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Everyone was in the sea now except Jack and Harley.

"No Jack I don't think you understand I seriously can't do it" she exclaimed.

"Harls just close your eyes and jump"

"Fine" so she did. Her eyes were closed and as she was about to open them again Jack gave her a light push followed by a very loud scream from Harley.

As she came back to the top of the water to shout at Jack he dived in himself. He stayed down for longer trying to hide form the scolding he was about to get. However when Jack lifted his head Harley was in Phils arms just laughing away at something he must of said. When he looked at them together he was genuinely happy. His best friend and his sister were just glowing when around each other and he just couldn't be selfish and dislike it. It was still weird to him but so would seeing his little sister with any boy. At least he knew Phil and had a lot of trust in him already. He never ever wanted to hear what he did the night before though and that was for sure.

No one lasted long in the sea and Harley was complaining that she was becoming 'too sober' so they all returned to the top of the boat.

The image was beautiful the sun was setting and the group were sat around in the seats watching passing a couple of champagne bottles around. Without them even realising the photographer had crept up and took a few very good snaps of them. It will be a great memory for each of them to hold forever.

"This really is the life" Harley came out with before taking a drug out of the champagne bottle.

"I agree sis" Jack replied as he was passed the bottle also mirroring her action.

"How on earth is he asleep?" she giggled looking at Phil who's grip slowly started to loosen fork her waist as he drifted off.

"I think it's all caught up with him. None of them can drink like us" he shrugged laughing.

"I would say I can. But i'm fucked mate" Dec slurred from not too far away.

"Yeah me too" Mase also slurred from next to Dec.

Ben, Amelia, Madders, Bukayo and Jude had gotten off the boat when it first arrived back to land and followed the rest of the party including Amelia's friends off the strip. Harley and Jack didn't fancy it, Mase and Dec couldn't make it and Phil, well he was fast asleep.

"I actually kind of love you two together you know Harls" Jack said.

"Really?" she questioned.

"Yeah you guys are weirdly such a perfect match"

"He is perfect Jack. I love." Harley quickly covered her mouth.

"Harley. It's okay. I know" Jack smiled at her.

"I really want to tell him and it's obvious he feels the same but it's just hard isn't it?"

"It's only hard if you make it complicated" he shrugged and she really thought about that one deeply as she let out a long breath and had another swig of champagne.

She did love him. It wasn't the drink talking it was just the truth. She knew she would end up in love with him back at camp. It all sounds really cringe but she felt the vibe with them so quickly but she is also pleased they have taken things at a good pace. She thinks the moment she realised was when she seen him with her dad. Once he'd met her father it was game over he was stuck with her whether he wanted to be or not. All jokes aside that was the deal breaker for her. For no reason at all Harley felt like it had to be Phil to say it first. She couldn't bring herself to do it. She peered down at him fast asleep against her and just smiled. Everything was perfect.

The five eventually made it back to the villa and after the long day everyone was exhausted. Except Harley. Who was complaining she still had loads of energy. She was told she was just drunk and it would be best to get some sleep.

Her and Phil were tucked into bed chatting away about life. Phil was telling Harley all about his childhood and how surreal it actually felt moving up from a mascot to a first team player. He told her about all the windows he had put through with a football and how many he'd lost in the garden of the 'evil old lady' across the road. Harley was almost in tears laughing at the stories he told her. Harley told Phil all about Mia and things they'd done together which gained them the nickname 'double trouble'. He had told her that he would have to meet her best friend one day soon and how he wanted her to meet his non-football best friend Fin.

"I want us to do a lot more together when we're back Harls. Especially before the season starts"

"Yeah me too. Maybe not so much too public yet though"

"I agree. I love the fans but I hate the nosy people and the paparazzi"

"For real. At least we both know a lot of
places in Manchester" she smiled brightly.

" I still can't believe we've never crossed paths" Phil shrugged.

"Nah i reckon we have and just didn't know it"

"Maybe. I'm sure I would have noticed you though" Phil wiggled his brows and laughed.

"Shut up you" Harley said and reached up to kiss him.

Phil turned away jokingly earning a light slap on the chest from Harley.

"Come here then you" he cupped her jaw and guided her lips to his.

They laid and spoke for a little while longer and Harley started to yawn.

"I told you you'd be tired" he poked her.

"I'm not tired just bored of hearing your voice" she poked him back.

"Right that's enough of this i'm going to stay with Jack tonight" Phil pretended to huff and let go of her.

"Oh please like you'd leave me" she smiled and turned to spoon him.

"Shut up. And fuck this i'm not being little spoon turn around babe" they got into a comfortable position.

"Goodnight Phil"

"Goodnight beautiful. I love you"

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