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"Sooo are you exited to go shopping?" I asked Phil.

"Yeah so exited Harls" he said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

It was kinda funny how he didn't want to go shopping but was still coming just for me. We got a taxi and Phil held my hand the whole way into the quiet town. There were good shops here but it was hidden so there wasn't really anyone around who would notice Phil and certainly no paparazzi. When we got out of the taxi the first place we went was the JD. Phil said there was no point in coming shopping if he wasn't gonna get something for himself. So he picked up some t shirts and some shorts and a new tracksuit. He also picked up some trainers and told me he had an obsession with busying new trainers I just laughed at him. Next we went into a dress shop. There was a gorgeous dark blue silky slim fit dress with spaghetti straps. I automatically fell in love with the dress. Phil was looking at me looking at the dress and looked like he didn't agree with me on this dress.

"What's wrong do you not like it Phil?"

"Oh no the dress is beautiful Harls but don't you think it's a bit short" he laughed.

"I don't think it's too bad let me try it on"

I put the dress on and fell in love with it even more. It wasn't too short but I think it would be too Phil. I walked out of the changing room to show him and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Harls you look amazing" he said with a smile.

"Thank you. Do you approve now?"

"Well I don't want the other lads seeing you in a dress that short Harley" he said and looked down. Him being like this made him even more hot. I walked over to him and gave him a peck and he smiled.

"Phil the only boy I'm interested in is you" I gave him a reassuring smile.

He kissed me again before I got changed back into my clothes and we went in a couple more shops and I'd picked up a white bag white shoes and some earrings and on the way for some food we passed the Tiffany shop.

"Can we please go in here Phil. Last one I promise I just want to look" I pulled puppy dog eyes and he smiled and grabbed my hand dragging me into the shop.

Everything in this shop was beautiful. All of the jewellery sparkled under the white lights of the shop. One necklace stood out. It was the typical heart type any necklace but it had a little diamond heart on the bottom I ran over to it dragging Phil with me.

"Isn't this just beautiful Phil" I asked.

He didn't reply but he shouted someone over and I wondered what he was doing.

"Can I have one of these please?" He asked the woman.

"No Phil it's ok you don't have to" I said.

He put his finger on my lips. "Shh I want to" he smirked and gave me a peck.

I had a grin form ear to ear walking to the restaurant hand in hand with Phil and the beautiful necklace on my neck. We got to a restaurant and ordered our drinks and ordered our food.

"Thank you so much Phil for the necklace you really didn't have to" I honestly couldn't keep a smile off my face.

"Don't worry about it Harls I wanted to" he smiled also.

"Today hasn't been that bad then has it?" I asked laughing.

"I guess it wasn't too bad" he rolled his eyes and I kicked him under the table.

We just talked and ate our food and we were both really tired. Phil called us a taxi home as it was already 5pm. He held his hand on my thigh this time all the way home and when we arrived Jack and the boys were waiting in the lounge.

We walked in with all of our bags and joined them. I flipped straight onto the couch next to Jack as I was exhausted from the days shopping.

"So how was it?" Jack said.

"She's not too bad mate" Phil said nudging me and laughing.

"Did you get an outfit then Harls?" Jack asked.

"Yeah and your not seeing it till Saturday" I smirked.

"Oh come on that's what we're all waiting for" Saka said.

"You guys will all have to wait" I smiled so smug of myself.

We all sat in the longer for abit just hanging out and then someone walked through the door. It was Ben. Oh I had missed him a lot he was like another brother to me.

"BEN" I shouted and ran and jumper into his arms.

"Orite kidda, haven't seen you in ages" he said back putting me down.

"Ben mate" Jack came over and bro hugged him and everyone else flooded over greeting Ben back. Even Phil although he looked like a blood vessel was gonna pop in his head. I guess he was intimidated by my friendship with Ben but he needs to know there is certainly no feelings between us I've always just seen Ben as another brother.

Phil looked like he was gonna storm out the room again but he looked at me first and I mouthed to him 'it's ok please stay' he seemed to calm down and then he sat back down in his seat.

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