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"Is it safe to bring out breakfast?" Mase shouted from inside the villa.

"Yep. All safe" Jack laughed.

"Hurry up bro I'm starving" Dec shouted too.

Now the group were all sat around the table sharing breakfast. There was a slightly awkward tension around the table. Harley still hadn't spoken a word. She kept trying to catch a glance from Jack but he wasn't looking at her. She wanted to work out how he was truly feeling.

Overall everyone sat and ate in silence the odd bit of small talk was the only conversation. When they had finished Harley and Phil were nominated to wash up.

Whilst Harley was washing the dishes and Phil was just stood watching, Jack joined them in the kitchen.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hey" the pair smiled back in sync.

"Phil can I talk to Harls a sec please?" he asked.

"Yeah sure i'll be outside yeah" he replied and left the pair alone.

"Jack. I'm sorry" she looked at him sympathetically.

"Harley don't. This isn't what I came to talk to you about" he scratched the back of his neck anxiously.

"Ok what's up?" she asked him drying off her hands.

"Sasha" he stated.

She went and sat up in the counter top next to where he was stood.

"What's up Jack?"

"I really wanna see her"

"What do you mean. Like right now?"

"Yeah like right now. I kind of miss her"


"Yeah and I like miss miss her. I miss us" he shrugged.

"If that's how you feel Jack you need to talk to her. I know she's take you back in a heartbeat but you need to be sure this is what you want. You can't hurt her again"

"I know and that's the thing. Last night when we were at the club I was just looking around something clicked inside me. Like I don't need other girls to make me happy. I just need Sasha and our baby" he looked really upset.

"Wait till you get home and take her out for lunch. Tell her how you feel and everything you just told me. That will make her feel good Jack. I can tell you really like her and i'm happy you want to give things another go"

"Harley. I love her. I always have I was just scared of being in a relationship. But i'm so excited for the baby to arrive and I really like the idea of a family. She's the only girl i'd want to start a family with"

"And that's lovely Jack as long as your ready then you need to tell her. I promise you she will give you another chance but you need to keep her happy this time. Especially now she is pregnant"

"Your right. I want to make her as happy as Phil makes you"

Harley gave him a smile.

"And I know he makes you happy that's why i'm not as mad. I'm not gonna lie to you I don't like the idea of it at all. But I think I kind of get it."

"Jack I didn't expect you to be as accepting as you are. I feel so relieved that your even speaking to me right now." she sighed with relief and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Harls your my little sister. I could never stop speaking to you over your choice of men. And for the record i'd rather Phil than someone like Dec" he laughed and shook his head.

"Me too Jack. Me too" she laughed.

"Can I ask you something though?"

"Sure" she was a little worried what he was about to ask.

"Does dad know?"

"Yeah. He had a fan moment when Phil first came over" she giggled.

"I thought he was acting strange recently" Jack laughed and this time his smile reached his eyes. He seemed genuinely happy.

For the first time in Harleys life she felt complete. She had Phil. She had Jack. She had the boys and she had her dad. And that's all that mattered right in the moment. She hoped that Jack would finally grow up and give Sasha what she wanted and he finally had. Things were looking up for the brother and sister and now it was time to enjoy the rest of their holiday with no secrets.

Her and Jack headed outside to join the rest. Dec and Ben filled in the rest of the boys ok what had happened and all heads turned towards the two as they walked outside.

"Friends?" Dec just had to ask.

"Friends" Jack smiled putting an arm around Harleys shoulder. "Don't turn soft on me Phil" he laughed pointing towards him.

"Never bro. Also now you lot know, I won't be needing my room" Phil smiled as they all sat around the pool.

Dec and Ben gave each other a look and Jack just rolled his eyes and laughed bro hugging Phil. "Like you were ever gonna use it anyways"

"So does this mean Jack gets to shag your cousin Phil?" Ben joked.

"No way!" Phil laughed.

"Don't worry boys. No more women for me. I've got Sash" Jack beamed towards Harley.

"Finally!" everyone cheered. They didn't all know the story of Jack and Sasha but little did Harley know the only thing Jack seemed to speak about in the changing rooms was Sasha. And all the boys knew he would end up with her one day.

After a day of lazing around the pool everyone started slowly dropping off to their rooms for a nap. Harley, Phil, Amelia and Ben were left.

"Are you coming out with us tonight Amelia?" Harley asked. The two girls were sat on the sun loungers while the boys were in the pool.

"If you guys don't mind Ben said i could" she smiled.

"Of course not it's nice for another girl to be around here"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Do you think he might like me or do you reckon i'll be sent back to my own hotel by tomorrow?" The brunette awkwardly laughed.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. With Ben you would usually be gone by now. There must be something in you he doesn't want to let go of" Harley shrugged.

"Ok that's good. I feel a spark with him you know"

"He does seem very happy to have you around Amelia. As am I" Harley smiled.

Phil and Harley left not long afterwards and headed to their room. After a short power nap they were sat out on the balcony eating watermelon in their towels. Phil insisted on sharing a shower with Harley and it didn't take long for Harley to be up against the cold tiles.

"Today went well" she smiled at him.

"It doesn't feel real. I thought Jack was going to give me a right hook at one point" he laughed.

"I knew he was onto us. We aren't good at being sneaky are we?"

"Nope. I can't help myself around you Harls"

They sat and chatted for a while before it was time to get ready.

a/n- I went to the game yesterday at the Etihad. Was amazing!!

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