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JackGrealish: my bro is back⚽️💙Liked by Philfoden, Masonmount, HarlsGrealishxx and 2839372 others

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JackGrealish: my bro is back⚽️💙
Liked by Philfoden, Masonmount, HarlsGrealishxx and 2839372 others...

PhilFoden: baller💙
EnglandFootballTeam: welcome back to the game phil👏🏽
Harlsgrealishxx: 🏳️‍🌈?
>Masonmount: AHAHAH
>declanrice: literally.
User1: love this friendship❤️
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Jacks POV

Now Phil is back the squad is finally complete in preparation for our first game. Training is over for the day so we all go to the pool to cool off and prepare him for his first day back tomorrow. Even though we are all so happy at the fact Phil is finally allowed back training I can't help but think I'm the back of my mind what went on, on the little trip they went on. I trust Phil and I know it won't be bad but what did they do surely they didn't just sit in separate rooms the whole time they were away.

Phils POV

We are stood around the pitches and everyone is buzzing for me as I can finally join back in with the team. Mason suggests we go to the pool and for once everyone agrees with something coming from his mouth.

Looking at Jack I can tell there's something on his mind and I think I know exactly what it's about. Realistically when he does find out about me and Harley it's gonna hit him hard I genuinely feel he will be a lot more upset than he will be angry. And I hate it but I know that when he does find out and has chance to calm down he will be happy for us. He has the best bond with his sister and he just wants to protect her so I just hope if I can prove I would never hurt her then he will be able to accept us ever being together.

Harley's POV

I'm in my room deciding on which bikini I'm going to put in for the pool. The only reason I'm having a hard time deciding is because I want to impress Phil but I also want it to be 'acceptable' according to Jack. I decide on a simple navy blue bikini which isn't over revealing and has bits of gold on it. I try it on and it's perfect, for some reason Phil loves to see me in blue and it only shows what a bikini is supposed to really do Jack surely can't complain although if he had it his way I would probably be wearing a skuba diving suit.

After a long time of sorting myself out and braiding my hair I eventually arrive at the pool. All the boys are acting like total children playing with all the stuff put out for them and Mase and Dec are just flirting like usual. They are the first to spot me and they start flapping around splashing me and we all just burst into laughter as I jump into the pool catching the attention of the rest of the boys.

"What took you so long?" Jack said swimming over to us.

"Trying to find a bikini worth your approval mr over protective" I splashed him and we all just laughed.

Phil swam close to me catching me off guard and whispered in my ear. "What if I don't approve of this bikini?". Sending shivers down my spine followed by him swimming away and splashing me ruining the little moment.

"PHIL FODEN" i screamed and a he laughed to himself quickly swimming as far away as he could as fast as he could high fiving Jack as he passed him.

"I declare a war. Phil get on Jacks shoulders and Harls get on mine" Dec shouted.

We did as he said and came face to face. Phil winked at me as we held onto eachothers shoulders. "You ready?".

"Born ready" i smirked as we started flapping around trying to push eachother down into the water. Phil was obviously a lot stronger than me but I had a strategy i was sure would throw him off. I held onto his shoulder still and looked him dead in the eye smirking upwards fluttering my eyelashes. He returned with a smirk slightly loosening his grip and just as i thought it had worked he gave me a shove and i went flying off Decs shoulders straight into the pool.

I lifted up out of the water and Jack was bouncing around both him and Phil cheering as if they just scored a goal and as much as i am a sore loser i just had to laugh.

We all played around in the pool for at least an hour before i had the random urge to go for a nap. I had tired myself out trying to keep up with a room of professional footballers. "I'm gonna go have a shower and a nap before dinner tonight guys" i said climbing out of the pool reaching for my towel.

"Ok then lazy see you at dinner" Jack said swimming to the edge of the pool Phil and Dec following him shortly before Mase followed to. Phil furrowed his brow at me as if he was asking me with his eyes 'what about me?' I just giggled and took myself into the corridor.

After my long 'pamper' shower i blow dried my hair moisturised and done some skin care. Feeling refreshed i slipped into some pyjamas before hearing a knock at the door. I groaned and slowly opened the door. Dec, Jack, Mase and Phil all booked into my room also showered holding pillows and blankets diving onto my bed. "We also wanted a nap and you have the biggest room" Dec exclaimed as they got into a formation on my bed leaving a space in the middle between Dec and Phil patting it for me to climb in. I rolled my eyes and joined the boys under the blanket for our nap 'sleepover'.

I had just started drifting off as i felt Phils arm wrap around my waist and whisper into my ear "this was the only way i could get do this without Jack on my case" as he snuggled his head into my neck. I drifted off just after him with a grin on my face.

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