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Night fell oddly fast on the island of Mykonos and the sun had almost set. The group had planned to have a few drinks in tonight before the real party started the following day. Three rounds in and it started to look like less of a chill night then they had hoped.

Music was playing, drinks were flowing, Jacks iconic dance moves were out, Jude was being rinsed by the lads for having a drink and Harley and Phil stayed far away from each other. Well as far as they could in the same room.

Phil had tried to stay close to Jack knowing it was his safest option to not try it on with Harley. Unfortunately for him it ended in him becoming very drunk very fast. Phil wasn't a shy person but he was very closed off however tonight he was up on the table dancing to a cheesy 90s clubland playlist with a drink in each hand. Harley just laughed at him from below as he sang most songs directly to her.

Dec plopped himself onto the couch next to Harley. They'd both had there fair share of drinks and were certainly feeling the alcohol just maybe not as much as Jack and Phil. Dec was feeling ballsy and wanted to confirm the thoughts spinning through his mind. He placed a hand gently, almost in a friendly way, on to Harley's thigh while she told him about her dad being obsessed with his and Masons friendship.

Throughout the conversation Dec kept glancing behind Harley towards Phil and so far nothing. Until he scanned the room again and made uncomfortable eye contact with Phil. Maybe his suspicions were correct. Phil looked like he had seen red. He stormed over unsubtly and asked Harley if her seat was taken.

"Well yes Phil I am sat in it?" she laughed confused.

He did nothing more then lift her up, place himself onto the seat and then carefully place Harley on his lap. In a quick motion eyes on Declan the entire time. Phil thought to himself. Surely if Dec was suspicious he wouldn't have just tried it on with her. However he couldn't have been more wrong because Decs thoughts were exactly that if something was going on Phil would react in this way to a slight harmless flirt with Harley.

So it is true. I am right. Them two must be a thing. Dec thought to himself. Almost proud he was the first one to guess.

Harley stared between the boys during the uncomfortable silence. It looked as if Phil was shouting at Dec and he was just laughing back in response, literally through eye contact. She knew Phil had good eye contact but not Dec too. It was as if a million words were shared between them without even speaking. Was it just a footballer thing?

Phil had started to draw circles on the small of Harley's back once they were back into conversation. He kept looking up at her and smirking, his eyes talking pure filth. Dec observed as he pretended to be interested in why Phil thought only single people should be actors. Yes. He still hasn't shut up about this.

Jack fumbled over like he was about to rip Phil's head clean off of his body. The three watched him carefully as he made a B line for them in a rather fast approach. When he was at the foot of the sofa he looked down at Harley and Phil and furrowed a brow at the pair. Harley was about to exit Phil's lap when he gripped his arms around her waist holding her down. Phil was drunk and lost all sense of where they were and who with. Harley was his and that was that all he cared about in this moment. No one would change that. Even Jack. Harley swallowed deeply at the action then Jack turned his face to Dec and gestured towards the pair.

"Look at these two" he slurred with a drunken smile. "Like bloody brother and sister" he then stated. The pair shuffled awkwardly and offered Jack as much as a smile as they could. And Dec, well he burst into a fit of laughter.

The group had now dispersed from the sofa and Phil and Harley were left alone in the kitchen. The villa however was open plan and Harley was sat upon the counter watching Phil attempt to make some form of cocktail whilst the other boys were dotted around in conversation. Phil was on another level of drunk that Harley had never seen. Yet he was still managing to stand up himself and make himself a drink.

"Try this babe" Phil bounced towards her almost throwing the drink at her in the process. She took the glass from his hand and had a sip. The drink hit her tastebuds first and then a sweet and sour mix hit her afterwards. It was actually really good.

"Oh my god, Phil this is actually really good" she took another sip. He sent her a wink with the cheesiest grin upon his face as he was handed back his 'cocktail'.

The group rejoined and they were all up dancing and singing along to the music. They all felt free, for the boys this was like a well earned break after their hard work, and for Harley this was nice a break away with the people she'd grew to love.

By 1am everyone was in bed. Except Phil who was strutting around Harleys room still singing and dancing. She was laid in bed just laughing at the scenes in front of her, every so often reminding Phil he needed to be quiet as he was going to wake up the whole villa.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Phil stuck his pet lip out in a poor attempt to look cute.
She just replied by laughing harder at his facial expression.

Phil walked towards the foot of the bed and gave Harley a seductive look up and down. He crawled up the bed towards her, his eyes not leaving hers. Once he reached the top he hovered over her and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

"You looked good tonight" he almost whispered sending butterflies straight to her stomach.

Before she could reply his lips met hers. It was a tense sloppy kiss that they had both needed all night. Heat started to rise between her legs as she felt Phil start to harden against her. She pulled at the hem of his shirt and he pulled away for only a second to rip it off.

The pair were now down to underwear and the kiss had turned needy. Clothes scattered around the floor and hands roaming each others bodies, Harley let out a soft moan into the kiss as Phil pressured his groin between her legs letting her feel how ready he was.

Phil started to draw circles down her body getting closer and closer to where she needed him most. Just as he reached the lining of her thong the door flew open.

"I knew it!"

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