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Jacks POV

Harley and Phil had both been gone for quite a while and I'm not gonna lie I was starting to worry.

"Your sister must be really enjoying foden" Deccers laughed and Mason laughed aswell. Why do they think this they are literally just friends. Aren't they?

"What the fuck did you just say about my sister?" I sternly replied. I'm not gonna lie I was being dramatic but the thought of my best friend and my sister just made me feel sick. It just couldn't happen and I don't think either of them would. Me and Harls have a close bond and she knows I don't want her sleeping with any of my friends. And Phil is my best mate so why would he even want to fuck my sister. Ew. I wish they would just hurry up.

"Alright lads" Phil said coming back and without Harley. I took a sigh of relief.

"So how was it?" Mase said nudging Dec and they laughed. All they ever did was laugh at each other's jokes even when they are not funny.

Phils POV

"Do you really wanna know about my shit Mason?" I furrowed my brow at them but then laughed. I had to make this as inauspicious as I could. It wouldn't be as bad for me if Jack found out because he would forgive me but Harley and him have a really close bond and I don't think he could forgive her. "Where's Harley?" I asked clearly knowing where she was.

"I'm here Phil, did you miss me that much" she laughed walking into the canteen and actually managing to make me blush. Also yeah I might have only left her room about 5 minutes ago but I did already start to miss her.

"Don't make me blush Harley" I jokingly played it off especially as Jack was literally there watching our every move.

"Oh I'm sorry about that" she replied laughing.

Harleys POV

Fake flirting with Phil for some reason didn't make me feel guilty even though Jack is literally sat there. I love Jack so much and he is the best brother but I just wish he wasn't so protective. I knew he wasn't doing this for himself he was just trying to protect me but I'm getting older now and I don't need his protection. Also he should trust Phil considering they are best friends like obviously I'm not in love with Phil I'm just attracted right now but I can't seem to keep him out my mind already and now we had shared a kiss I know it's not going to be any easier. I'm not saying that we are just a fling because maybe there could be something eventually but also I'm not saying there definitely will be and maybe this could all just be a fling.

I was clearly alone in my thoughts not listening to the boys conversation and I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. It was Jack.

"Harls we're all going to up to play fifa and then going to bed are you coming up" he said.

"Well I have nothing better to do so sure" I replied.

"We're not that bad Harley we might even let you have a go" Mase said thinking it would be funny watching her try and play.

"I would be careful what your offering Mase she's a boss at the game. Hate to admit it but she batters me every time we play" Jack laughed and also looked a little embarrassed.

Mason and Dec looked shocked by what Jack had just said but it looked like it shocked Phil even more. He genuinely looked hot and flustered as though he was gonna pass out and I coodnt help but find it cute.

Phils POV

We were in Masons room all playing fifa and it was now Harleys turn to play against me. Watching her be so passionate about the game and absolutely smash them all at it like a bad bitch was so sexy. The adrenaline from watching them play and just her in general turned me on so much. I don't think I could even concentrate on my game I just wanted to fuck her so hard there and then. Obviously I had to fight the urge and play the game even though it felt almost impossible.

We're halfway through the game and it a 2-2 she really was boss at fifa. I was determined to beat her because that's what I was used to. The only people who it was ever a tough battle with was these 3 Jack, Dec and Mase. She'd already battered all them at the game and with literally one minute left she scored winning me 3-2. If it was anyone else I'd probably have jokingly thrown my controller at them but with her it was so different I just wanted to take her to my room and give her the best sex of her life. But once again really struggling I resisted the urge and just high fived her.

"That was sexy" Declan said with his jaw literally on the floor. I can't believe he's just called her that. I wanted to rip his fucking head off but then I remembered. I couldn't actually do anything about it. Which made me more angry, I wanted to be the one calling her sexy not fucking him! My jaw was clenched and I couldn't relax myself. Harley picked up on it straight away but I couldn't look at her when I was like this.

"What the fuck Dec, I beat you at fifa all the time you don't call me sexy?" Jack said and for some reason laughed it off and pretended to wipe drool from Declan's chin.

This made Mason and Declan laugh because obviously whatever one was doing the other had to do. It made me even more mad than I was that Jack just laughed it off like it was nothing I couldn't actually take it anymore so like an idiot I stormed out slamming the door behind me.

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