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Harley arrived at the little cafe and Mia was already sat at the booth with two iced coffees waiting for her. The small cottage themed cafe was a place Mia and Harley often visited for a weekly catch up since leaving school. They always sat in the same booth which was in the corner almost hidden away and had a green velvet covering on the seats and a solid oak coffee table in-front.

When Mia saw Harley walk in she stood up with the hugest grin on her face. Of course she wasn't mad she was so happy to see her bestie again. Harley ran up to her and engulfed her in a tight squeeze. Almost strangling the petite brunette.

"Harley oh my god, i've missed you so much!" Mia exclaimed as they took their seats.

"I've missed you too. How have you been?" Harley asked her taking a sip of her coffee.

"Amazing I actually watched every single game Harls. Football is a lot more interesting than i thought"

"That's good. Yeah i guess it is. I wish you could have been there to watch the atmosphere was amazing" Harley was beaming. She really had missed her best friend.

"I would love to go and watch a match. But anyways how's things been with you? Did you make any friends?"

"It was so good honestly. And yes I made a lot of friends the boys are all so lovely and tbh eh are really funny too" she giggled.

"I can imagine. They're all very handsome too"

"Well they are pretty good looking yeah. But honestly Mia you would love them all they're all so kind and very energetic" she jokingly rolled her eyes thinking about the way Mase and Dec would constantly be messing around and laughing together. She actually missed them.

"I would love too Harls. Honestly i'd be pretty nervous but they seem lovely i'm pleased you've made some friends" Mia was just so genuine and that's what everyone loved about her. She couldn't be more happier right now then seeing the smile on her bestfriends face when she spoke about her new friends.

"I can arrange that Mimi don't you worry" Harley poked the top of her nose playfully. That was just something they did.

The girls chatted away for the next hour. Mia telling Harley what she had been getting up to and filling her in on the latest gossip around her work place. Mia worked in a primary school just outside of Manchester and ever since she started the girls could not get over the things teachers get up too outside of the school. Harley told stories about the boys and explained that she went with Phil whilst he went for his physio but she missed out the part that her and Phil were in fact seeing each other. She didn't know how to bring it up.

After their coffee and catch-up the pair decided to go shopping. Mia helping Harley pick out some new bits to take with her to Mykonos the following Wednesday. Harley had promised to arrange something for Mia to meet all of the boys once she was back and even offered her to join them in Mykonos which was politely declined.

What Harley didn't know is that Mia could tell there was something different with her and she thought she may have pinpointed exactly what that was. A boy. Mia knew Harley like the back of her hand and when a boy was on her mind she had this aura around her. The kind you get when you have a crush in school. Mia just guessed that Harley would tell her when she was ready and she just couldn't wait to tell her she already had an inkling.

The pair shopped until they quite literally dropped. They said their goodbyes and Harley trudged along the pathways back to her house with her million bags. When she got home he flipped onto the sofa where her father was intently watching a true crime documentary.

"Hard day?" he questioned laughing at his daughters dramatic actions.

"Yes. I've shopped all day long I don't think I can leave this couch forever" she grunted hand wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Would you like a refreshing glass of lemonade?" Dave asked. In the summer they had fresh lemonade shipped over from America. So extra I know but they had both loved it too much when they visited one summer when Harley was a child.

"Oh my god yes please" she finally
lifted her head up. "And can we please watch something else" she fake groaned. Harley was terrified of anything to do with true crime. It gave her an awful feeling every time which was hard considering it was one of her dads favourite things to watch.

The rest of her night was pretty boring she packed up her new things ready for Mykonos, put on some candles and watched a series before sharing a few messaged with Phil and drifting off to sleep.

Phils POV

Phil had woken up at 6am this morning and took himself to the gym. He wasn't sure what had possessed him with this idea during his time off. But Phil just never gave himself a break. Being injured whilst at camp before the games had set him back a little and overall he just hated to rest. No wonder he was even injured he never took a break. Ever.

When he got there he just put his headphones in and spent half an hour doing a light jog on the treadmill. He was one of the only people there so he could just get on without interruptions. Since buying his own house at the end of 2020 he had plans to have his own gym built in the back garden however he was yet to have that sorted.

However. With who appeared on the treadmill next to him he cursed himself for not having it already done.

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