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Jack, Harley and Phil arrived at their fathers early hours in the morning and all headed off straight to bed. Phil was the first to wake up and he was starving. He never put a single bite of food past his mouth the day before and it was safe to say it had taken its toll.

He got out of bed careful not to wake Harley and on his way to the toilet he could smell the most delicious scent coming form the kitchen. He popped his head into Jacks room to see him also flat out asleep. He decided upon himself to go downstairs and see what was cooking.

"You alright son?" Dave smiled as he entered the kitchen.

"Yeah i'm good" he yawned. "how are you?"

"I'm all good thought i'd make yous all breakfast. I'm guessing them two are still asleep?"

"Yeah" Phil laughed scratching the back of his head.

"Lazy gits they are. Well are you hungry?"

"I'm starving" Phil said.

The two men sat and enjoyed a large breakfast. Phil started to feel more comfortable around Dave the more they spoke. Dave was a father figure to anyone in his children's life he just thought that's the way it should be and it was a plus that he really liked him. He liked Phil as his sons best friend and as his daughters, well whatever they called it these days, and that made Phil feel a lot more at ease.

After questions, laughs and a very delicious breakfast the siblings were still yet to have appeared. They decided to let them sleep a little longer and went off to the living room to watch the TV.

Jack woke not long after. He groaned his way across the landing half asleep and made his way downstairs. He strolled into the living room plonked himself on the couch and stated.

"I'm starving"

"Yeah good morning to you to" Dave replied and Phil chuckled.

Jack sat for a while slowly coming to senses and fully waking up.

"How long have yous been sat down here?" he asked.

"I've been down about an hour lad" Phil replied.

Jack nodded and the room went silent. No one was deep in thought. It wasn't awkward. Truth was noone needed to talk. So they didn't. And the three men went ok to watch the Tv in silence.

Harley woke up to her phone booming through her ears. She squinted her eyes to see Mia was facetiming her. She answered.

"Heyyy gir- were you asleep?"

"mhm" harley grunted.

"What the hell what time did you fly in?"

"I can't remember, was early hours tho" she shrugged.

"Oh well. Get up I want a catchupppp"

Harleys door opened and Phil strutted in the room wearing only a towel around his waist. "Morning you" He said before he flopped on top of her and buried his head into her chest. Obvious to the fact she was on the phone.

"Erm" Mia said and smiled. She was pleased to know she was in fact correct in her thoughts and there was a boy on the scene.

Phil's head shot up and he stared directly
towards Mia through the phone and then looked up at Harley.

"Phil this is Mia my bestfriend"

"Oh hey nice to meet you" he smiled and flopped his head back down.

"You too" Mia giggled before smiling curiously at Harley.

"Anyways what time do you wanna meet up?" Harley asked.

Phil's head shot up again. "Where you going?" he asked her.

"If your busy we can meet up another-" Mia was interrupted.

"I'm not busy" Harley stated matter of factly.

"Okayyyyy- Pop me a message and we'll sort it"

"Okay bye girl"

"byeee" they blew kisses to eachother and ended the phone.

Phil mumbled into Harley's chest. "Where are you going?" moodily.

"Is someone in a mood" Harley laughed and patted his back. He shook his head.

"mhm. Well to answer your question i don't actually know where we're going"

"That's because your not" he muttered.


"You heard me"

"I am going"





He began to laugh into her chest.

"What's funny?"

He lifted his head and was staring directly into her eyes. "Just the fact you think i'm joking" he stated.

Harley chose not to respond. She just shook her head and smirked. She was going to meet up with Mia today especially now she had some explaining to do.

The pair laid together in silence for a few minutes and eventually Harley rose from her bed. While she went for a shower Phil actually got dressed and went to Jacks room. He barely spoke two words to Jack and just listened to him ramble off about random stuff as Jack does adding in a 'yeah bro' and 'mhm' here and there.

"What is wrong with you?" Jack laughed at Phils grumpy face.

"Nothing" he shrugged.

"Yeah yeah" Jack teased. "Yous haven't been arguing have you?" he turned serious.

"What? No- I'm just- It doesn't matter i'm fine" He stuttered.

"So then what's happened because your fuming bro?" Jack was puzzled.

"I'm not fuming" Phil looked down.

"Just tell me"

"Well I just wanted to chill out today with her bro but she's going out" he huffed.

"Bro you can still stay here you know. We are friends" Jack said in a duh tone.

"Yeah but like- Okay"

Jack just shook his head laughing. That boy had fallen so hard for his sister that he couldn't spend a minute without her. The softie.

After twenty thousand hugs and kisses Harley had made it out of the house without Phil. She was going to miss him but she was only gonna be a couple of hours. To say the pair were obsessed with each other would be a huge understatement. It wasn't a bad thing though they just got each other, they clicked on the first day of being around one another and a beautiful love had blossomed since. You'd think it was impossible for Phil to fall for that girl harder than he already had but everyday he proved himself wrong. He'd never seen himself want to be so intimate with someone and share deep feelings with. The truth was after all this time he'd actually just never been in love. Real raw love. He'd thought he was with Ruby. He'd had teenage flings in school that he'd believed he shared love with. But this was different and he liked it. He Loved it.

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