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I stormed down the corridor straight towards my room and then I heard her voice.

"Phil. Phil wait"

Her voice calmed me quite abit and I stood at the door waiting till she was behind me and then slammed it open and stormed into my room leaving it open expecting her to follow. She just stood there looking at me but didn't enter.

"You coming in Harls" I said trying to soften my voice.

A smile appeared on her face and she came in shutting the door behind her. She was actually so hot and it managed to turn all of my anger into passion. I just needed her. 
I knew it was too soon for sex even though I wanted her so badly but a kiss couldn't hurt. I mean we had already kissed twice. So I walked over to her and picked her up so she had her legs wrapped around my waist.

I smashed my lips onto hers once again and the firework that was there both the other times was still their. She made me exited and sparks fly between us when we are around each other. All the passion and adrenaline from my anger was put into that kiss and it turned into a harsh make out. I walked over towards the door and slammed her back against it trying to not hurt her. I held her ass with one hand and the back of her head with the other all her hair wrapped in between my fingers. I then moved over to the bed throwing her down on it and kissing her again. I stood back from the kiss and removed my clothes leaving my Calvin's on show which she clearly liked by the way she looked down at it then back up to my face and smirked. I looked down at her legs and back to her for permission as she nodded. I removed her leggings to reveal that black thong form earlier, if I wasn't hard enough before then I certainly was now. I kissed her again and it was becoming to much. I didn't want to stop but I knew fucking her right now wouldn't be right. I gave her one last peck and then flopped onto my bed next to her.

She turned to face me "So what was wrong Phil?" She said breaking the long silence but she was clearly still out of breath.

Harleys POV

I now needed to find out why he stormed out in the first place I wanted to know if he was ok. So I asked him when I finally caught my breath slightly.

"Well Declan just called you sexy and well you are but I wanted to be the one calling you that not fucking him!" He replied I could feel the anger easing back up into him as he spoke about it. It was so sexy when he swore. I propped myself up slightly on his pillows and opened my arms signalling for him to cuddle in.

He was laid with his head on my boobs and was clearly enjoying it I could see the smirk on his face. The hug was starting to calm him back down.

"Relax Phil, I guess I only care about it when it comes from your mouth" I smiled reassuring him that even though it had only been 2 days I wasn't really interested in anyone else.

He took a sigh of relief and relaxed even more and I'm guessing he was pleased that I basically told him that he was the only one I was interested in.

We got under the covers and cuddled back up and we both fell asleep in Phils bed.

Phils POV

I woke up in the same boring room as every other day but today it felt different.I was cuddled into Harley. Looking at her lying there fast asleep was so cute and actually filled my heart with a little warmth. I can't believe I have only known this girl 3 days and I already feel this way. It's not love... yet. But what was harder to belive is that the girl making me feel like this is my best mates sister.

I knew I had to get up and get dressed to meet the boys for breakfast or else the suspicions would be high because I never ever slept in. Even though I just wanted to stay here all day cuddled in with her I knew I couldn't. I got up trying to not wake her from her peaceful sleep. I got in the shower got dressed and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. It would have been nice to give her a proper good morning kiss but there's still time for that.

I went down to the canteen and joined the boys at the table with my breakfast. Jack looked really stressed out.

"What's up Jack mate?" I asked.

"Harley still isn't awake and when I knocked on her door she didn't answer" he said literally panting out of breath as if he'd just came from a match.

"Relax bro she's probably just asleep don't worry too much" I said laughing at him.

"Do you know where she is Phil?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Jack for god sake. Yeah probably in her room asleep now chill out will ya" I said and I laughed at him once again.

Harleys POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar yet so familiar room. I seen the photos and Man City stuff dotted around and soon realised it was Phils. I can't believe I fell asleep in his bed that could have been one of the most stupidest things I've done.
Phil wasn't in his bed and I couldn't hear the shower so I'm guessing he already left. That maybe was a good thing which would also stop any suspicions from Jack. Hopefully. I got up and put my leggings on before sneaking back to my room.

I got myself a shower did my hair and put on a fresh pair of leggings and another one of Jacks training shirts. He gave me 3 so I always had one to wear. I pulled my bike socks right up and put on some trainers and quickly put on some perfume.
I looked like a right chav today but I didn't really care I was comfy.

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