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"I'm sorry Jack but that has to be the highlight of this holiday so far" Dec said still laughing.

"I don't even want to think about it to be honest bro" Jack shook his head.

"Someone please go up" Mase said also still laughing.

Everyone's heads turned to Jack.

"Nope. No. Never. Don't even think about it"

"Oh come on it makes it more funny bro. And well they are clearly finished" Dec managed to get out between more and more laughter.

"Nope" Jack shook his head again. "Not even happening let's just leave them alone"

Upstairs Phil had just pulled away from Harley leaving her insides feel empty. She has to be honest that was the best sex they'd ever had. In fact the best she'd ever had. The pair showered together and Harley was on drying her hair whilst Phil went them to grab them a drink each.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs the room had gone quiet and all eyes were on him. He checked over his body not so subtly as he was wearing only boxers and then furrowed his brows taking himself to the kitchen. Once retrieving two bottles of water he thought he'd go and say night once again to the boys.

"Alright lads?"

"We're all good how is Harley?" Dec questioned trying not to laugh.

"She's good bro just had a shower" Phil smiled. Everyone was being strange and Jack refused to look him in the eyes.

"You okay bro?" he questioned him.

"Yeah yeah all good. I was actually just about to head up" Jack smiled. He said goodnight to the boys and took himself straight up the stairs.

"What's going on with him?" Phil asked.

"Nothing bro he just said he was tired" Ben shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright. Well night" Phil said and took himself back upstairs.

When he reached the bedroom Harley's eyes lit up at the sight of the cold beverage. He passed her the bottle and they were soon off to sleep.

The next morning flew over and the whole group were on the way to the pier ready for the boat party. No one had mentioned the night before, not even Dec, however Jack couldn't bring himself to look either of the two in the eyes still.

"Anyone else actually buzzing for this?" Dec asked the group.

"I am Dec. I've never been to a boat party before" Harley exclaimed.

"Yeah it's gonna be good this" Jack told everyone.

When they got to the boat it was absolutely huge. There were around 20 people also boarding the boat including Amelia and her friends who Ben had invited. The top of the boat was VIP which this group would be on. Harley didn't want to admit she was actually quite scared of boats although she had told Phil the night before whilst they were in bed. Her plan was to get drunk fast so she wouldn't think about it.

When they got to the top Harley had already requested shots to which she got a funny look from a few of the boys but she just shrugged them off.

"Go hard or go home"

Once the boat set off Harley sat close to Phil and tried to look everywhere but down at the water. She was drinking heavy cocktails already and besides the fear of boats she also just wanted to enjoy herself.

"You really going for it today sis" Jack finally spoke directly towards her for the first time that day.

"Yeah. Want to make the most of the experience" she smiled and put her hand up for help up from the seat. As he helped her up Phil tapped her lightly on the ass causing Jack to let go of her. She flipped back down onto the seat once again frowning up at Jack.

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