's not moping around about it" Mase placed a comforting arm around his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Your right boys. Anyways where the fuck are them two now?" he laughed.

"Who?" Mase asked.

"Bloody Harley and Phil"

"Oh I think they might be upstairs" Dec replied gulping silently.

"He was on another level last night" Mason laughed.

"Tell me about it he crashed with Harls last night bet she had fun" Jack wiggled his brows. Mason looked at him confused and Dec looked away awkwardly.

"Well lads. I'm gonna give sash a call before we start getting ready" he tapped Decs thigh and left for the villa.

"That was strange" Mase turned to face Dec.

"Yeah" he looked down again.

"Bro what's up with you?"

"Nothing bro. Let's go find everyone else"

Dec all of a sudden felt guilty. He was definitely closer to Jack then he was Phil but it wasn't his place to mention anything. He was sure Jack was over his 'off limits' stage and wouldn't be too mad but he also didn't want Jack to be mad at him because he knew and didn't tell him. He felt stuck.

Harley had showered, Phil hadn't even started getting ready he was too busy chatting utter nonsense to her whilst she showered. Ben, Jude and Bukayo were dressed and having their first pre drink in Jude and Bukayos room waiting for Jack to finish his phone call. Dec and Mase were arguing over who was going to be the drunkest and the time was now 5pm.

"Phil will you just go and shower" Harley huffed.

"Fineeeee" He dragged out the word like a stroppy child. "Come here first" He gave her a dramatically long peck on the lips and left the room.

Harley had now finally gotten dressed and done her hair and makeup. She was more than ready to go out and see the boys let loose once again. She was over the worried feeling about Dec knowing and was hoping Jack would be okay when they told him.

 She was over the worried feeling about Dec knowing and was hoping Jack would be okay when they told him

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HarlsGrealishxx: ❤️‍🔥💋👠🥀🌶️

liked by jackgrealish, miadaviesx and 734809 others...

Jackgrealish: i'm guessing your feeling red?
> you got it :)

Declanrice: you forgot one👹

Philfoden: can i borrow that dress👀
> course bae🥹😘

Miadaviesx: stunning as always!

end of post

"How long is he going to be?" Jack complained.

"He's like a woman sometimes" Ben also complained.

"I'm surprised either of you two are ready to be honest the amount of time you both spend on your hair" Harley rolled her eyes.

"It ain't easy been this good looking" Jack smirked and Ben laughed.

Finally Phil had joined the group and they were ready to go. They rode a minibus into town and were settled in the booth of their first club drinks already flowing.

"I'm surprised i'm not already half-cut the amount of pre drinks I had waiting for someone" Ben laughed looking directly at Phil on his last word.

"Listen if I wasn't sharing a bathroom with the most unorganised human I would have been able to find my shit" he jokingly shoved Harley who he was obviously sat next too.

"Forgot you were so OCD" she playfully rolled her eyes. Meanwhile Jack was beaming at the pair.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am planning on getting to Phils level tonight!" Dec exclaimed causing Phil to sheepishly grin and look down.

"Yeah Harls i've heard you were stuck with him last night" Mason laughed.

"Yep. Thanks for that guys" she playfully rolled her eyes and Phil winked at Dec unsubtly.

Everyone was on cloud nine this holiday and the boys had certainly let loose already. If you told Harley this time last year that she would be here right now she would have laughed in your face and told you 'i'd be happy just to spend a holiday with Jack to be honest'. But now she couldn't be happier she's made friends for life, she was spending quality time with her brother and she had met Phil. Who she was definitely falling for.

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