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Harley and Phil were the last to wake up. As soon as she opened her eyes her head began to pound. The drink had well and truly come back to haunt her this morning.

"Morning babe" Phil smiled.

"Ugh morning. I don't feel good Phil" she groaned.

"Yeah well you were very drunk last night" he laughed.

"Don't even talk about it. I'm gonna get a shower I feel disgusting" she groaned once again.

Phil gave her a look.

"Not today Phil" she sighed.

"Okay. Well go on smelly. I'll see you downstairs" he tapped her legs.

She crawled out of bed and hopped in the shower.

Phil put on some shorts and joined the group downstairs. They were all sat around the dining table discussing the events of the night before.

"Here he issss" Jack sang as he sat beside him.

"You don't look as bad this morning bro" Mase said.

"Yeah I wasn't too bad last night" Phil replied laughing.

"Where's Harls?" Jack asked him.

"She's gone in the shower. Not doing good this morning" Phil laughed and so did the rest of the group.

"Get up to anything interesting last night?" Jack asked.

"Nope. We were flat out the minute we hit the pillows" Phil laughed awkwardly. Ben and Dec stifled a laugh causing Phil to shoot Dec a look.

"Wait what's funny?" Jack asked clueless.

Ben and Dec looked down and Jack turned his attention to Phil who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyone else have an amazing sleep last night or just me?" Bukayo said trying to lift the awkward tension.

"I did bro these beds are well comfy" Dec said.

"Yeah I might have to buy myself one of those mattresses for home" Phil laughed.

"You've not seen yours yet Phil" Jack teased and this time Ben burst into and awkward laughter.

"Right seriously Ben what is so funny? Have I got something on my face?" Jack looked directly towards Ben. He wasn't getting away with it this time.

"Nothing Jack I think i'm still drunk" Ben laughed again and now Amelia, who had also joined them this morning, also started to laugh.

"Oh I get it. Your shagging my sister aren't you Phil?" Jack turned towards Phil who gulped loudly and started to laugh.

"What you on about bro?"

"You and Harley. What's the crack?" Jack questioned. All of the other boys were watching intently waiting for Jacks expression to turn angry.

"Well-" before he could finish Harley walked into the kitchen. She felt the awkward tension the minute she joined the table.

"What's going on down here?" she laughed.

"Nothing really just asking Phil a few questions" Jack replied and turned back to Phil.

"Breakfast anyone?" Bukayo tried to change the subject again.

"Yes please I need it" Harley giggled.

"Yeah" A few of the other replied and B, Jude and Mase went off into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Right" Jack said getting the attention of Harley, Phil, Dec, Ben and Amelia.

"I feel like everyone here knows something I don't" Jack stated again.

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