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Lucky for them they had their own assigned bathroom away from the public.

It was a race for time one Phil had locked the door. He roughly placed her on the counter and started to remove all items of his clothing while muttering.

"Did you think you were gonna get away with that little tease babe?" his voice sounded like utter dirt.

Once his clothes were removed and his pulsating cock was in eyesight Harley swallowed. Hard.

He returned to her and instantly started stroking her through her bikini bottoms. "Did ya Harls?" she nodded. "Words babe, don't act innocent now" he curled his fingers around her bottoms and pulled them off with no effort. "Yes Phil" she managed through a moan. He slid a finger into her and started to kiss her neck. Her bikini cover and bikini top were now removed and he was kneading her breasts. He was groaning against her sending shivers down her spine.

"Fuck" he spat. "No foreplay babe i'm sorry I need to fuck ya now" he looked into her eyes. "Fuck me then" she stared into his eyes with an innocent look on her face.
He picked her up bent her over the counter so she could see them in the mirror. "I want you to see what I see" he smirked while teasing at her entrance. "I want you to see how good I make you feel" he went on. Harley was moaning now already she just needed him.

"Phil please" she pleaded. "Please what darling?" "Fuck me" Phil tried for another three seconds to tease her before he rammed into her. Truth being he couldn't take it himself. Phil was thrusting up into her with so much force he has to hold her hair to stop her from hitting her head against the mirror. The sounds filling the room were the loud moans form the pair and the slapping of skin together. Phil was already close. He pulled her up so her back was against his chest and he started to kiss her neck and stroke her clit. He couldn't hold it off much longer.

"Please tell me your close babe" he panted into her ear. And with that she let out a huge moan walls convulsing around him and she rode out her high. Phil finally let go and exploded into her as he bit down lightly onto her collar bone. He thrusted a couple more times before stopping completely still whilst inside of her. He looked at them in the mirror. Her cheeks red and the most beautiful post orgasm smile he's ever seen. He had sweat dripping down his forehead and was staring into her eyes through the mirror full of lust.

When he removed himself from her to get cleaned up they both moaned at the sensation. He turned her to him and began to kiss her. At first it was a slow sensual post climax kiss. But then it turned hungry and needy. And once again their moans filled the air as they rode out another climax.

Once returning to the booth everyone was down on the dance floor. The pair got themselves a drink and joined the group and the night went on with more drinks, more dancing and for Harley and Phil a lot more fun.

The villa was full of soreheads in the morning especially Harley. She'd thrown up her insides through the night and was now laid across the end of Jacks bed with a fan pointed directly towards her.

"Ugh. I can't be arsed to get on a plane today" she moaned.

"Well sorry kid but we gotta go" Jack laughed at her. She shot up.


"No. We fly tonight quarter to ten"

"Oh fewww"

"So where's Phil anyways?"


Downstairs Mase, Ben and Dec were discussing the elephant in the room.

"So. When does Amelia fly?" Dec asked.

"Her flights in two days" Ben replied.

"Are you gonna meet up with her?" Mase asked him.


"That's it? Just yeah?" Dec teased.

"Shut up the last people i'm telling anything about yet is you too" Ben laughed.

The rest of the day was spent around the pool for all except Phil who had vomited his insides up and was still laid in bed. The sun started to disappear and it started to dawn on everyone that they were leaving. Harley had been up only an hour before to find Phil fast asleep with a cloth on his head and the fan almost in bed with him. He was about to have a rough flight home.

Whilst Jack was packing his bags Harley laid on his bed and just watched.

"You do realise you've got two suitcases to pack" he smirked at her.

"Ughh don't remind me" she groaned.

She did eventually 'pack' their suitcases, if you could even call throwing everything messily in as quickly as possible packing, and Phil had finally rose from his pit and showered. The hours were counting down until they had to leave and the atmosphere around the villa proved their disappointment.

The group were now packed and ready to go sat around the living room suitcases dotted around waiting for their transport. Phil had fallen asleep once again with his head on Harley's lap as she was stroking his hair.

"You two gonna go official on facey B then or what?" Dec asked.

"Shut up you. We're technically not official anyways" she replied. Although it was obvious they were something and that they were in love Harley still wondered why he hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend yet. It was starting to worry her.

"Well obviously yous are official it just hasn't been stated" Jack offered sensing Harleys mood.

"Yeah especially now you've got the approval of Jacky boy here" Jude ruffled Jacks hair and the room was filled with laughter.

"Yeah" she laughed and then remembered. "Well actually we are official, when my dad was asking what we were Phil had said we are seeing each other if that counts"

"Obviously it counts ya div" Jack laughed.

"Oh well to answer your question Dec. No. It's not going on facebook" she rolled her eyes playfully and they laughed it off.

Whilst patiently waiting small talk fluttered around the living room. Harley looked down at Phil peacefully sleeping and couldn't help but smile. She still found it crazy how she was invited to stay with the whole England squad during the euros and made friends with the whole team. She couldn't get over being close to Jack again after so long being apart ninety-five percent of the time. And most importantly she couldn't believe she had met someone who she was now in love with.


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