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There was a short silence now throughout the house. Harley still looking down at her feet. Phil looking everywhere in the room except at the two. And her father thinking of what to say next. Eventually the silence broke and Harley looked up to see her dad looking at her with a knowing smile.

"Ok well i will make sure to not mention it. Is he the only one who doesn't know?" he asked.

"Well John knows but only because he heard- only because we accidentally slipped up" she says quickly twisting her words.

"Well as long as he won't be the last to know I think he will be fine. I will make sure to talk sense into him if he isn't" he smiled again. All three were just smiling now in a comfortable silence.

"And anyways. John as in John Stones" her dad exclaimed getting a little excited.

"Yeah, you would love them all dad they are amazing" she grinned. They hadn't actually spoken about her trip until now. She went straight upstairs when she had gotten back and sat within her own thoughts.

"Is the Declan and Mason bromance but how it seems?" he asked with a chuckle.

"It's worse dad" she laughed "But they are the funniest pair you'll ever meet. Like twit and twat"

"I will have to meet them all at some point. After all I am Jacks cool dad" he laughed running a hand through his hair in an attempt to look 'cool' .

"I'm sure they would love to meet you dad" she smiled.

"Anyway I won't keep you two any longer. go on go upstairs" he was shooting then away "i'm gonna tell Jack who I just met" he said excitedly.

"Dad" she looked at him sternly.

"I'm just kidding" he laughed "Now go on, be gone" he shooed them away again and they both left for the stairs laughing at her father.

Harley lead Phil down the landing and inky her room. She could tell by his face he was inspecting every inch as he headed over to the bed. He flopped down next to her and swiftly picked her up so she was straddling him.

"God i've missed you" he said before pulling her down and kissing her slowly and gently.

When they broke away she just smiled down at him. "i've missed you too. But enough of soppy Phil now. I'm not going anywhere and you know it" she smirked. She did love being soppy sometimes. He was cute. But she can't help but love the cocky, confident version of him so much more.

"I know you aren't" he smirks " I know where you live now" he says and tickled her sides.

"How flattering" she playfully rolls her eyes.

He leans in for another kiss and this time it becomes heated. Phil stood before it gets too far, he was very respectful of peoples homes and weirdly enough this was her fathers home too. He was also awake and kicking about so it just wouldn't be fair.

Harley slides off his lap and sits up next to him with crossed legs. He sits up and mirrors her movement so they were now facing each other.

"I think we need to talk" Phil had very quickly turned so serious. It almost worried her.

"Yeah we do" she lightly smiled.

"We are obviously both attracted to eachother yeah?" he says she nods in agreement.

"But I can't do this anymore" he states. Her heart skips a beat. What the fuck did he mean?

Before she has time to reply he places his hands on her shoulders. "Relax. I do not mean let's stop this I just think we need to move forward, you know?" the heartbeat was back. And she couldn't help but laugh slightly. The nerves leaving her body.

"I agree. God i was worried there for a second Phil" she shrugs.

"So basically what i'm trying to say is what are we? what do we call this?" he asks pointing at himself and then her insinuating what he was talking about.

"I don't know Phil. I really don't know" she shrugs.

"Are we seeing eachother? Dating? Courting?" they both giggled at the last part.

"Yeah is day we're dating Phil. As long as that's what you want" she smiles towards him.

"Yep. Dating. That's what's going on here" he leans forwards and softly kisses her on the lips before repeating himself again. 'dating'

"Why do I feel like there's more to this then your leading on?" she questions.

"Well I wanted to tell my family you know, about you. And we'd never really had the conversation of what we are. And well i hoped we were on the same page of it being pretty serious but i still had to check before i went around boasting about it. And also i wasn't gonna tell my family oh yeah 'i'm shagging get' because i knew that wasn't what this is" he finally lets out a breath. She just smiled at him which is all the reassurance he needed that they were on the same page and it was totally ok for him to start telling people.

"We have one minor problem tho Phil" she looked down.

"We don't have to worry about that yet Harls. And i'll be honest don't you think it's fun sneaking around" he wiggled his brows towards her his face plastered with a cheeky grin.

"I mean. Yeah it is" she smiled and kissed him eagerly.

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