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Whilst waiting for Amelia to return to the villa Jack had pulled Phil into the living room for a little chat.

"So, first of all I just want to let you know I am genuinely happy for you and Harls. It's just gonna take me a while to get used to" Jack smiled.

"Thank bro. It really means a lot. You know I was gonna ask for your approval before I did anything but at camp you were so against any of us being with her I just couldn't do it" Phil said.

"Yeah I get it bro. I do wish you came up to me and just told me how you felt. But I definitely wouldn't have been happy about it then" Jack laughed.

"Yeah I guessed that. Some things happen for a reason bro" they both laughed.

"Anyways the reason I actually wanted to talk to you was really to be honest. The reason I didn't want Harley with any of my friends was for selfish reasons. I didn't want to lose any of you. Especially you Phil"

"You haven't lost me bro. Your still my best mate"

"Yes but with you spending time with Harley and having this secret we haven't really been the same"

"I guess it's been hard hiding such a big thing from you but I can promise you now. No more secrets and you'll always be my main lad"

"Good good" Jack joked. "Now that's cleared up I have one more thing"

"Go on"

"You hurt her and there will be problems bro. She's too precious to me and it's family over anything ok."

"Don't worry bro. I wouldn't dream of it" Phil replied. He was actually a little threatened by Jack.

"Good. Now come on you soppy bastard" they laughed and joined the group.

Amelia had returned with her whole suitcase causing Harley and Phil to share a look. By a joint decision they had decided to go for dinner before they went out.

Arriving at a very expensive Italian restaurant Harley felt slightly out of place but when Phil slung his arm around her shoulders and smirked down at her she started to feel at ease.

"It's weird to be like this in front of everyone" Phil whispered into Harleys ear.

"Mate you've always been like that in front of everyone" Dec laughed overhearing him.

"Fair enough" Phil shrugged his shoulders and smirked.

"Just less cringe" Jack added as they got seated. Harley and Phil just laughed.

Everyone enjoyed their food and just had general chit chat with the odd dig thrown in at Phil and Harley here and there. Harley observed Ben and Amelia from across the table. They were laughing and smiling together and Ben would often touch her arm or her hand. It made her happy to see Ben so happy and Amelia seemed like a lovely girl.

Usually Ben was the type to find a girl on a night out, potentially bring her home and if so he would have her out by the next morning. Surprisingly Amelia had stuck around for a second night. She had already gotten on well with most of the group and made a very good impression the night before. If she was gonna be sticking around Harley could definitely get used to it.

The group left the restaurant and headed towards the beachfront where they had heard was a party. As they got closer they could hear the sound of music mixed with people chatting and laughing together. Everyone seemed to be on a high after their nice meal together and the vibe round them was unmatched.

They arrived at the beach party and drinks were already flowing. The music was pumping but Harley started to feel drained. She didn't know if she was just tired or if it was mentally all she knew is that last place she wanted to be right now was here.

"Phil i think i'm gonna head back" she whispered to him while they were sat on one of the daybeds.

"You sure babe. What's up?"

"I'm just not feeling it tonight"

"You want me to come with you?"

"No no. It's fine you could walk me to the taxi though?" she smiled at him as he nodded his head.

Jack watched them and noticed there was something up with his sister. He took himself over to where they were and sat in the edge facing the pair.

"What's up Harls?" he asked.

"I'm just tired i'm gonna head back" she smiled at him.

"I'll come"

"No no it's fine you guys stay here and enjoy your night i'll be ok"

"I already tried to go with her mate. Stubborn isn't she?" phil laughed nudging Harley making them all laugh.

"Nah nah i'll go back with her you enjoy yourself bro" Jack said as he stood up seeing her taxi had arrived.

"You sure i'll go" Phil stood up too.

"Nah i've got her enjoy yourself mate"

"I won't be out too long" Phil said and gave Harley a kiss.

"See you later" she smiled.

"Right that's enough let's go" Jack exclaimed and they all laughed as Harley and Jack walked to the car.

"So you wanna talk about it?" he asked her.

"I think i'm overwhelmed Jack" she sighed and rested her head in the window.

"You get yourself into bed and we can go for breakfast in the morning and talk about it yeah?" he smiled and offered her to cuddle in.

"Thank you Jack. I love you" she smiled and leaned in.

"Love you sis" he smiled back.

To say Phil looked lost without his best friend or Harley was an understatement. He got along with all of the boys but it wasn't the same without the two that were missing. He sat alone basically all night with a few conversations here and there just drinking all that he could. The last thing he remembers from the beach is taking shots with Dec at the bar.

Phil stumbled into Harleys room after being carried up the stairs by Dec and Mase. He seen her there all snuggled up sleeping peacefully and he just couldn't wake her up. Phil wasn't a soppy man at all but when he slipped into the bed and snuggled up behind her he felt something inside of him that he's never experienced before.


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