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"Oh my god. I. Knew. It!" Declan exclaimed.

Phil quickly dived under the covers next to Harley and pulled it over her breasts. Harley was shell shocked, one she didn't know how to react in this situation and, two she was still flustered.

"Knocking not something you do Dec?" Phil questioned through gritted teeth.

"I thought I heard something. And i knew it" Dec had a huge smile on his face. A proud smile you could say.

"You knew what?" Phil questioned a smug look on his face. Harley had her head hidden into Phils chest.

"You two. Now i know it's been so obvious since camp"

"Bro don't mention it please. We're gonna tell Jack soon, when the time is right" Phil replied. He wasn't going to try and hide it. He had feelings for the girl and he sort of did want the boys to know. Only so they would stay away from her.

"Don't worry secret is safe with me" He imitated zipping his lips closed. "But you two flirt all the time it's obvious"

"Can't help myself bro" Phil tightened his arm that was wrapped around her and winked towards Declan.

"Well i'll let you two get back to- yeah bye" Dec said before he left the room closing the door behind him.

Harley lifted her head and looked towards Phil before they both burst into laughter.

"Oh my god that was so awkward" Harley cringed.

"Well that was on way to find out" Phil shrugged laughing.

The pair got comfortable and fell asleep not long after. Both internally cursing Dec for ruining the mood.

Harley was first to wake up so she decided to slide out of bed and take a shower. She had showered, put on a bikini and did her hair and Phil was still fast asleep. She took herself downstairs and it seemed the whole villa was still fast asleep.

Whilst Harley was catching the rays outside Jack had woken up with a terrible hangover. All he was craving was one of Harley's amazing smoothies so he took himself to her room.

He knocked once. No reply.

He knocked again. No reply.

He was about to try one last time before the door swung open and behind it was a half-naked grumpy Phil.

"What the fuck?" was all he could say.

"Huh?" Phil questioned still half asleep.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Jack questioned gesturing towards Harleys bedroom.

Shit. "Relax bro we weren't tired so we had a few more drinks in here. I must of fell asleep" Phil shrugged. One thing he wasn't good at was making excuses. "Plus I don't even think she stayed with me she's not here now"

Jacks stern look turned softer. "I was only joking mate" he patted Phil on the shoulder.

"Oh yeah" Phil awkwardly laughed.

"Anyways i'm gonna find Harls. You look like you need a shower" he laughed and headed downstairs.

Harley was relaxing when she felt a cloud over the sun. She opened her eyes and the 'cloud' seemed to be Jack.

"Do you mind?" she questioned closing her eyes again.

"I'm in need of one of your magic smoothies" he groaned.

"Ugh fine. Come on then you can help" he helped her off the lounger and they both slumped into the kitchen.

She had starting getting the things out ready and Jack just kept moaning on like a child.

"Jack all you've got to do is chop some fruit. I'm not asking you for much" she almost growled.

"I don't know how big you want them. Or small for that matter" he shrugged absolutely clueless.

"Oh. My. God. Jack! THEY'RE GOING TO BE BLENDER!" she shouted. He jumped at her raising her voice. He laughed at her.

"Someone not get much sleep?" he raised an eyebrow at her. She looked back at him with a confused look. "Just chop the fruits Jack" she shook her head and he did as he was told.

The pair were now back to relaxing with a smoothie at hand.

"Honestly Harls. These are amazing you know"

"Oh i know" she smiled smugly.

"Anyways. Where did you sleep last night?" he cocked his eyebrow towards her but she wasn't looking at him.

"In my bed?"

"Interesting" Jack mumbled into his straw.

"What?" She pulled her sunglasses down and was now facing him.

"Nothing" he shrugged and as the word came out Phil started walking towards them from inside causing Jack to smirk.

Everyone started to appear at this point. Every single one of them moaning about being so hungover.

"If you lot are this bad after a night in I might book myself somewhere else to stay" Harley stated as they were now all sat around the table eating breakfast.

"We all know that's never gonna happen" Jack laughed and gave Dec a certain look.

"You just watch" she huffed.

When breakfast was over everyone dispersed themselves around the villa. Harley found herself awkwardly bumping into Dec on the landing upstairs.

"You alright?"

"Yeah" she smiled politely.

"Harls" he put an arm out to stop her walking past. "You know i'm not gonna mention it right?"

"I know it's just a little awkward innit?" she giggled and he laughed in return.

"Nothing I ain't seen before with these lads"

Harley raised a brow at him.

"Don't worry. Not Phil" he laughed again. "Anyways can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead" she sighed. "But let's go in here" she signalled to her room and they sat on the edge of her bed.


"I just wanna know when this started. I have my guess but i could be wrong" he shrugged. "You don't have to tell me by the way"

"No no it's fine. Everyone's deserves the truth at some point" she laughed nervously. "But when do you think?"

"My guess is you liked eachother at camp and met up when we got back?"

Harley burst out laughing.
"Well we have met a few times outside of camp but we actually kissed on the second day" she looked down smiling.

"No way!" Decs jaw was on the floor. "How have you two managed to sneak around this long?"

"Well funny you say that. John heard us- well yeah John knows" Harley looked down again now embarrassed.

"I'll stop pestering you with questions now. Also i'm happy for you both. Seriously." Dec smiled and stood up from the bed.

"Wait. Do you think Jack is onto us. He's acting. Strange?"

"He's definitely onto something I can tell. But don't worry my lips are sealed" he smiled and left the room causing Harley to dramatically collapse backwards onto her bed. A million thoughts running through her head.

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