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The three made it outside, Phil practically dragging Harley out as fast as he could. Harley could sense that he felt really tense. Something wasn't right and who on earth was this girl? she thought.

"So how's life Phillip?" the girl started.

"What the fuck do you want?" Phil replied through gritted teeth. Harley wasn't expecting that, however it didn't come as a shock to the other girl.

"Ouch, what's up with you?" she held her hand against her heart dramatically.

"Listen, you know I don't want to speak to you and you have no fucking right following me outside. We aren't friends Ruby" He was raising his voice now. That's when it hit her that this was Ruby as in Phil's ex girlfriend Ruby. Harley would normally interject hearing any man raise his voice to a woman but she felt she understood there was reason behind this one.

"Why Phil? Why don't you want to speak to me? You left me and still act cold with me like you never broke my heart!" Ruby shouted back at him. Although she never looked upset more so just annoyed and very very intoxicated.

"I'm not even having this conversation. We both know the truth and to be honest with you I don't care in the slightest about any of it. And I am certainly not going to stand here and argue with you about my past whilst i'm trying to get some fresh air with the girl i'm seeing" Phil was shouting now. Harley didn't know what to do. He was holding Harley close to him and in a way she felt like she was grounding him from letting his complete anger and frustration out.

"Ohhhh. So now you've finally got someone else to put up with your shit you want nothing to do with me" Ruby was screaming now. A tear slipping from her eye.

"I've wanted not a thing to do with you since i left you two years ago and we both know that. And now i'm wasting my time even listening to your bullshit. So if you'd politely fuck off and leave us alone" he was cut off.

"No you don't talk to me like that. And i'm pleased she is seeing the real you Phil. I loved you and you just left me" The girl was sobbing now. Pointing her fingers towards Harley as she stated her point.

Phil looked like he wanted to linch at the girl and take her head potentially clean off of her shoulders. Obviously he was never lay his hands on a woman but the thought clearly ran through his mind. He had a debate with himself in his head. If he stormed away now the conversation would finally end but he couldn't leave Harley standing there. If he replied they would keep going back in circles which was pointless to him and certainly nothing Harley needed to witness.

Instead he calmly asked Harley to go back inside and gave her a peck letting her know he wouldn't be too long. Then took one glance at Ruby who was now in pieces crying dramatically which Phil had seen countless times before. She was always dramatic turning the water works on easily for people to feel bad for her. But he knew what she was like. That's why he turned in his heel and before walking away he spoke bluntly back at her.

"Bye Ruby. Leave me alone and leave my close ones alone too. You do you and i'll do me. Stay out of my life" she went to reply but he cut her off.

"And in all offence fuck off" he said and stroked up the street to sit himself on a bench and calm down.

When Harley reached the table without Phil Jack instantly stood up questioning if everything was alright. They obviously heard commotion outside but never thought it would be them. Jacks panic mode kicked in. Although Harley just burst out into laughter. She couldn't help it, she had just stood in complete shock for a couple of minutes watching some drunken idiot argue with the boy she was seeing. It was mad for her in all honesty.

After the whole table just stared at Harley in confusion she eventually came back round and explained the situation briefly. Stating that the girl is Phil's ex from a couple of years ago who just wanted to be with him for fame and that she just screamed in his face a load of nonsense that Harley didn't really take too much notice of. She told them Phil was really angry and he'd sent her inside while he went to calm himself down but she's a little worried that he's wandering around in the mood he was in.

The boys assured her that they'd only seen him angry a couple of times and that he likes to take time to himself or calm with a loved one. Harley felt hurt at that statement slightly. Jack noticed and instantly let her know that her and Phil are still new and he will be worrying about what she's thinking about him and that's why he's went off alone.

"Yeah don't worry Harls. To be honest the only time we've even heard him mention the girl was when we were having a conversation about ex's and he even told us then he doesn't even think of her as an ex because that's someone you used to love and nothing they shared could even be classed as love" Dec told her warmly.

"To be honest i'm not even upset at all. I'm just worried about him being off alone" she just wanted to see him. Right on queue he rang her phone to which she answered instantly excusing herself from the table.


'Hi babe' he sounded less annoyed she thought.

'Are you alright Phil?'

'I'm fine. Are you alright? I'm so sorry about that Harley'

'Phil don't be stupid. I'm absolutely fine but where are you?'

'I'm just walking back now. I found a bench not too far away and gave myself a time out' he was laughing now. Harley was relieved.

'Okay we'll hurry up and get back'

'Okay, see you soon. I love you'

'I love you Phil'

The call ended and Phil returned five minutes after stating he never wanted to return to that bar ever again. Whilst walking towards the strip, Harley and Phil walking together with Phil's arm draped over Harley's shoulder Jack joined them, "I'm not even gonna ask bro" Jack said and the three through their heads back with laughter.

They all went out into the strip and enjoyed their night. The situation from earlier not even being brought up becasue muse truthfully Phil didn't care one bit. The only reason he got so angry was because Harley had to be there to witness it and hear everything the girl was saying. As soon as she mentioned Harley something sparked in him and that's when he seen red.

Whilst sitting on the bench calming himself down all Phil could think about was that he wished he could have named Harley as his girlfriend. He knows he needs to ask her and he knows it doesn't need to be a big deal. With that in mind once reaching the villa early hours in the morning, the group highly intoxicated, Phil truly let out his built up anger in other ways once they reached the bedroom. Neither of them even trying to be quiet or mindful of anyone else in the villa or in fact anyone else in Mykonos.

That Manchester girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora